Promoted by Steven D
The upcoming strategy for the Republicans for the fall campaign is beginning to take shape. The bulk of the campaign will revolve around the lack of patriotism of Senator Obama. He is already being cast by the Republican nominee and the Republican minions as being unpatriotic and a hater of America. Let the swift boating begin. The goal of this strategy is to scare the rural and working class white Americans who are being targeted because of the final weeks of the Hillary rural strategy. The belief is that Obama is vulnerable amongst these voters because of race, class, and patriotism. The Republicans have to get the debate away from the issues and focus on divisiveness. If the Republicans were to run on the issues this election would be over tomorrow.
The conservative editorial writers have already begun the onslaught. The latest to weigh in is one of my all-time favorites William Kristol. Now how this guy is still in print is beyond me. Mr. Kristol has a long and storied career of embellishing the lies of Republican administrations from the Reagan years until today, as well as his anemic war reporting of the pre and post Iraq invasion. It seems now that Mr. Kristol believes that after listening or reading the commencement speech of Senator Obama given at Wesleyan University in place of Senator Ted Kennedy who was ill at the time that the Senator is un-American. In his speech the Senator expounded on the virtues of service to one’s fellow man. In a time of unprecedented greed and selfishness in America it was an important topic and was delivered not with condemnation, but on the contrary with grace and personal examples.
Leave aside the fact that two years elapsed between Obama’s graduation from Columbia in 1983 and his heading off to Chicago in 1985. Dramatic foreshortening is, after all, sometimes necessary. And leave aside whether $14,000 in 1985 was really such a shockingly low salary for someone recently out of college — in inflation-adjusted dollars, it’s about what we pay entry-level editorial assistants today at The Weekly Standard. NY Times
The Republican slime machine continues to mimic the same lines no matter who the target is, whether it is a “renegade” insider turned snitch or any objective voice in the face of their dishonesty. This line is similar to the one being promoted by another conservative rag which states that poor people in America are not really poor, just look at all the food they have to eat and whether earning less than the minimum wage is poor. Show me how many graduates from Ivy League schools who make the kind of money Mr. Kristol is talking about upon graduation. I know of Ivy Leaguers who make more than that while still going to school. If you can’t attack the message, then attack the messenger. What Mr. Kristol really wants to attack is the notion of someone from a top university being willing to give up making money for the service of their fellow man. This attack is not palatable to the masses, so it is disguised as an assault on the factual basis of the story.
My questions are simply these. If Mr. Kristol thinks that serving our nation in the military is such a fine calling why didn’t he nor any of his right wing counterparts partake of the honor? Also, why is it that no one questions the credentials of these hacks after they spew this crap? Because it plays to the false patriotism and fears of some Americans who believe that patriotism is a commodity that you can buy or display like so many flag lapel pins. True patriotism, like true love cannot be purchased. Instead like true love it is a verb and an action, not simply words espoused by warrior sheep who have no trouble debating the glory of war knowing that neither they nor their children will ever have to experience it.
But at an elite Northeastern college campus, Obama obviously felt no need to disturb the placid atmosphere of easy self-congratulation. He felt no need to remind students of a different kind of public service — one that entails more risks than community organizing. He felt no need to tell the graduating seniors in the lovely groves of Middletown that they should be grateful to their peers who were far away facing dangers on behalf of their country. NY Times
These “peers far away facing dangers” on our behalf are in this position because Iraq attacked the US? No they are facing danger because Bush and in a large part Mr. Kristol chose to attack Iraq. While he played no role in the actual decision to attack Iraq, his writings on behalf of the invasion and in defense of President Bush’s decision to invade have been well documented. The goal of the Republican strategy against Senator Obama will be two-fold. They will openly attack his and his wife’s patriotism and secretly they will attack his race. They will attempt to exploit the fears of some whites of a black candidate. Of course it will be done couched in the usual code words with nods and winks. The southern strategy is about to take on a whole new manifestation as it is exported to all the small towns and rural areas of America.
These attacks must be exposed and dismantled by all true patriotic Americans regardless of Party affiliations. How can one man lynch another man? He can’t without the acquiescence of other so called “good people”. We are or we could be at a major turning point in America. We are at the crossroads of either moving forward as a nation or reaching backwards. The reason that Obama has been able to rally the young of America is because they recognize more so than older Americans where we are at this moment. This is no time in America to turn back the clocks based on fear and divisiveness, but to move forward as a nation towards inclusiveness and tolerance.
Truth is not only violated by falsehood; it may be equally outraged by silence. – Henri Frederic Amiel
Not only is Obama not a patriot, he’s not even human. He’s an alien sent to scout the planet for future conquest by a super-race of evil beings bent on teaching young children that same sex relations are part of God’s plan. For real. Once it’s revealed it should be good for a couple million votes and electoral victory in 3 major swing states. Coming soon to a TV near you……..
Yes, I can’t wait to see it revealed when McCain unzips Obama’s skin suit during the first debate, revealing the horror beneath!
Kind of like that, maybe? I dunno, I think it’d still be a better President than McCain.
I for one welcome our new Obaman overlords.
I understand that he is in fact a giant pill bug!
Is teaching that same-sex relations are part of god’s plan evil?
The strategy is as clear as glass: Job One for Kristol and the rest of the neo-fascist propaganda apparatus is to provide an excuse to cast race-based votes against Obama, but only because he’s “unpatriotic”. This standard misdirection has worked well for the GOP pimp team for a long time, but this time it looks too tired and obvious to do them much good. This time Republicans will need to appeal to more than their racist base to win, and they’ve got nothing but Bush III.
I can only echo the words of Jon Stewart. Personally, I don’t just want an elite President, I want someone who is embarrassingly superior to me. I want a President who’s a whole lot smarter than I am. (And though I say it who shouldn’t, I’m a pretty smart guy. But not when it comes to what the President is going to have to deal with day in and day out.)
Besides, let’s face it. Senator McCain is married to a beer distributor heiress with a bazillion bucks in her bank account and a private jet. Senator Obama just barely paid off his student loans. His wife had to convince him to buy more than one suit if he was going to run for President. Who’s elite here? (In the way McCain intends it, that is.)
I would not worry as much about the slime machine as I would the subset of voters who think race is critical in casting a vote.
In the WVa primary, that subset accounted for 22% of all voters. Now that percentage will vary from state to state and in the battleground states like Florida, Obama is in real trouble.
One, the Northern half of Florida votes like GA and in the Southern half,
Two, Leiberman is working hard for McCain and Obama never connected with the over 65 voters and FL has more than other states as a per cent of the population.
Three, Fl has fewer college graduates and more families earing below the national mean than other battleground states.
IMO, Obama better start with FL if he does not want to be playing catch up.
My parents are in their 70s and live in Fla. They voted for Bush twice, but just told me they’re voting for Obama because McCain was too old! I was shocked, but it made me very hopeful.
Bob Graham for VP!
Obama is a big boy. Obviously he can take care of himself…with a little help from his family, of course. I mean, come on—whitey? Dear God, give me a fucking break.
Anyway,, is there something wrong with being a Muslim? Is there something wrong with Jeremiah Wright? Is there something wrong with being an atheist? Is there something right with being white?
Oh wait…
Jeez, what a dolt! Is he talking about Obama or himself?
He is a professional member of the chickenhawk brigade (fighting keyboardist division) for all these years, so he should be the last one to open his mouth. Unlike Obama, every last one of them are coddled spoiled brats who could never get around to doing anything for anyone but themselves.
The wingnut elite loves to pat its back on how clever they are. They sip champagne and giggle, secure in the knowledge that they can accuse others of the attitudes that they themselves hold–and get away with it.
Let’s hope that changes this time.
AP, you have caused me to say to myself: What the FUCK is he talking about?
What the fuck are you talking about?
A rustic one-pot meal that’s similar to the classic French coq au vin. Two kinds of wild mushrooms add earthy flavor.
Makes 6 servings.
1 14-ounce can low-salt chicken broth
1 ounce dried porcini mushrooms*
1 teaspoon olive oil
3 ounces pancetta, chopped**
4 large chicken breast halves with skin and bones (about 4 pounds), each cut crosswise in half
3 chicken thighs with skin and bones
3 chicken drumsticks with skin and bones
6 whole shallots
10 ounces crimini (baby bella) mushrooms, halved
1/3 cup chopped shallots
2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1/4 cup all purpose flour
2 cups Shiraz or other hearty dry red wine
Chopped fresh Italian parsley
Preheat oven to 300°F. Bring broth and porcini mushrooms to boil in small saucepan. Remove from heat and let stand at room temperature until mushrooms soften, about 25 minutes. Using slotted spoon, transfer mushrooms to cutting board and chop coarsely.
Great recipe! I’m going to try it this weekend with Pintade (Guinea Fowl).
On the other thing: I hope Obama isn’t so pure that he refuses to sic the IRS on guys like Kristol. Probably enough skeletons in his closet to gut his purse with legal fees. The one thing these guys do understand is fear. It’s their trade good. They should be forced to buy some.
Absolutely. I hope he adds the noxious and vulgar Bob Johnson to that list, too–just on general principle. It’s just backward that Johnson would try to denigrate someone, knowing the utter filth he has championed.
I hope they both have to pay up. And if so, I’ll gladly serve the chicken shiraz. đŸ™‚