Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
The Bush administration – 1
House Democrats – 7
House Republicans – 2
Senate Democrats – 5
Senate Republicans – 2
The Progressive Blogosphere – 3
If the supposed “Progressive” blogosphere can get its act back together, I may be willing to re-evaluate. But some of its self-appointed leaders really need to figure out if they’re with us or if they’re getting off the bus once and for all because I’m fed up with their whining about everything not being the way they insist it should be. This constant rattling of their followers with outrage directed at our own team instead of building movements for positive change through outreach really is not productive and reveals these “leaders” to be no more than WATB’s. Look around the blogosphere. Greenwald, Stoller, Markos… and so many more. My reading list is getting so much shorter over time.
And a MUST READ post from the wise man Al Giordano for some background.
Damn right. I, too, am sick of all these whiners bitching away about how our Constitution is dying, our wealth is being given away to plutocrat cronies, and the country is on a quick trip down the toilet. These whiners really need to figure out if they’re with us or if they’re getting off the bus once and for all because I’m fed up with their whining about everything not being the way they insist it should be.
Bush is the commander in chief and no one has any right to criticize.
No. But you are a prime example of what I’m talking about, so I wouldn’t expect you to “get my logic about right.” Nobody wants to hear endless rants about how everything is DOOMED, just DOOMED! And hell, why bother getting involved because Obama’s JUST AS BAD as McCain, anyway! I’m taking my marbles and going home!
Do cite where I, or anybody else here, said Obama’s as bad as McCain. He doesn’t have to be as bad as McCain to start looking like a major disappointment. But I guess whether you want to hear rants about how things are shitty depends entirely on whether there’s a D after the perp’s name instead of an R. Maybe you should make a bumper sticker: Obama: love him or leave us.
You sound like a pre-teen girl with a miserable crush who can’t STAND to hear anything about his that’s less than worship. If that’s what you want, maybe it’s time for you to go join a cult somewhere.
Um, I suggest you read something like Confessions of an Economic Hit Man or The Shock Doctrine or The People’s History of the United States to get some perspective. Or read any of Gore Vidal’s later works, like The Last Empire to see what our one-party-two-party system really is. You’ve been relying on your grammar school education for understanding the U.S.A.
The Bush administration -10
House Democrats 3
House Republicans 0
Senate Democrats 4
Senate Republicans -3
The Progressive Blogosphere 6
on July 10, 2008 at 5:07 pm
The Bush administration = 1 (only because you didn’t offer any lower number)
House Democrats = 3
House Republicans = 1
Senate Democrats = 2
Senate Republicans = 1
The Progressive Blogosphere = 8
The Bush administration: Negative Infinity
House Democrats: Big Fat Zeros
House Republicans: A bunch of boners.
Senate Democrats: Big, Fat and Cowardly Zeros
Senate Republicans: Depend-a-ble Nothings
The Progressive Blogosphere: Plus or Minus 50
In contrast to some of the posters above, I believe that we can walk and chew gum at the same time. We can be very supportive of Obama and our Congressional Democrats while at the same time being critical when they fall short of what we expect from them.
By definition, progressives are not content with the status quo, and it’s part of our job description to keep the pressure on in hopes of pushing things in the right(actually, the left…)direction.
The American leader, who has been condemned throughout his presidency for failing to tackle climate change, ended a private meeting with the words: “Goodbye from the world’s biggest polluter.”
He then punched the air while grinning widely, as the rest of those present including Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy looked on in shock.” – linkage
Oh my gawd, that piece just goes from bad to worse…
Mr Bush also faced criticism at the summit after Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian Prime Minister, was described in the White House press pack given to journalists as one of the “most controversial leaders in the history of a country known for government corruption and vice”.
The White House apologised for what it called “sloppy work” and said an official had simply lifted the characterisation from the internet without reading it.
At this rate, there will be a market for Bushism calendars until the end of the human civilization. Which, ironically, might not be all that far off if we keep up the polluting shtick.
I honestly think you need to ponder the implications of your grading system. I think if you really think about it, it will reveal to you why you are so prone to despondency.
There are few things to be proud of, and few things to admire about this Congress and Administration. Maybe that’s why Congress’ poll rating is in single digits, along with Cheney, and GWB is still floating (falsely/lying to the public in my pessimistic opinion) in the 20’s.
For the 1%, by the 1%.
We love breaking the rules anyway. 🙂 I think you set yourself up for some joksterism here. 🙂
“I honestly think you need to ponder the implications of your grading system.”
Really? Show me the money Booman. I think that score of ZERO applies perfectly to the GOP and the Administration (with the exception of the prank they played on Hoyer and Pelosi on impeachment a few months back). Point me to some truly great legislation passed by the Democrats in the House and Senate, specifically anything that even comes close to fulfilling their mandate and their 2006 promises.
Seems to me Bush and the GOP keep getting everything they want. And while there are a few good people in both Houses, they are overwhelmed and neutralized by the asshole majority.
My ratings stand, unless you can prove otherwise. Last I saw, the iraq war is still going on, there have been several blank checks issued to continue the war, the Senate and the House had a hissy-fit over a MoveOn ad, and our 4th Amendment rights just got thrown in the garbage can. Meanwhile, Karl Rove is flaunting subvpoenas with impunity and the only thing I see this Congress doing is issuing sternly worded letters.
I didn’t give a zero to the progressive blogosphere.
But no, i really don’t see many distinctions between the GOP and the Democrats. Not anymore. Like Greenwald pointed out, Bush couldn’t get his wiretapping legalized under GOP control, it was the Democrats who gave it up to him. What am I to make of that?
And you didn’t answer my response: name some genuinely good accomplishments.
The Bush administration: i think we can agree that nothing good has come out of this group.
House Democrats: name something that justifies a higher rating than zero (or one if you so choose).
House Republicans: name something that justifies a higher rating than zero (or one if you so choose).
Senate Democrats: name something that justifies a higher rating than zero (or one if you so choose).
Senate Republicans: name something that justifies a higher rating than zero (or one if you so choose).
The Progressive Blogosphere: I gave us a seven. We get points off for being fooled by people like carney, McInerny, etc. otherwise we’re pretty darn good. so far as I’ve seen the one good thing the dems did, stopping FISA, was undone by the Dems. And then the nominee lied about filibustering it.
if “4 Lethal Cynicisms” was meant for me, I have some words in my defense.
I don’t subscribe to cynicism #1: I don’t think “the people are too stupid, too susceptible, and too selfish to be counted upon to do the right thing”. In fact, if anything I get my balls busted for believing TOO MUCH in ordinary people. It’s our reps who think “the people are too stupid, too susceptible, and too selfish to be counted upon to do the right thing”, and as a result I have no faith in the majority of them. None.
I also don’t subscribe to cynicism #2. see above.
Same with #3: the reason I supported Hope-a-Dope to begin with was that I convinced myself he’d exercise power benevolently. Then we got FISA. As the song says, “Tell me my lying eyes are wrong.”
Since I have not lost faith in either the people or the concept that power can be exercised benevolently, I don’t subscribe to the 4th cynicism.
What I believe is that the specific people we have in congress and the senate subscribe to 1 and 2, and as i result I have lost faith in those specific people. And I have every right to have lost faith in them: 2 years worth of reasons beginning with “impeachment is off the table” and ending with “the fourth amendment”.
…and it’s been more than 4 hours since I posted the comment above. you have nothing.
there’s literally nothing good you can point to that the democrats have accomplished.
I’m cynical? No my friend: what i am is called “a realist”.
Howie Klein gets some press.
what I would rate high, is EVERYONE in the streets, shouting,
; )
in a peaceful sort of way of course…
the Bush administration – off the scale in minus territory.
the house and senate democrats / republicans – same category, a 3. Needs a house cleaning in both chambers.
Progressive blogosphere a 4 – mixed bag of whiners.
Give ACLU a 10 – they filed suit on the FISA bill to stop the government from enforcing what is an unconstitutional law.
The Bush administration – 1
House Democrats – 7
House Republicans – 2
Senate Democrats – 5
Senate Republicans – 2
The Progressive Blogosphere – 3
If the supposed “Progressive” blogosphere can get its act back together, I may be willing to re-evaluate. But some of its self-appointed leaders really need to figure out if they’re with us or if they’re getting off the bus once and for all because I’m fed up with their whining about everything not being the way they insist it should be. This constant rattling of their followers with outrage directed at our own team instead of building movements for positive change through outreach really is not productive and reveals these “leaders” to be no more than WATB’s. Look around the blogosphere. Greenwald, Stoller, Markos… and so many more. My reading list is getting so much shorter over time.
And a MUST READ post from the wise man Al Giordano for some background.
Damn right. I, too, am sick of all these whiners bitching away about how our Constitution is dying, our wealth is being given away to plutocrat cronies, and the country is on a quick trip down the toilet. These whiners really need to figure out if they’re with us or if they’re getting off the bus once and for all because I’m fed up with their whining about everything not being the way they insist it should be.
Bush is the commander in chief and no one has any right to criticize.
Did I get your logic about right?
Well to the best of my knowledge Glenn Greenwald has never written anything except scathing posts full of doom. It’s kind of depressing.
I mean granted it’s a reason and they are well written but I’m stunned he can do it every single day for years.
he doesn’t write every single day
5 days a week….
No. But you are a prime example of what I’m talking about, so I wouldn’t expect you to “get my logic about right.” Nobody wants to hear endless rants about how everything is DOOMED, just DOOMED! And hell, why bother getting involved because Obama’s JUST AS BAD as McCain, anyway! I’m taking my marbles and going home!
Then go, already. Please.
Do cite where I, or anybody else here, said Obama’s as bad as McCain. He doesn’t have to be as bad as McCain to start looking like a major disappointment. But I guess whether you want to hear rants about how things are shitty depends entirely on whether there’s a D after the perp’s name instead of an R. Maybe you should make a bumper sticker: Obama: love him or leave us.
You sound like a pre-teen girl with a miserable crush who can’t STAND to hear anything about his that’s less than worship. If that’s what you want, maybe it’s time for you to go join a cult somewhere.
Um, I suggest you read something like Confessions of an Economic Hit Man or The Shock Doctrine or The People’s History of the United States to get some perspective. Or read any of Gore Vidal’s later works, like The Last Empire to see what our one-party-two-party system really is. You’ve been relying on your grammar school education for understanding the U.S.A.
Dem Senate? 0
Dem Reps? 0
Get some education first before taking that poll.
The Bush administration — 0
House Democrats — 4
House Republicans — 1
Senate Democrats — 3
Senate Republicans — 0
The Progressive Blogosphere — 5
The Bush administration -10
House Democrats 3
House Republicans 0
Senate Democrats 4
Senate Republicans -3
The Progressive Blogosphere 6
The Bush administration = 1 (only because you didn’t offer any lower number)
House Democrats = 3
House Republicans = 1
Senate Democrats = 2
Senate Republicans = 1
The Progressive Blogosphere = 8
one that you forgot – The “Mainstream Media” = 1
The Bush administration: Negative Infinity
House Democrats: Big Fat Zeros
House Republicans: A bunch of boners.
Senate Democrats: Big, Fat and Cowardly Zeros
Senate Republicans: Depend-a-ble Nothings
The Progressive Blogosphere: Plus or Minus 50
In contrast to some of the posters above, I believe that we can walk and chew gum at the same time. We can be very supportive of Obama and our Congressional Democrats while at the same time being critical when they fall short of what we expect from them.
By definition, progressives are not content with the status quo, and it’s part of our job description to keep the pressure on in hopes of pushing things in the right(actually, the left…)direction.
Clean-Up, Aisle 4! My head just asploded. Again.
Oh my gawd, that piece just goes from bad to worse…
Is it 2009 yet?
Is it 2009 yet?
It could be if enough congresscritters decided ‘Enough was Enough!’ and ITFA! Sigh…
Did anybody find video of this? Another moment to treasure always.
At this rate, there will be a market for Bushism calendars until the end of the human civilization. Which, ironically, might not be all that far off if we keep up the polluting shtick.
The Bush administration: 0
House Democrats: 0
House Republicans: 0
Senate Democrats: 0
Senate Republicans: 0
The Progressive Blogosphere: 7
Never one to follow instructions.
I honestly think you need to ponder the implications of your grading system. I think if you really think about it, it will reveal to you why you are so prone to despondency.
There are few things to be proud of, and few things to admire about this Congress and Administration. Maybe that’s why Congress’ poll rating is in single digits, along with Cheney, and GWB is still floating (falsely/lying to the public in my pessimistic opinion) in the 20’s.
For the 1%, by the 1%.
We love breaking the rules anyway. 🙂 I think you set yourself up for some joksterism here. 🙂
“I honestly think you need to ponder the implications of your grading system.”
Really? Show me the money Booman. I think that score of ZERO applies perfectly to the GOP and the Administration (with the exception of the prank they played on Hoyer and Pelosi on impeachment a few months back). Point me to some truly great legislation passed by the Democrats in the House and Senate, specifically anything that even comes close to fulfilling their mandate and their 2006 promises.
Seems to me Bush and the GOP keep getting everything they want. And while there are a few good people in both Houses, they are overwhelmed and neutralized by the asshole majority.
My ratings stand, unless you can prove otherwise. Last I saw, the iraq war is still going on, there have been several blank checks issued to continue the war, the Senate and the House had a hissy-fit over a MoveOn ad, and our 4th Amendment rights just got thrown in the garbage can. Meanwhile, Karl Rove is flaunting subvpoenas with impunity and the only thing I see this Congress doing is issuing sternly worded letters.
Or did I miss something?
Well…first of all the instructions were 1-10, not 0-10.
So, you decided to say that everyone is off the charts bad.
But the larger point is that you can’t bring yourself to make any distinctions between any of these groups. You’ve given up.
I actually wrote the Four Lethal Cynicisms for you.
I didn’t give a zero to the progressive blogosphere.
But no, i really don’t see many distinctions between the GOP and the Democrats. Not anymore. Like Greenwald pointed out, Bush couldn’t get his wiretapping legalized under GOP control, it was the Democrats who gave it up to him. What am I to make of that?
And you didn’t answer my response: name some genuinely good accomplishments.
The Bush administration: i think we can agree that nothing good has come out of this group.
House Democrats: name something that justifies a higher rating than zero (or one if you so choose).
House Republicans: name something that justifies a higher rating than zero (or one if you so choose).
Senate Democrats: name something that justifies a higher rating than zero (or one if you so choose).
Senate Republicans: name something that justifies a higher rating than zero (or one if you so choose).
The Progressive Blogosphere: I gave us a seven. We get points off for being fooled by people like carney, McInerny, etc. otherwise we’re pretty darn good. so far as I’ve seen the one good thing the dems did, stopping FISA, was undone by the Dems. And then the nominee lied about filibustering it.
if “4 Lethal Cynicisms” was meant for me, I have some words in my defense.
I don’t subscribe to cynicism #1: I don’t think “the people are too stupid, too susceptible, and too selfish to be counted upon to do the right thing”. In fact, if anything I get my balls busted for believing TOO MUCH in ordinary people. It’s our reps who think “the people are too stupid, too susceptible, and too selfish to be counted upon to do the right thing”, and as a result I have no faith in the majority of them. None.
I also don’t subscribe to cynicism #2. see above.
Same with #3: the reason I supported Hope-a-Dope to begin with was that I convinced myself he’d exercise power benevolently. Then we got FISA. As the song says, “Tell me my lying eyes are wrong.”
Since I have not lost faith in either the people or the concept that power can be exercised benevolently, I don’t subscribe to the 4th cynicism.
What I believe is that the specific people we have in congress and the senate subscribe to 1 and 2, and as i result I have lost faith in those specific people. And I have every right to have lost faith in them: 2 years worth of reasons beginning with “impeachment is off the table” and ending with “the fourth amendment”.
…and it’s been more than 4 hours since I posted the comment above. you have nothing.
there’s literally nothing good you can point to that the democrats have accomplished.
I’m cynical? No my friend: what i am is called “a realist”.
Dude. I was cooking, eating, and chilling.
since yesterday?
I still haven’t seen that list of positive accomplishments.
value of Human Life dropped by 1 million by w’s EPA..