God Damn the United States of America; that’s what I say.

Oh wait; that’s right. She already has.

But, as the American hero, Reverend Wright, rightly says, America is not damned because of God’s wrath, but our own folly.

It’s like Israel, lo those many years ago. God didn’t do anything but keep to the bargain. It was the Israelites, not the pillar of smoke, who couldn’t keep the covenant.

I mean, if you believe any of this stuff as fact, that is. Personally, I don’t. Scripture is not a history book, but a lesson plan.

It seems most folks would rather argue history than understand the past. Hence our genius to repeat mistakes over and over like Guildenstern’s coin toss. Déjà vu is a whiff of the future we already remember. How can that be? Because, as Solomon said, “There is nothing new under the sun.”

Plato said he didn’t want to speak with anyone who did not know geometry. Why? As above, so below. The macro Universe down to micro Man is all understood through form. Substance is form. Spirit is matter. The soul embodies.

The meaning of life is discerned through the observation of creation. Philosophy is science. Prophets are not prophets because they know the future, but understand the weight of the past and the trend of the present.

America’s mortal enemy, so called Islamo-fascism, was created by policies of the governing elite of the United States of America begun generations ago. Degradation of the environment, now exponentially devouring itself, was begun by the policies of the governing elite generations ago. War without end is the policy of the governing elite and has been for generations. The policy is simple: Dominance. Dominion.

The rebel’s cry was once “no taxation without representation.” What is it now?

“Yes we can!”

But, probably not. Hope is all we have. Not exactly a position of strength.

For the krazy kowardly kunt George Bush to rail against Iran (on Israel and Big Oil’s behalf) is to sin again. The rigid Ayatollahs in Iran are there because of America’s actions in 1953 when we imperially ousted the democratically elected government of Iran to protect the interests of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company and installed a brutal dictator on the Peacock Throne.  

Islamic extremism is an enemy today because it was an ally yesterday in a testosterone-induced Cold War that killed millions and millions. For drugs and oil. The “drug war” is not about getting rid of drugs but about who gets to distribute them. For all of the krazies’ yammering about ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ there is not one single democracy in U.S. Oil World. The best democracy in the region, flawed though it is, is Iran: The Next Reich according to the kowardly, krazy kuntz whose paranoia is only outstripped by their inhumane stupidity. Bush’s latest reprimand of Middle Eastern client-states to liberalize their people’s freedoms makes hypocrisy and duplicity look like truth and justice. Shamelessness knows no bottom for blatant war criminals like Bush and Cheney.  

All of America’s oil-client regimes are brutal police states supported by the world’s policeman.

Jihad was created by the United States of America. Benazir Bhutto back in 1989 famously warned Bush 41 we’d created Frankenstein’s monster by training the jihadists to jihad in one in a long line of insane Cold War follies. That would make us Dr. Frankenstein. And we all know what happened to him. If you believe the official 911 conspiracy theory (a theory, because no proof has ever been offered of its truth) that’s exactly what happened; blowback. The monster turned on its master.

The greatest state sponsor of terrorism in the world is the good old U.S. of A. and has been for generations.

Karma is a wheel. What goes around comes around.

So one can imagine if 911 was blowback for creating an army of jihadists to fight against crusaders, then what will befall this nation for our actions since 911. We have made the crusaders look like Fuller Brushmen.

The real Axis of Evil is the devil’s bargain between America, Israel and the House of Saud for land, oil and religious supremacy.

We can see it now, how Rumsfeld/Cheney-led American hubris is coming home to roost. Corrupt government; wrecked economy; amoral people; bread and circuses in lieu of principle and purpose.

Not everyone, of course; the political movements of Obama and Paul speak to a real yearning out there. 80% of the people don’t like the ‘direction’ of the country, but unfortunately people are powerless to do anything about the nation’s direction and haven’t for generations as the transparent Public State has given way to what Peter Dale Scott calls the Deep State; private power deciding and conducting policy in secret. And the vast majority use this powerlessness as an excuse to surrender – to go along to get along – which is the point of the elites to strip the people of their power; and has been policy for generations.

The supposed power of the people at the ballot-box has proved over and over to be pure shell-game chimera.

The anti-war sentiment that swept Democrats to power in 2006 has given way to acute economic angst. And this is no accident. Americans must be brought into line of the last throes of their deluded imperial government and what better way than fear and loathing? People are still against the war, sure, but more concerned now about the price of food, shelter and gas; losing their jobs; the basics. Wages are down; the dollar devalued; financial speculation a cancer; profit gouging rife because greed is good. People are encouraged to horde, which creates shortages, which drives up price which fuels speculation, which encourages people to horde. A wheel. And endless cycle of folly. A hamster cage of enslaved minds on a depleted uranium plantation.

America is not an empire on the rise, but a windblown sand castle caught in a rising tide of inevitable decay. A classic case of imperial overreach. Textbook. Science.

But, not to worry. The old empires of Europe rise again as a European union. And America too will rise again in a generation or a few.

But in the meantime there is hell to pay.    

It’s not prophecy but geometry.