The Tuscan Weekly has a piece up on sexual assault along the Mexican border.
According to experts, rape is now considered “the price of admission” for women crossing the border illegally.
But this scourge goes largely ignored, and is suspected to be vastly underreported. Not surprisingly, few women care to describe their ordeals to authorities in stark government detention facilities. And if they do, it’s often as they’re already being deported back across the border–sometimes back into the very situations where the assaults occurred.
This grim scenario played out in early May, when three women–ages 16, 17 and 20–reported having been raped by masked men. A few days later, two more women were found alive but badly beaten near Arivaca, south of Tucson. That same week, yet two more women reported having been raped. The reports didn’t slow deportation proceedings against them.
Further complicating matters, it’s often difficult to determine whether the assaults occurred on U.S. soil or in Mexico. But such details probably matter little to the victims. Civilian border-watchers tell of hearing these women’s cries.
“I thought the wailings we heard at night were the coyotes barking at the moon,” one volunteer told The Washington Times. “I didn’t know until later that those sounds were the cries of women being raped in the Mexican desert, some less than 100 yards away from the border. There was absolutely nothing anyone could do about it.”
The rapists are known to hang women’s bras and panties from tree limbs as trophies.
[h/t to Ann at Feministing].
Says quite a bit about power and law. Not much about humanity.
I saw a piece on prostitution a few years back. The real problem is that prostitution’s illegal! take away the illegality and many of the known, documented problems disappear right along with it.
Looks like the same thing here. If it were possible for people to get across legally, most of these kinds of problems would disappear.
I wish this was Tuscany…
Women are the most vulnerable and the numbers of deaths are rising among border crossers with little more than a peep. As long as undocumented workers are treated like animals in this country, stories like this will continue to be buried to local news and small-trafficked blogs. Juana Villegas de la Paz was shackled during labor and then was prohibited by authorities to breast feed her baby boy who developed jaundice as a result of it. I’m so disgusted by society I could fucking spit. [/rant for now]
I find it hard to have sympathy for anyone trying to illegally enter our country, no matter what happens to them. Did they deserve to be raped? Of course not. Were they supposed to be where they were when they got raped? No.
they were raped, period.
you can abuse the rating system all you’d like, Kansas Voter. It still doesn’t make it right that they were raped.