Masked lapwings, Vanellus Miles, are very common in Tasmania. They are also called Spur-wing plovers because of the nasty bone spur on their “wrist” joint that they use to attack anyone, including humans, that get to close to their brood.
During their breeding season, Imogen and I refer to them as “psycho lapwings”, as that pretty much sums up their behavior. Since they’ll “nest” (more of depression in the ground than an actual nest) anywhere there is a bit of grass, they are everywhere along the roadways, parks and even in people’s lawns. I saw one pair with their nearly grown chick in a small divider strip in a carpark.
The Australian RSPCA holds a big fund-raiser every year called the “Million Paws Walk”. I organized my Delta Pet Partners chapter’s booth for the event. These things always take more time than you think they will. We raised a bit of money for our group, and hopefully a bit of awareness for our cause (which is taking dogs into nursing homes, hospitals, etc. – in case you didn’t know).
Here’s some of the group that staffed the booth that day.
The dogs, from left to right: Tubs, a mixed breed; Sarah, a Leonberger; Luna (of course), Harry, a Lasa Apso X Shitzu; and Aslan, a Sheltie.
I’ve never heard of a Leonberger. She looks like she might be bigger than Luna? Or is it just that she’s closer to the camera?
Leonbergers are big. Luna almost looks dainty next to Sarah.
All the Leonbergers I’ve ever met tend to be shy, and Sarah is no exception. She’s what Ozzies call a “sticky” because she sticks so close to mum.
And a handsome group, both dogs and folks, it is. I sympathize with the Sheltie; I don’t like having my picture taken either.
Neither do I, so don’t expect to see another photo with me in it anytime soon.
I tell people that’s why I studied photography – so that I could be behind the camera.
I don’t think I can get them to do more nothing.
click for larger
That’s gold-class nothingness all right.
Imogen says to “unwork those dog harder”.
Hey, that’s a pretty huge challenge. I don’t think I’m up to it.
You may not be, but just looking at Sniff and Giddy I get the impression that they’d to be willing to take unworking to even greater levels of stasis.
Wow, you’re up late.
I don’t know about levels but duration is something they’re happy to work on.
But not right now … Giddy is telling me to get off the stupid internet and get out in the woods.
Pleasant dreams.