People actually write this stuff:
Democratic presidential candidate Gary Hart’s 1984 campaign suffered when it was revealed that he had changed his signature several times over the years. “Who is Gary Hart?” his rivals demanded.
That’s a new level of stupid.
He was a penmanship flip-flopper, a flaw fatal to political campaigns.
That alone gave Mondale the bump he needed.
FSM forbid we should ever have a President who writes with his LEFT hand either!!
This is the curse of the media. Even when there’s nothing to talk about, they have to find something to talk about. Most of the time what they find can be summed up in one of my mother’s phrases, “You could have talked all day and not said that.”
But they could be talking about the latest alternative energy technology discovery. Cure for cancer news. I think the problem is that the producers are themselves so limited in what they read that they stick to that.
The American public would be interested in anything they tell us to be interested in. Seriously. 😉
Wow, Drudge reports that Osama Bin Laden is left handed, too!!!
I think not.
My brother is left-handed. The nuns used to tie his left hand behind his back to force him to learn how to write right-handed. Apparently left-handedness is a sign of the devil.
Some days when my left-handed grandson is forcing Grandma or Daddy to go to school, again, to pick him up from the principal’s office, I think you may have something there.
Actually he’s a pretty sweet kid who’s just a bit high-maintenance and needs attention once in a while. When I get a few moments this week or next I have every intention of taking one of my ukuleles and re-stringing it for a left-handed player to see if I can get him started playing.
I’ve already thought about that one; sinister is derived from the same root as sinistral, i.e., left handed.
There’s something sinister going on…
Sinister. I get it! Ar ar ar ar ar.
I like the “slashing comma reveals possible temper” for McCain.
What’s next, a candidate’s choice of font revealing deep insights into character?
Ask and you shall receive: The character issue
I find that these days you have to move quickly before what seems like farce becomes reality.
I thought that link was The National Enquirer or some other supermarket/porn tabloid. Really, my surprise to find it’s The LATimes.
A very, very slow news day it is. Lazy.
I think it was H. L. Mencken who once said, “Once while staying at a hotel I asked the bellboy to bring me a newspaper. The poor fellow must have been deaf, as he returned with a copy of the Los Angeles Times.“
Boo – did you see you’re quoted on the front page of Air America? Right now – check it out!
that will be a regular feature going forward. Thanks to Sam Seder!
Awesome! That’s really cool!
my 2 deep thought,the Democratic Campaign Committe called me to asked for money. I said when Hillary pulls out of the race I’ll send you a donation.
Being judged by your handwriting. Gary Hart changed his handwriting too much. OK…
Is that kind of stupidity all that? Does it taste great? Is it less filling? Does it have the Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamins and minerals a body needs?
It must–because too many people engage in it.