Finally, a super-delegate who supports Hillary Clinton steps up to the plate. It’s long overdue and this should sting; it’s no other than the Governor of New York – one of her many ‘home’ states. Kudos to Gov. Patterson.
See below for Update on Exodus of Clinton’s California Delegates.
AP: – NY Gov. Patterson to Clinton: “Stop the Mich, Fla effort”
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) – New York Gov. David Paterson, a superdelegate who supports Hillary Rodham Clinton, said she’s showing “a little desperation” and should give up her effort to count votes from renegade primaries in Michigan and Florida.
Paterson said Thursday that Clinton shouldn’t derail the process by which the national Democratic Party stripped Michigan and Florida of their national convention delegates because they moved their primaries up to January in violation of party rules. The rules were agreed to by all the candidates, including Clinton, before she won the two January contests. Because of the violations, no candidates campaigned in either state and her rival Barack Obama took him name off the Michigan ballot.
Paterson said he doubted his home-state senator would get the edge over Obama, even if the two states’ votes were counted.
(highlight added)
So will she take the high road?
Update [2008-5-23 19:38:44 by idredit]:
Al Giordano – The Field reports an Exodus of 40 Clinton Delegates begins:
The endorsement by US Rep. Dennis Cardoza (D-California) of Obama today sends an extremely firm message to the Clinton campaign, and not only because he was, until today, a Clinton superdelegate.
The Field has learned that Cardoza is the first of a group of at least 40 Clinton delegates, many of them from California, that through talking among themselves came to a joint decision that all of them would vote for Obama at the convention. They have informed Senator Clinton that it’s time to unite around Obama, and that they will be coming out, one or two at a time, and announcing their switch between now and the convention if Senator Clinton doesn’t do the same.</blockquote
High road to hell most likely. Hillary doesn’t have a high road moment left in her.
Yesterday at a rally in Florida, Clinton compared Florida, Michigan situation to Zimbabwe elections.
Plainly offensive this:
How does Hillary return to the Senate with her dignity intact?
Michigan and Florida both chose to violate Democratic National Party rules. Both states were told what the consequences would be if they proceeded to hold their primaries in January. Those were acts of civil disobedience (kind of – at least against party rules). One does not commit an act of civil disobedience, knowing the consequences in advance, and then whine about the consequences. Show courage, take the consequences, and urge others that the rules are stupid.
Excuse my insensitivity, but even my blind Governor can see that Hillary is desperate.
Staying in for spite?
via The Daily Dish
send Obama the cartoon that’s with this piece – never mind Lincoln, he’d be nuts to consider Clinton as part of his team.
game, set and match.
the clinton’s better find a way to be good losers, the sooner the better.
the voters have already decided, per zogby:
here in colorado, the latest rasmussenpoll shows:
last one out, turn off the lights.
Good losers?
Threats of a civil war if she’s not offered the VP slot.
Hillary has resorted to coercion via The CarpetBagger Report, we learn details of the CNN report of formal talks for VP slot: (with Video)
This is madness.