Echoing a sentiment attributed to Che Guevara about Vietnam, it appears that Wall Street,especially the Investment bankers, have decided to bail themselves out by fleecing the consumers at the gas pump.The ploy here is to speculate that oil is going to be less plentiful and hike up the price of a barrel of crude oil, which has hit $137.00.

The moneys harvested by the investment banks will be used to bail them out of their fix caused by their mortgage crisis and collapse of several investment banks like bear Stearns and possibly Lehman Bros.

This bailout, like all previous ones, would be built on the back of the average American taxpayer and the return of poverty and starvation among the world’s poorest people.

The Enron like hoax built on oil speculation will continue until the US taxpayer cannot bear the burden anymore and the collapse of empire occurs both domestically and internationally.

It is crunch time for the American Empire built on debt, speculation and war.