The Caspian Sea is one of the earth’s great natural resources.It is adjoined by Russia,Iran,Azerbaijan,Turkmenistan.Not far away are Iraq, Armenia and several countries that hold great promise for oil and natural gas.In addition to oil, this region is the world’s only repository of sturgeon which yields caviar.And I did not even mention that the Caspian is the largest reservoir of freshwater in the world apart from the Great Lakes.
To understand why the Bush administration conquered Iraq and is now eying Iran as its next victim, we need to go back to the PNAC document which lays out the scene in stark terms for us.These people populate the upper reaches of the American Empire and came to the conclusion that if the American dominance has to be preserved into the next century it must not merely have access to oil but it must deny such resources to potential adversaries.Which,of course, means absolute control over those resources.
The PNAC documents also calls for a Pearl Harbor style cataclysmic event to make Americans support any initiative against oil-rich countries under the guise of a war against terror.The entire Caspian region except for Russia and the more distant Armenia are mostly Islamic.And where have we heard of an event similar to Pearl Harbor carried out by Islamic terrorists?
Why is the conquest of Iran vital to this agenda of American imperialism? Oil, to be useful,has to be transported over long distances by pipelines to the end users.In this case the markets happen to be in India and China, two great emerging economic powers with nearly 40% of the world’s population and with growth rates averaging close to 10 percent annually.
The most logical route to this market would be overland through Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.An alternate route through Turkey is also available at much greater cost.The subjugation of Iran would yield plentiful oil and natural gas for distribution and would also provide the cheapest pipeline route to India.Iran has such a plan along with Pakistan and India to distribute natural gas.That would cut out the middle men of the US oil companies which is why there is an urgency to create a terror scenario for Iran with or without the help of our satrap,Israel, in the Middle East.
It would not matter if all of the Iranians suddenly became Christians overnight, the die is cast for them.The demonization has started and it is only a matter of when, not if, Iran is invaded.It is just too valuable a property to be let go.
The bottom line in the Empire’s thinking is this: All the world’s oil is belonging to us.We will have it for the making of the glorious American Empire.Even if we have to pay $10 a gallon at our pumps and impoverish most of our nation.
And I did not even mention that the Caspian is the largest reservoir of freshwater in the world apart from the Great Lakes.
It is large, but still not the greatest fresh water reservoir.
From Wikipedia:
Thanks.I forgot about Lake Baikal.All of these,including our own Lake Superior, should properly be called inland seas.It would be a shame if they go around drilling in these lakes and destroy what remains of their natural beauty.