In 2003 hardly anyone outside of Illinois knew a state senator named Barack Obama.

Five years later he is the nominee for President of the Democratic Party.

What this shows is that there clearly is talent all over the United States (while I’m not saying there is an Obama in every state). The question simply is if they can make it out of the political wilderness into the limelight.

What I’m wondering is who comes after Obama? Who is the future of the Democratic Party? Now, this is not necessarily about who might become a future president but rather who has the ability to work hard and inspire people and make it into a leadership position in the future. Whether that is as governor, in the U.S. Senate or any other leadership position.

So, here’s my question to you: who is the future of the Democratic Party? Which young person (younger than Obama who was born in 1961), male or female, white, African-American, Asian-American or Hispanic, straight or gay, inspires you? Now, that person may have already made it to Congress, or have been elected to statewide office. But it’s just as likely that person is in the state legislature, the state cabinet or an elected official at the local level (mayor or county commissioner) or currently running for an office. And please provide year of birth and a bio link to that person if you can.

Which young Democrat in your state inspires you and whom do you wish/hope to rise and aim higher? And please provide year of birth and a bio link to that person if you can.

Cross posted from My Silver State.