the senate returns next tuesday and will once again take up the fisa legislation. there’s still a fight to be waged, and fewer and fewer people to do it. here’s a video taped message from russ feingold:
All week I’ve read your emails, seen your comments online, and heard your phone calls. You don’t want the flawed FISA bill to become law. I hear you and I wanted to let you know that I’m going to do everything in my power to stop this bill.
Much as I would like to I can’t respond to each one of you individually so I’ve decided to respond online via video. I’d appreciate if you would take a moment to watch and pass it along to your friends and family or anyone you know that cares about preserving our right to privacy.
Thank you all for standing with me and speaking out about stopping the FISA bill. It’s going to be an uphill battle but your words of support are a constant reminder of why this particular battle is worth waging.
Russ Feingold
United States Senator
contact your senator…again if you already have, and harry reid as well as obama’s senate office and express your feelings regarding the importance of this issue.
he and dodd need all the support they can get.
One man that continues to fight for our constitutional rights, Everyone should be outraged. Please folks, call your senators today and every day until this comes up for the vote next week.
that’s Leadership.
Where’s Barack Obama?
Playing it safe so he can get a four year lease on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C.
good catch bro, thanks
I have been sending the emails, and voicing opinion.
we need more of this type of leadership on the hill, in ALL positions.
don’t stop now! :{)
peace bro…helluva concept
additional input can be had by supporting senator dodd and feingolds amendment to strip immunity from the bill. from friends of chris dodd’s office:
also, you can sign up and become involved with russ feingold’s ongoing work to defend the constitution and get more progressives elected to congress at Progressive Patriots.
both sites are recommended.
Memo to Legislators:
Federal Judge rejects Bush’s View on Wiretaps