OK, I know it is not going to happen but other than his own radio show, any other media outlet should not give this man and his views the time of day solely for having something to print or air. This is what Reverend Barry Lynn, from Americans United for Separation of Church and State has this to say about him:

“Dobson is an extremist who wants the government to impose his fundamentalist viewpoint. He simply cannot accept the fact that America is a diverse nation that welcomes people of all faiths and none. His tirade today is deplorable and probably the most insensitive of his career.”

“It is ironic that Dobson is holding himself out as some sort of authority on constitutional law and theology,” Lynn continued. “He is not a theologian or an attorney, and his lack of knowledge about those fields really shows.”

Barry Lynn is not only the executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, but an ordained minister who later on became an attorney. He’s put the two at good use. His book Piety and Politics; The Right Wing Assault on Religious Freedom is a great read and actually alerted me to his organization.

Are you fed up with religious intolerants? You’ll need to learn a bit about the religious rights’ attempt to erode that separation of church and state.

Check out the AU’s research on religious right’s organizations and their ‘who’s who’ and connections.

Anything fundamental in this 21st century is an abomination as far as I’m concerned and I have no use for ignoramuses(-ci??[g])being given any form of acknowledgment of their existence.

Fundamentalism, it is often said, is taking religion too seriously. The answer, in this view, is to take it less seriously. That conventional wisdom is wrong. The best response to fundamentalism is to take faith more seriously than fundamentalism sometimes does. The best response is to critique by faith the accommodations of fundamentalism to theocracy and violence and power and to assert the vital religious commitments that fundamentalists often leave out-namely compassion, social justice, peacemaking, religious pluralism, and I would say democracy as a religious commitment. Jim Wallis