I’m hoping it’s the last but I know there’s still over six months to go and that includes pardon-season.
Friends of Chris Dodd
Yesterday was a sad day for the United States Senate.
It is my hope that the courts will undo the damage done to the Constitution.
But let us stand tall, knowing that by working together we were able to make wiretapping and retroactive immunity part of the national discourse these last number of months.
We came together – all of you, Senator Feingold, bloggers like Jane Hamsher and Glenn Greenwald, organizations like the EFF and ACLU, and untold hundreds of thousands of Americans who simply wanted to make sure that this one, last insult did not happen with ease.
I’m sorry we weren’t successful.
I just hope I’m lucky enough to have you by my side in the next fight, whatever that may be.
Thanks for all you’ve done.
Chris Dodd
I’m sorry we weren’t successful, too. Very sorry. If there is one good thing that has come out of this, it’s that we now have a really good idea of which Democrats we can count on and which Democrats we cannot count on. In all honesty, there weren’t too many surprises this time around. But there were a couple of heartbreaking exceptions. In some cases, there can be redemption. I remember when Sherrod Brown voted for the Military Detainees Act during his campaign for Senate. I see that vote as very similar to Obama’s vote on FISA. It was an unnecessary and overly cautious capitulation and Brown should have known better. He wound up winning in a walk, and his Detainee’s vote served as nothing but a stain on an otherwise stellar voting record. Senator Dodd did what he could. And he’ll be remembered for it.
Well, I am not ready to throw the towel yet. There is another way.
plenty of insult to go yet,
k. rove skipped his appointment with the judiciary committee this morning, and apparently has left the country:
a stern letter will follow, and roves name can be added to the growing list of those former members of Team BushCo™ who are in contempt of congress without suffering any consequences:
click images to enlarge