It all has something to do with giant carnivorous pill bugs, among other things. Trust me.
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Thanks for the truly funny link. I’m listening to Stephanie Tubbs Jones commit career suicide – it’s amazing. Do they even believe what they’re saying?
She lives in a pretty safe district, so unless someone runs against her in a primary, she’ll be in the House for awhile.
By the way, for anyone familiar with her family history, what’s “shock probation”?
Thanks for the very funny link. I think it bout saz it all!!!!! ;o) Damn those fully pill eaters anyhow…do thy not know just how horrible they are??!!! now back to the regularly scheduled program for the lunytics of the outer world of make-believe.. all cleared up…
The Corn Palace! I was there! Obama is speaking there, in South Dakota, now.
Anyone else been to Wall Drug or the Corn Palace? You can’t miss them if you’re driving across the state. You have to actually go several miles off the main freeway to get to Mt. Rushmore. But Wall Drug and the Corn Palace are just right there. Pretty wild. That’s the kind of Americana I never want to lose. Kitchy and fun and quintessentially a part of who we are.
I remember driving right past the Corn Palace one time. I don’t remember why. Might have had to detour off of I-90 or had to get gas in Mitchell or something.
Wall Drug is no longer right on the main drag — you have to go through Wall, which means you have to detour off the Interstate. We stopped there one time on our way through South Dakota, just to avail ourselves of the free ice water. I remember actually being a bit disappointed that the ice water didn’t have a giant shrine or something, but grateful that it was there all the same. I grabbed a couple of FREE ICE WATER signs to put up in our little south Jersey town.
You’re right, it’s stuff like the Corn Palace and Wall Drug that help make America America. One of the things I want to do before we take off to Idaho and Montana at the end of the month is do a bit of research of just such kitschy touristy attractions along the way to stop at. I’m not at all sure we’ll ever have the chance to make it out that direction again until the US develops a reasonable post-oil transportation program. I’m not gonna hold my breath.
I wish I had other recommendations. Definitely stop at Coeur D’Alene on the way out – I took a sunset boat ride on the lake there on my way to work for Dean in Vermont – it was just fantastic. (And much needed, at the end of my packing frenzy and long first leg of the journey!)
We’ll be going through Coeur D’Alene on the way back, not out, since the first leg of our trip involves going through far southern Idaho (about as far from Coeur D’Alene as you can be and still be in Idaho). It would be nice to spend some time up there. My granddaughter would like to go visit the water park that’s in that general area.
Some of the things I would like to see but don’t know if we will have the time are Virginia City, Montana and the Lewis & Clark Caverns. Both are very cool, or were when I was there almost thirty years ago.
Lisa, I just saw that interview with Tubbs Jones and I thought maybe Twitty would drop his usual pompous bombs on her delusional remarks but he let her off easy.
I am watching Obama’s speech at the Corn Palace and there sure are tuns of pale faces in the crowd.
When will the main stream media recognize Obama is leading a true movement?
Obama’s Party Now
Former Democratic Sen. Tom Daschle, Obama’s top supporter here in South Dakota and leader of the effort to round up superdelegates, on Sunday predicted the floodgates would open this week as remaining superdelegates jump on the Obama bandwagon.
bill richardson is making calls…and l expect obama to pick up 2 more in colo on wednesday, in addition to the one last week.
l still thinking richardson or maybe schweitzer [mont gov] are front runners for the vp slot. especially given obama’s western strategy.
it’s just about over.
I read somewhere today that Biden is the front runner for Sec of State. If that’s true, Richardson must be the front runner for VP. I so want him to be. I think they’d be a principled, smart, compassionate, amazing team!
from your lips to obama’s ear…l agree.
it’d put a lock on the west and then florida be damned.
The well sourced Steve Clemons noted after Richardson threw his hat in for the presidency that there’s some personal baggage that may distract and harm his candidacy.
l’ve heard some of that from long time friends who live in santa fe.
according to them, they’re nothing on the scale of the baggage that hillay and bill bring.
they think they’ll be relatively easy to refute…whatever that means, as they are primarily personal misunderstandings as near as l can tell…and are overshadowed by his positives.
he would bring a great deal of foreign policy cred to the ticket, not to mention the latin@ vote. my observation is that he’s been a pretty popular and effective gov.
sibelius isn’t ready for prime time…that according to my bro and many, many old friends who still live in kansas.
we shall see.
I had the same wish. I think he realized she was disconnected from reality and maybe even felt sorry for her. He’ll attack people who know better if he feels they’re lying, but she wasn’t lying – just delusional.
I was reading those to my wife. She said, “Well, he could become a Buddhist, shave his head and chant mantras all day in Tibet.”
“And THEN get eaten by giant pill bugs!”
Have I mentioned how much I love my wife?
She’s got great comic timing. You are lucky!
Our whole family is like that. When my daughter went away to her first year in college, she came back and told me, in amazement, “Papa, I don’t get it. I always thought my brothers were the funny ones. I never thought of myself as funny, but I went out to college and every time I started talking, it seemed like people would laugh. And I just talked like I do at home!“
But it’s not too surprising when our family comes up with expressions like calling outlets where local bakeries sell day-old goods “the used bread store.”
Just checked in to see how folks like Jeralyn at TalkLeft are doing. She should know better but perhaps in a protracted state of denial…and ever reaching that Hillary deserves the nomination, so set aside some facts; we now have 51 states.
March to June: Hillary Wins 8, Obama 5
By Jeralyn, Section Elections 2008
Posted on Sun Jun 01, 2008 at 04:07:13 PM EST
Elsewhere Jeralyn claims the PR popular vote too, except PR will not vote in the GE. Lawyering like Lanny Davis.
Jeralyn’s off the ledge. She’s going to have to live with herself, but I don’t have to read her blog.
And never mind all those who may have voted for Hillary earlier, but no longer support her, like several people I know in California!
And being from Washington, I have to add that she doesn’t count at least four caucus states in her totals, including mine. (There’s an excellent diary by RenaRF over at the Big Orange Beelzebub on this very subject.)
Or, Obama might just decide to leave politics entirely and live off the grid somewhere in upstate New York, raising ostriches for fancy, shmancy NYC restaurants. Or not.
Mmmmmm. Ostrich. Tastes like …?
tastes like beef…really steven, it does.
very lean…it’s actually extremely good.
Hmmm. Did you ever notice how much an ostrich resembles a giant pill bug? I’m just sayin’.
From TalkLeft comments:
“Like the Phoenix she will rise from the ashes (5.00 / 2) (#36)
by thereyougo on Sun Jun 01, 2008 at 05:06:55 PM EST
“Rise Hillary Rise!”
Somewhere a Clinton supporter is breeding giant pill bugs even as we speak.
Dude, I think I’d rather face death by giant pill bugs than witness Hillary’s kung-fu action punch! Also, I didn’t know Jesus was in the tank for Hillary. Holy hell. I thought he was a Republican! (Oh, I forgot. So’s Hillary.)
If you can’t win with giant man-eatin’ pill bugs and Jesus in your corner, you’re just not doin’ somethin’ right.