Mash, from Docstrangelove (Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying) is ready for the upcoming smears and ugly campaign tactics that the McCain supporters and campaign will put out there. The Fight The Smears Campaign blogroll will actively seek to counter all the inundos, smears, out-and-out lies, and other ugliness that seems to have become an accepted lowest common denominator amongst voters and campaigning politicians alike.

Well, no more. Increasingly, voters have and are turning to the internet to investigate if something is true or not. It should become more difficult to ‘drop’ something into the blogosphere in the hopes for it to grow and spread and stick in people’s minds.. WE, the People, have the power to undo all of that. Fight The Smears was started up by the Barack Obama campaign but Mash decided to up the ante.

Join Mash’s Fight The Smears Campaign Blogroll and actively seek out to undermine all those supposed bombshells that the GOP will seek to detonate;

This is from Mash’s post:

(Today) I am launching the “Fight The Smears” Blogroll. If you have your own blog, I urge you to join us and become part of the blogroll. By doing so, you will be helping spread the truth about Barack Obama while helping push the smears into Google search oblivion. As more people join the Blogroll and add the blogroll to their blogs the more prominent the blogroll will become. So join and do your part in stopping the smears.

To join this blogroll, follow these easy steps:

Write a post on your own blog about fighting smears (much like this one) with an invitation to join this blogroll.
Leave a comment on this post with the URL to your post or send me the URL to the post via my contact page. I will add a link to your post on the blogroll.

Sit back and watch the blogroll grow and the smears disappear from search results.
The Fight The Smears website currently debunks the following smears:

Michelle Obama Says “Whitey” On a Tape
Barack Obama’s birth certificate
Barack Obama is a Muslim
Obama’s Books Contain Racially Incendiary Remarks
Barack Obama Won’t Say The Pledge of Allegiance/Won’t Put His Hand Over His Heart

I’m joining up. Are you? Go to Mash’s site to copy the code! (I had it up here but it turned into the actual list. I am not that html-savvy to figure out how else to put the code up here since I added the code to my sidebar already!!
(originally posted on Bloggerroundtable)