I knew as soon as the California Supreme Court marriage ruling was posted, that I would read the whole thing. I started reading it at my desk, after it was posted, but stopped once got to the “bottom line” of the ruling — and, truly, because as I realized what I was reading, and what the California Supreme Court had said, the emotion was too much.
I wasn’t born when the Brown v. Board of Education ruling was handed down, so I don’t know what it was like for those Black Americans who heard it or read it and realized what the court had done. But I think I have an idea, based on what I felt yesterday after reading the decision.
I know it was a state supreme court decision, and one that doesn’t apply to me all the way over here on the other side of the country. But yesterday, reading the decision, I felt a little bit more like an American. And maybe even just a little proud of my country.
This is something I meant to write at the time, but that occurred to me yesterday, as I was walking home. Reading the CA Supremes ruling yesterday, and thinking about my own feelings, I thought about Michelle Obama’s comments about finally being proud of America. I understood what she meant even then, but more-so after yesterday’s ruling.
Yesterday, I finally felt just a little proud to be an American. Finally.
To understand where someone like Michelle Obama is coming from — or yours truly, for that matter — you have to look a America through the prism of someone without the privileges upon which it was founded from the beginning; from the perspective of people for whom the promises of being an American in America have been historically held out of reach.
From that perspective, pride in America is based more on its strides towards what it could become — were it to live up to all it promises to be on paper, for all its citizens — what it is or where it is at the present moment. America is something different for, say, Cindy McCain than is is for Michelle Obama, or than it is for me.
In some ways, we’re proud of an America that has yet to be, and that we hope will be someday. Langston Huges probably said it best.
Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the plain Seeking a home where he himself is free.
(America never was America to me.)
Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed– Let it be that great strong land of love Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme That any man be crushed by one above.
(It never was America to me.)
O, let my land be a land where Liberty Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath, But opportunity is real, and life is free, Equality is in the air we breathe.
(There’s never been equality for me, Nor freedom in this “homeland of the free.”)
Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark? And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?
…O, let America be America again– The land that never has been yet– And yet must be–the land where every man is free. The land that’s mine–the poor man’s, Indian’s, Negro’s, ME– Who made America, Whose sweat and blood, whose faith and pain, Whose hand at the foundry, whose plow in the rain, Must bring back our mighty dream again.
Sure, call me any ugly name you choose– The steel of freedom does not stain. From those who live like leeches on the people’s lives, We must take back our land again, America!
O, yes, I say it plain, America never was America to me, And yet I swear this oath– America will be!
People who point to Michelle Obama’s privileged lifestyle forget that whether her current lifestyle was always her lifestyle, she grew up a black child and became a black woman in the America that was and is, not the America that will be. (Perhaps it’s safer to say the America that can be.) She has almost surely seen much to make one less than proud. And, as I remember the pictures of her reunion with her South Carolina relatives — having grown up in the south myself — I know she must have relatives who have witnessed much that wouldn’t inspire pride, and she’s listened to their stories.
From her perspective, how much hope must be inspired by the reality that her husband is the first black (or brown) man to have a real shot at becoming president? How much hope that wasn’t there before? How much hope that was nursed, unfulfilled for generations, until this moment? How much hope, nursed on an abiding faith that American can be — will be — all it has promised to be, someday?
I was a high school student when the Bowers v. Hardwick decision came down. As a gay person, I felt divorced from the constitution and my country. It wasn’t until Lawrence v. Texas that anything changed for me, and by then I’d seen and heard much that didn’t inspire pride. But something shifted a little yesterday, and now I have a “wait-and-see” attitude.
Peggy Noonan recently asked “Who would have taught Barrack Obama to love his country?” My experience is that plenty of people will tell you that you should love your country, and will speak at length about why. But depending on who you are, you may learn to love your country, but experience will have taught you to sometimes love it — and hold it — at arms’ length.
If I feel pride, it’s not the same as might be expected, but closer to what Booman said.
Where did I learn to love my country? Who taught me to love it? What did I find loveable? I’m not even sure of the answer, although my parents and my teachers and the programs I watched on television and the books I chose to read all played a part. I learned to love the Constitution of the United States. I learned to respect and admire the Founding Fathers of this country, despite all their flaws. I came to understand that our Republic was something new and fragile, and that it needed protection from both within and without. And I, of course, learned to love the area that I grew up in, and all the wonderful national parks around the country that I visited during summer vacations as a child. And I loved baseball and football, and mint chocolate chip ice cream. In other words, I learned to love my country the same way that Barack Obama learned to love it…by growing up here and learning a little history.
…I’ll tell you another thing. I don’t normally get my pride and my love off of the accomplishments of others. I do have pride and love for our Constitution and our system of governance, but my love of country has nothing to do with the gold miners that forced the Native Americans off their land in violation of treaties, nor with the Nazi-sympathizer Henry Ford, nor even with the enterprising Wright Brothers. I’m all for clean-running trains, planes, and automobiles, but I don’t love my country because of them. I wouldn’t die for my country to preserve the internal combustion engine. I’d die to preserve the Constitution. And by Constitution, I do not mean the Estate Tax, Peggy. Or whatever other supply-side economic policy you think made it possible for Americans to figure out air travel.
Yesterday, I heard a whisper of an America that never was to me, and that I hope will be. Inspired now, I will work harder to make it so.
Amen. I have worked most of my life for an America that is yet to be. Sometimes I am so weary from the struggle but I know it is one that will make this a better place for others and that gives me strength tp continue.
You can love somebody, or your country, and see the sin and the failings, and not have pride. And still love that person, or that country. And have hope.
I have hope and I have shed tears and will probably shed more before this is done. Reading this diary made me shed tears of joy, sadness and hope all combined.
I’m honored that you used my quote on such a joyous occasion.
I don’t want to dampen your spirits, but the timing of this is bad. It is made to order for McCain. Now they can again shift the dialog to “God, Guns, and Gays”. After the election would have been much much better.
Please, with love, kindness and allowance of your opinion, please get beyond it. I remember when we gays were blamed the day after the 2004 election. It was our fault for wanting civil rights that Kerry lost. And that was on the Big Orange, people who mouthed the words, we support you, we want you to have your rights and then turned immediately to blame.
As I recall I didn’t have anything to do with the lies the rebugs told and continue to spew to try to bring fear to the hearts of american citizens. As I recall I have never asked for nor expected anything other than the same civil rights for everyone, every citizen.
I am not particularly a proponent of marriage, that would be marriage for anyone, straight, gay or otherwise, but if it is a right or a privilege that the government wants to give to citizens, then it must be to all citizens.
We told the African Americans, not yet, be quiet, don’t make waves, it will come. . .sometime. . .and it took hundreds of years. Now we want to tell GLBT, not yet, be quiet, don’t make waves, it will come. . .sometime, just STFU.
Please! Stop living in fear. This country is further along than you think. They will bring change in a wave no one will believe possible. Yes, the repugs will use this issue and every other slimeball, dirty, nasty, lying thing they can come up with. We have a candidate that can and will stand up to them and do it with strength, truth and integrity, not to mention amazing eloquence.
Try to move towards hope and away from fear.
Thank you. I still am angry at quite a few bloggers and politicians that tried to lay the 2004 loss by Kerry and the Democratic Party at the GLBT Community’s door. The ones who are willing to do that hate us as much as the Republicans do but will not admit it and always want us to wait till a better day or time.
Actually, it’s “STFU, but keep giving us your votes and writing those checks.”
Bill Buckley once described conservatives as “standing athwart history yelling “Stop!”
Sometimes I think some moderate-to-conservative Democrats are standing athwart history yelling “Not yet!”
Which kind of means the same thing.
The latter have been on the wrong side of history in every progressive movement for change from abolition to unions to women’s suffrage to civil rights. And they will be on the wrong side when this history is written.
The former will be recorded as not having taken a side, having taken a side reluctantly, or having waited until it was safe to do so.
I’m not blaming anyone. Just cursing the timing. And I’m not saying don’t make waves. Just not until November.
When you say,”Stop living in fear”, I’m sure you are young. Harry Truman first called for Universal Health Care when I was a toddler. Now, I’m a few years from Medicare but today’s toddlers are still waiting. Union membership has fallen drastically since I was a boy. The manufacturing base of the economy is just a shell. Congress approves torture and the suspension of Habeas Corpus. Prominent politicians openly call for dismantling Social Security and banning employer-paid Health Insurance. One man comes along and offers hope and I see my own class (white blue collar) tossing him aside because of stupid prejudice. I’ve seen too much disappointment in my life to not say, “Here we go again”.
But I AM on your side and really didn’t want to rain on your parade.
There is no perfect time and Tomorrow never comes.
Thanks for the young comment. I will be 68 later this year. I’ve seen it all, heard it all and keep hearing it all. Been looking for “our turn” since I was 20 in 1960. Still waiting. Don’t suppose it matters much if we ever have civil rights. . .we are only 10 or 15% of the population and we are strange and all that. <snark>
I don’t mean to ascribe anything to you that isn’t yours, it is just difficult to understand what motivation there is for the GLBT community to do nothing until November, I thought perhaps it is fear that it would color the election possibilities for our candidate.
JMO, nothing more and no more important than any others.
It will never be “convenient” to take a stand for GLBT or anyone that wants to be included as full citizens of this country if it is “uncomfortable” for the main stream. So hopefully those who are wiser and more experienced than I will let me know when the right time comes.
If something should happen and a Dem is not elected president in November, then I’ll just go stand at the head of that GLBT line so those reliable nay sayers can start pointing at me and telling me it is MY fault. I’m used to it, so it’s no big deal. I’ve stood at the front of many lines during my life. What’s one more?I thank you for being on “our” side. I know then, that you will not be one of those pointing and yelling obscenities the day after election day. Thank you for that.
I know what you mean. . .seems like I’ve been saying “here we go again. . .” every day of my life.
Peace and hugs
Thanks for understanding. And seeing as how we are near in age, I understand you’re sick of waiting for the promised land too.
Tell that to this Republican consultant.
Maybe, just maybe, people are more concerned about the economy, the war, etc., than whether gay people can get married or not. I mean, are people whose homes are being foreclosed going to care? People who’ve lost their jobs? Probably not.
But it would be fine with me if both parties stayed away from the issue this time around, and maybe gay organizations can focus on defeating the state constitutional amendment in CA.
In a few years, there will be thousands of married same-sex couples in D.C., and it will bring us a little closer to the day when everyone wonders what the fuss was all about?
Amen, brother.
The mythical timing when it would be ‘ok’ to speak out for human/equal rights is one of those straw man arguments. If we’re supposed to wait for the ‘right’ time we’ll be waiting a long long long time for equal rights for anyone/everyone.
Since I just happened to see ‘Guys and Dolls’ again(Frank Sinatra movie)the song ‘sit down sit down, sit down, shut-up you’re rocking the boat’ is running through my mind.
I loved this post so much, that I’ve re-read twice, both time tearing up. I’ve sent it around to almost 400 people! The responses I’ve gotten back have been supremely positive.
wow, this got me crying.
🙂 <———but i’ve got a big smiley on too!
hey. Same-sex couples in California are leading the Who won the week? poll.
someone sent me this in email today, thought it might fit here.
lyrics (with additions)
I can say I hope it will be worth what I give up – – – – – [FEAR]
If I could stand up mean for the things that I believe – – – – – [EQUALITY]