Progress Pond

‘Michelle Obama Watch’ page close to official launch

Also in l’orange…

Hat tip to Jack and Jill Politics:

The black women’s blog, What About Our Daughters? is about to inaugurate
the Michelle Obama Watch page to both list and refute attacks and smears on the character and aims of Michelle Obama, who may indeed become the first African American First Lady in history.
Said Gina M., proprietess of WAOD, in light of the purported ‘Whitey’ tape being promoted all over:

This whole infamous tape stuff is just a sliver of what Michelle Obama is going to face in the media. So because I predict getting a flurry of emails from now until November, I am going to be proactive and start a separate Michelle Obama blog to track every article, blog post, youtube clip that pops up and provide you an opportunity to respond. Because if the past is any indicator, the campaign has no problem with her being turned into a verbal punching bag, I DO! IF you want to volunteer and want to post updates on the blog, send an email to the gmail account in the right sidebar. Its going to be a LONG hot SUMMER!

Whether you support her husband or not. Let’s be clear, any and every Black woman that walks in her footsteps can expect the same treatment so we might as well pull a Gandolf, draw a line in the stand and yell “THOU SHALL NOT PASS!” This ain’t about Barack, its about every professional Black woman that has had to smile on the days she didn’t want to for fear of being labeled ANGRY.

So…black women aren’t feminists, per se?  If anything, black women understand feminism quite differently from white women, but it is still feminism.

In other words, black women are saying, we have this woman’s back, and those of her children, too.

Ms. Gina has had to step up construction of the Michelle Obama Watch blog, especially in light of the Malkin ‘baby mama’ controversy.  But it is up, in a small form, and I suggest people visit, and send links, comments and support in the coming election cycle.

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