This week’s New Yorker cover satirizes the far right’s view of Mr. and Mrs. Obama, using all the false stories that have been thrown around (Barack is a Muslim, Michelle is a terrorist, the “fist bump” is a signal of black rebellion) and locates all of it in the oval office.
If you are a sophisticated audience, like most New Yorker regulars, this is satire that makes the conservatives look silly.
Unfortunately, to the great mass of unsophisticated Americans, the huge audience of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and the like, this is going to be promoted as a confirmation of fact.
One wushes it hadn’t been done. But there it is. So far, Obama has refused to comment.
Perhaps next week we can have a satirical image of McCain in an old folks home, armed to the teeth and assisted by Holy Joe Lieberman, plotting out attacks on an Iranian map…
Mojo’s take
Holy Fist Bumps: The New Yorker Obama Cover Features Turban, Afro, Flag Burning, bin Laden, Complete Lack of Concern for Humanity
I think of crap like this as corporate sponsored grafitti. It destroys, it defaces, it’s immature, and it demosnstrates a barely concealed rage and hostility. The definition works for me.
What would be considered oh so droll for the Grey Poupon set will likely provide confirmation/reinforcement for those of the Fox News set unable to recognize satire.