The Obama campaign, through their spokesman Rep. Robert Wexler, has joined the Florida Democratic Party’s challenge to the Rules Committee’s decision to strip Florida of 100% of their delegates. They placed no conditions on it. They flat out joined the challenge. They even acknowledged that seating 50% of the delegates would give Clinton up to 19 net votes. So, they’re not even making an argument for halving the delegates (which would lead to a narrower Clinton victory). It’s a total concession.
But Michigan is up next and there will be no easy concessions there.
a repost
Bill Clinton on April 29 said seat half the delegates: Guess it depends on the day this was said. Was it raining?
wow, Obama received roughly 30,000 write-in votes in Michigan and not one of them counted for him because he had to give written permission to have write-in votes for him to be counted and he did not do that.
Yeah, that surprised me. So Michigan was a hell of a lot closer than we were led to believe.
Another point that never seems to come up. The rationale for not having all the primaries bunched up early is to give time for candidates to campaign and become known to the voters. H. Clinton clearly had a name-recognition advantage over the other candidates, especially Obama. That is the (may I say?) primary reason why Clinton won Florida and Michigan. Here in Cali Obama is now ahead of Clinton in popularity although he lost to her on Super Tuesday. Even Super Tuesday would have been closer if there hadn’t been so many early mail-in votes. My girlfriend, who’s now supporting Obama, was an Edwards backer prior to Super Tuesday.
I completely agree, but that’s not going to wind up being a strong position to take in this.
good question: those voters had the choice of Clinton on the ballot yet the went to extra ordinary lengths to write in Obama.
One clarification, it wasn’t that he didn’t request that write in votes for him be counted, it was that he couldn’t. Filling out that form would have been equivalent to simply leaving his name on the ballot, which is why he did not do it.
Obama wants to end the divisiveness and unify the party by ending this conflict. Good for him! It’s time to select our nominee and move forward to run against McSame.
Plus, Obama is our likely nominee. So he doesn’t have to concede anything to Clinton. She lost months ago. But Obama is taking the high road here.
Obama played by the rules to defeat Clinton – AP
In other words, Obama did his homework and Clinton didn’t. Who would make the better president?
the point exactly.
The planning was brilliant too. One can look at the %age wins/losses and say, “Well, Clinton blew Obama out of the water in [state].” and that may be true, but when you look at the delegate numbers and these primaries are delegate races, you see that the actual damage Obama may have taken was minimal. It was a brilliant way to run a campaign and frankly, I’d be more comfortable with someone who can get a team like that behind him/her as my president. That says a lot about how Obama would or could govern.
Thanks for this. I sent around the article you posted on Berman.
People who read that became more excited at the possibilities of Obama administration.
This is will add to it.
It’ll be interesting to see if Obama’s substantial, but reasonable, compromise in FL carries any weight with the committee when they consider Michigan.
I still say that if this Party is to promise accountability and consequences as an argument on our platform against the Rep’s then we have to hold our very own primary system in place to that standard.
We also don’t want a situation in future elections, where primaries last for years.
how’s that “accountability and consequenes” meme played out since the d‘s took control of congress in 06?
not a particularly stellar track record on either, l would say.
obama can afford to be magnanimous re: florida, as part of the attempt to come to closure and unite the party for the GE…it doesn’t change “the math” and the potential goodwill outweighs the downside.
michigan…not so much.
there’s a reasonable solution to the problems…change the way elections are run, including public financing and time constraints. a national primary would eliminate a lot of problems. we’re essentially operating with an 18th century system that’s held together w/ baling wire and duct tape.
the mess that is MI & FL today can’t be resolved by tomorrow’s voter reform. if we want to call ourselves the party of accountability the today is a good time to exercise accountability.
The problem is that states have a big say in how they run their primaries. There are reasons, both historic and practical, why some states run caucuses. I realize some pro-Hillary sites have just discovered that caucuses tend to favor candidates with well-organized campaigns, but that isn’t necessarily anti-Clinton (or misogynist or whatever excuse is thrown up).
There are a lot of things that are undemocratic with real elections which need to be fixed first: the elimination of electronic voting machines, the elimination of caging, restoration of voting rights to every prisoner once incarceration ceases (give him or her a voter registration card on the way out of prison), same-day registration, elimination of faux “identification” hurdles. With a Democrat in the WH and control of both houses the Dems should move quickly to get these sores removed from Democracy’s butt.
Wexler is my hew favorite pol. He laid the smack down on Ickes and his newfound motivations for counting Florida.
I want someone to ask why all the candidates agreed to take their names off the Micha ballot, EXCEPT Clinton?
According to the pledges everyone signed, the candidates agreed not to “campaign or participate” in those two primaries. As I recall you couldn’t remove your name off the Florida ballot, but you could in Michigan. That H. Clinton didn’t take her name off, and soon thereafter demanded those delegates, clearly shows that she violated her pledge to not participate. From my interpretation, participating in a primary, in the context of the action taken by the DNC at the same time, pretty demonstrates H. Clinton’s untrustworthiness. But we all knew that, right?
Did anyone not expect her to do that? The Clintons are hacks propped up by a personality cult.
this Clintonista tool makes me sick.
I assume you’re talking about Ickes?
According to First Read, the Florida delegation accepts Wexler’s position of giving superdelegates a half-vote. There’s some good news.
Obama may have made a concession on Florida, but Clinton hasn’t agreed to it. Just heard Rachel Maddow saying that Clinton could still challenge Florida.
Which is why Pelosi and Reid came out and said what they did. They wanted to characterize Clinton’s even lower road before it happened precisely to cut her off before the “slash-and-burn” started up again. The road ends here, Hillary.
I was glad to see Levin lay the smackdown on Ickes.
Yeah, that was nice!
I thought it funny that Ickes would posit such a question to of all persons Carl Levin.
In 2004 he threatened Levin to strip delegates if Michigan jumped the cue.
I am pleased to see that in both states, the Obama camp is asking that whatever the outcome, the superdelegates of each state not have any more voting strength than the pledged delegates. After all, it is the party leaders of those states who fucked over their voters by playing these games with the rules. They should not be given full super-votes if the pledged del’s don’t get full-votes.
Personally, if it were me, I’d ask that the superdels of both states be allowed to attend the convention as party leaders but have zero vote.
My sentiments.
And made to wear orange vests.
Okay, folks, so what do we think is going to happen?
Eventually the sun will burn out and earth will be covered in Ice
Clinton, however, will continue to campaign
Clinton supporters are now screaming DENVER because they aren’t getting their way.
كتابي–دردشة كتابية–شات
صوتي–دردشة صوتية–شات
سعودي–دردشة سعودية–شات
الغلا–منتديات الغلا–تحميل
العاب–برامج كمبيوتر–كتب
مجانية–برامج جوال–مقاطع
جوال موبايل–تصاميم–هكر–صور–صور
انمي–اخبار الفن–صور
سيارات–كاس امم اوروبا–تحميل
وسفر–منتدى النقاش–منتديات
عامة–منتديات اسلامية–صور
كاريكاتير–منتدى تعارف–نكت–الغاز–خواطر–قصائد–شعر–قصص–اساطير–روايات–حكم
النفس–منال العالم–مركز
تحميل–دليل مواقع–1–2–3–4–5–6–7–8–9–برق–19–p1–p2–p3–p4–78–71–20–21–59–60–58–61–67–53–56–9–a9–a1–a8–a12—a15–a16–a18–ماسنجر–صور
حب–مسجات عتاب–مسجات
شوق–مسجات مقالب–مسجات
نكت–مسجات حلوة–صور
حب–صور بنات–شات
بنات–دردشة بنات–شات
الحب–دردشة الحب–دردشة
كويت 25–اغاني هيفاء وهبي–دردشة
بنت السعودية–عمرو خالد–ناصر
الفراعنة–صور نانسي عجرم–ياسر
القحطاني–شات بنات عوانس–نغمات
الراشد–تامر حسني–العاب–
كتابي–دردشة كتابية–شات
صوتي–دردشة صوتية–شات
سعودي–دردشة سعودية–شات
الغلا–منتديات الغلا–تحميل
العاب–برامج كمبيوتر–كتب
مجانية–برامج جوال–مقاطع
جوال موبايل–تصاميم–هكر–صور–صور
انمي–اخبار الفن–صور
سيارات–كاس امم اوروبا–تحميل
وسفر–منتدى النقاش–منتديات
عامة–منتديات اسلامية–صور
كاريكاتير–منتدى تعارف–نكت–الغاز–خواطر–قصائد–شعر–قصص–اساطير–روايات–حكم
النفس–منال العالم–مركز
تحميل–دليل مواقع–1–2–3–4–5–6–7–8–9–برق–19–p1–p2–p3–p4–78–71–20–21–59–60–58–61–67–53–56–9–a9–a1–a8–a12—a15–a16–a18–ماسنجر–صور
حب–مسجات عتاب–مسجات
شوق–مسجات مقالب–مسجات
نكت–مسجات حلوة–صور
حب–صور بنات–شات
بنات–دردشة بنات–شات
الحب–دردشة الحب–دردشة
كويت 25–اغاني هيفاء وهبي–دردشة
بنت السعودية–عمرو خالد–ناصر
الفراعنة–صور نانسي عجرم–ياسر
القحطاني–شات بنات عوانس–نغمات
الراشد–تامر حسني–العاب–