I think Susan Estrich is a concern troll who lacks much in the way of principles. but I do agree with her that the long campaign has strengthened Obama. Barack and Michelle have each said at least one thing that will be a pain to explain in the general election, but no one is perfect. Everything in the kitchen sink that Clinton threw at Obama would have come up eventually in the general. That Hillary validated those criticisms will make them harder to rebut, but the fact that they are ‘old news’ will make them easier to rebut. On balance, I’d rather have it all be ‘old news’.

As for whether Barack Obama is the next Michael Dukakis…just take a look at them. Listen to them speak. Contrast their messages. Compare their charisma. Which one of them could pack stadium after stadium of adoring fans?

And Susan is also correct that Dukakis ran in a much less favorable political (right track/wrong track) environment. I’d add that the country is demographically more favorable to a liberal campaign than it was in 1988.