Lanny Davis is out of his freaking mind.
Update [2008-5-31 18:16:13 by BooMan]: The long lunch is over. Let’s see what they’ve come up with.
Lanny Davis is out of his freaking mind.
Update [2008-5-31 18:16:13 by BooMan]: The long lunch is over. Let’s see what they’ve come up with.
Are you ready to witness the rawest exertion of power unfold on your teevee?
This is the cigar filled room with a live feed on CSPAN. The fly on the wall fantasy, come true.
The rawest exertion of power?
Oh yeah. It’s so nasty that they can’t even end their lunch and get on with business.
I wonder what the Clintons are offering for votes.
Good point. They’re about half an hour late. Might be quite a fight back there.
So what do you think we get as a result for Florida, Boo? The Ausman proposal?
I really have no idea. It depends on whether the chip in Bill Clinton’s cell phone heats up to supernova proportions or not.
The Clintons will hold out for 100% delegates seating with 100% votes.
No way!!! Florida broke the rules. Besides, even if she got that, she still wouldn’t win.
lots of freaks wondering around: via TNR
Scenes From Today’s RBC Hillary Protest
These are Hillary supporters spewing BS. The reporter is right. Poison filtered down from the top.
Heard over at Americablog, that the Florida delegation will be seated with 1/2 vote each. Michigan will be split 69/59 in Clinton’s favor, but the delegation will only get 1/2 vote. This would give Clinton a gain of about 20 delegates.
Somebody with math skills. Where would that leave things?
A net of 20-24 for Clinton with Obama ahead by 200 (approximately 1985-1784) gives her a mini babka, full of air.
I had just been thinking that today is the last day of May, financials should be out tomorrow and then we’ll see the breadth of HRC’s debt.
Then read Lanny’s explosion and wondered if he’s choking on the IOU’s he’s been chewing on from the campaign.
the reports aren’t due until june 20th. but we should all be choking on the amount of money that’s been raised, and spent, to date in this campaign…$943,338,120…call it a billion.
obama and clinton alone have raised nearly half a billion dollars, not accounting for loans. source:
talk about smoke filled, backroom, high stakes games…see Presidential Fundraising and Spending, 1976 – 2008
rats, I was hoping the news would break tomorrow. thanks
Lanny Davis needs to have his brain reconfigured or be he be consigned to a padded room.
Here’s the thing: If Hillary pushes this past the 3rd she’s announcing a break with the party. In essence, that’s what’s she’s been doing anyway.
I think Tubbs Jones said something to the effect, “They’re still gonna win, so what’s the difference between seating half and all of the delegation?” Well, if the congresswoman opened the books, she’d understand rules and precedent. If she doesn’t understand that then no wonder the Party’s f*cked.
Advance copy of article in tomorrow’s NYTimes (Sunday edition)via the drudge.
For Clinton’s supporters, this RBC thingy is beyond weird given Bill Clinton said on April 28, 2008 that the resolution is the 50% -to seat half delegates. Hillary is going her own way and it should be noted.
I doubt the Clintons will go all out for Obama to win in November. They didn’t for Kerry.
And scorn it is – waiting to say “I told you so…that he couldn’t win”
There’s a surprise in store.
The sad part is he probably brings in an annual income in the high 6 figures. Then againm if I had a gravy train like that at risk I’d do whatever stupid shit I had to to keep it going.
Yep, they’re watching their power slip away, and they aren’t going to let go without a duel to the death.
Everything my Republican father said about the Clintons is true.
There moment is passed, and not a moment too soon. did we get here. because “Hillary is not play by the rules.” would be my response.
But a heated Davis was still strolling the halls of the Marriot Hotel.
How sad. What promises have he and Bill made that they can’t deliver?
God damn, I wish they’d hurry up already.
CNN just reported Obama resigned from his church.
the state of American politics that a pastor impacts a candidate’s stand. Obama is forced to resign his church?
Rubbish. Yet he has to pay homage to Israel, a foreign power that’s faith based?
Even worse, it’s fair to smear Obama over a guest speaker when he wasn’t even there… But it’s not fair to attack Republicans over the crazy things their political allies say? Still, this clears Obama to fire at will on that.
While I expect that Obama’s family has been attending another church while they have been living in DC, I’m very disappointed that he has severed his connection with Trinity UCC.
The state of race relations in this benighted country says that blacks can’t be individuals. Whatever behavior black individuals exhibits impacts all other blacks. See
Since Trinity showed up on the MSM radar, parishioners as well as pastors have received death threats or have been harassed. Many Americans do not even know or care about the good the church does on a daily basis. They believe the hype that Trinity is a hellhole of black radicalism…without checking that expressions of white supremacy and white nationalism is so mainstreamed as to be gospel truth.
It seems like Obama threw his church under the bus, but he didn’t. The focus and pressure would have continued on the church, and not on Obama the nominee, no matter who was a guest pastor or current pastor on a certain Sunday. These people need a time out. Plus, Obama hasn’t been going there for a while now.
The damage, unfortunately, has been done to both Obama and his former church, even by his former pastor Wright. Trinity needs to recover and to become just another church doing its job to minister to its community. It did its job for Barack Obama already. Now he’s going to the White House.
Committee’s coming back.
Wow am I sick of dishonest arguments. So tired.
not a fan of tina flournoy.
Ickes is also dishonest and does not have an argument to present.
They need to clear the hall. This is ridiculous.
Unanimous in favor of the Ausman challenge. I missed all of the allocations, but basically everybody, supers get half a vote as well as regulars.
there it is, H instructed Ickes to reserve her right to take it to Denver. That Ickes would make the arguments he just did at this stage of the negotiations, and not behind closed doors, is undoubtedly looking to incit divisiveness and it is a low point in our Party.
shades of 1968 Convention on the horizon, the Clintonites will show how we can’t govern.
I’m hoping they don’t get that far.
check these out
Since the compromise, halving the votes of the delegations, is the same as the Republican penalty, saying that you’re going to vote for McCain doesn’t seem to be based on principal. I suspect that many of these people are part of the Republican rent-a-mob.
Yeah, great feminists, voting for the man who wants to take away your reproductive rights and calls his wife a c***.
Wait a minute, did the woman in the second clip start out by saying it’s all about the Democratic Party and then end by saying that if Hillary’s not the nominee. she’ll vote for McCain?
“If Hillary is not the nominee I’ll vote for McCain”??
That is NOT a Democrat.
The Michigan motion carries 19-8, so Clinton gets 69 delegates, Obama gets 59 delegates, everybody including supers gets half a vote.
Are people walking out?
“This is Barack Obama’s party now.”
It’s still going to be a bumpy ride.
Well, it looks exactly like I’ve been calling it. She’s in it to bloody up Obama, just like Rush has been doing.
That’s the game. Clinton’s in the bag for the corporatists. Her loyalty to class is above party loyalty.
well, that was certainly theatre…harold lived up to his name….not even a very good sophist, even playing to a friendly house.
it would appear that she’s alienated a great many more people than is readily apparent.
if all the “leaks” about 40 supers waiting to turn are true, l’ll be watching for the supers to finally put this dismal campaign out of it’s misery after wednesday.
Looks like the super delegates from Florida and Michigan get a full vote at the convention (since they didn’t violate the rules), but the primary delegates get 1/2 vote, with the Michigan delegation set at 69 for Hillary and 59 for Obama,
Which means the new magic number is 2118, with Obama at 2053 (needs 65) and Hillary at 1877 (needs 241).
After the next three primaries, Puerto Rico (tomorrow night), South Dakota, and Montana (next Tuesday June 3rd ), Obama probably will pick up 42 of the delegates in those primaries, which would mean he only needs 23 of the remaining 205 super delegates to win.
Hillary needs around 197 of 205 super delegates left.
Obama is scoring around 4-5 super delegates for every one Hillary now gets.
Which means unless something very interesting happens to change the remaining super delegates minds, Obama is just about four days from clinching the nomination.
I got that the supers get half votes, just like the non-supers.
I read the story where they got a full vote, but the math is a combination of “”, slate’s delegat calculator, and 2008 Democratic Convention Watch’s superdelegate count.
So if I have the “super delegate story wrong”, the math is from different sites then that.
كتابي–دردشة كتابية–شات
صوتي–دردشة صوتية–شات
سعودي–دردشة سعودية–شات
الغلا–منتديات الغلا–تحميل
العاب–برامج كمبيوتر–كتب
مجانية–برامج جوال–مقاطع
جوال موبايل–تصاميم–هكر–صور–صور
انمي–اخبار الفن–صور
سيارات–كاس امم اوروبا–تحميل
وسفر–منتدى النقاش–منتديات
عامة–منتديات اسلامية–صور
كاريكاتير–منتدى تعارف–نكت–الغاز–خواطر–قصائد–شعر–قصص–اساطير–روايات–حكم
النفس–منال العالم–مركز
تحميل–دليل مواقع–1–2–3–4–5–6–7–8–9–برق–19–p1–p2–p3–p4–78–71–20–21–59–60–58–61–67–53–56–9–a9–a1–a8–a12—a15–a16–a18–ماسنجر–صور
حب–مسجات عتاب–مسجات
شوق–مسجات مقالب–مسجات
نكت–مسجات حلوة–صور
حب–صور بنات–شات
بنات–دردشة بنات–شات
الحب–دردشة الحب–دردشة
كويت 25–اغاني هيفاء وهبي–دردشة
بنت السعودية–عمرو خالد–ناصر
الفراعنة–صور نانسي عجرم–ياسر
القحطاني–شات بنات عوانس–نغمات
الراشد–تامر حسني–العاب–