I’m only surprised that he doesn’t complain about McCain putting him to sleep:

The McCain campaign has not only failed to enthuse Republicans, but left many conservatives depressed and ready for a November defeat, said Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman of ConservativeHQ.com.

“Senator McCain has never been a conservative, is not one now, and will not govern as one. From McCain-Feingold to cap-and-trade, he is a supporter of one Big Government scheme after another. History shows that, in the Oval Office, where almost all the political pressure comes from supporters of Big Government, he would only get worse.”

In a speech at Freedom Fest, a gatherigng of free market advocates, Viguerie harshly criticized Senator McCain’s past history and said he would not represent conservative values if elected president, reported Christian News Wire.

“You even have some conservatives who are considering voting for Barack Obama, because they fear McCain as president would destroy what’s left of the Republican brand and would finish off the conservative movement,” Viguerie said. “Their mood is that of the fatally ill patient who says ‘Let’s get this over with’.”

It’s impressive that the Republicans are so willing to go down with the ship. I always thought that politicians’ first instinct was political survival. Somehow this era’s breed of conservative was programmed to serve Dear Leader without regard to their own survival. A few voices here and there, like Viguerie, are documenting the atrocities, but it barely amounts to a whimper.