What hypocrisy!
World Leaders Ponder Global Food Crisis over an 18-course Meal of caviar, sea urchins, milk fed lamb, champagne and wines flown in from Europe and the U.S. View complete menu. Pass the pepto.
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What sanctions?
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Wall Street needs a Headline to drive oil price higher?
Iran Says It Will Hit U.S. Ships, Israel, If Attacked (Update2)
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Main Street needs a Headline to drive oil prices lower?
Iranian president says no war with US, Israel
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Dog days of summer, or slow news day: In Alabama Police arrest a goat and the dog came along for the ride.
Serious stuff this smoke and mirrors:
Iraq insists on withdrawal timetable
some days ya feel like od’ing:
the senate’s about to follow the house and eviscerate the 4th amendment and henry waxman’s still writing stern letters and making hollow threats:
what’s the old adage, something about the pen being mightier than the sword?
we now know, that’s bullshit when the pen’s wielded by the demoRATs.
less writing, more action henry, that’s what we need. seeing a few of these asshats in the custody of the sergeant at arms would do wonders for your approval rating, dipshit.
Waxman and Conyers should realize by now the scoundrels intend to run out the clock.
Yeah, Fukitol!
jezeus…talk about inane polls…this from the Daily Bird Cage Liner, filed under “breaking news”:
Bu says: wha? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
nothing else in the news worth noting l guess.
great minds Dada. I’m honored.
It’s a slow news day. Maybe McCain’s pet will insure his win.
the thought of some high paid “polling consultant” sitting around in a creative session and coming up with this “idea” reminds me on this non sequitur cartoon from a day or two ago:
clik to enlarge
painfully stupid
Did someone spend money to conduct this poll or is AP making stuff up? via TPM.
Guess that why Bush was elected. Barney did it for him?
Finally, a poll where McSame is ahead!!!
I just had to hop by the frog pond, and I see you’ve found a “story” that assaults reason and common sense. Good God, if that isn’t the most stupid dreck I’ve come across.
Are these people on the payroll or what? This is madness! And then they went out and talked to people about this POS article?
This is reason #953 why you will see more puff pieces on the Obama Family than you’ll be able to shake a stick at–because with high gas prices, a craptacular health system that does even less everyday while we’re paying even more, and an economy that’s in the toilet, what’s REALLY important is whether or not his family has a pet.
Honest! Now THIS you just can’t make up
Let’s have a show of hands on preference: fresh or frozen?
It is my hope that you will keep us informed about the goat and dog saga. This is a story that could end well, unlike most of the others posted here. Make our day!
Things are looking up. This should work out well. Pray our pensions fund are not anywhere near these two.
via Huffpost:
Mark Penn, ex Clinton Strategist and Karen Hughes, ex Bush Adviser on things PR, have teamed up to form Corporate Crisis Group