Progress Pond

Election Thread

I no longer know what the people at Open Left are even talking about. What’s worse, I find that I don’t even care. It’s a startling development, where they have developed their own Hegelian language and deterministic dialectical materialism. In this new ‘analysis’ the ‘Creative Class’ takes the place of the proletariat as some kind of innately good, but confessedly elitist, conglomerate of good government goo-goo egghead superhero professionals. A heroic ‘Best and the Brightest’ that isn’t really all that progressive because the only real progressive is the man in the hardhat.

Does that make sense? No? Good, just be glad you aren’t a philosophy major like me. Because reading that stuff is like a classical musician listening to rock-stars playing out of tune.

This election has been about two things. First, the war in unpopular. Second, identity politics, where demography is destiny. High information voters vote for Obama, low-information voters vote for Clinton. Education levels, race, gender, and geographical location are all better predictors of voting behavior than ‘class’. The election has not been influenced in any meaningful way by distractions like the Rev. Wright or the Tuzla sniper saga, and all the Lakoffian wanking in the world won’t change that.

In any case, I’m tired of reading about this primary. You can use this as an open thread for the primary results in West Virginia and Nebraska, and the special election in Mississippi.

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