Progress Pond

She’ll run in 2012: what’s her name?

You’re allowed one guess.

OK. It’s Hillary. She’s hedging with an unusual purchase that sends a clear message to Mr. Nice guy, Obama.

The word is out that the Hillary camp purchased a website domain name called

Sometimes a website name is just a website name.

Maybe the move by a company that’s worked closely with the former first lady is just what it seems: yet another step by Hillary Rodham Clinton to prepare for another run for the Senate from New York in four years. Or another run for the White House. We won’t know, of course, for some time.

But that comes with the news, as reported in The Ticket early the other morning, that Clinton has urgently requested her 2008 general election supporters to approve transfer of their unusable donations for this year’s presidential race over to her 2012 Senate campaign.

(And then, potentially, into a new presidential campaign fund, as she did with $10 million of her surplus 2006 Senate campaign funds).
If this year’s donors don’t approve that transfer soon, Clinton must return the ’08 money by Aug. 28.


The respected blogger Marc Ambinder of is reporting tonight that a company associated with Clinton’s top advance team leaders, the Markham Group, purchased that domain name on June 8.

June 8th? Why does that ring a bell? Why, that’s the very next day after her “I-give-up-and-heartily-support Obama” speech where her family was dressed for a funeral.


Clinton sources told Ambinder the New York senator was committed to helping elect Obama on Nov. 4, but she wanted to keep her options open for later. Imagine that in a seasoned politician.


(emphasis added)

HRC and supporters are sending a not so subtle message: Obama will lose this November and should he win, she’ll be challenging in 2012.

Some will say, that’s her right.

But WTF?  In the middle of the current campaign with talk of HRC’s supporters endorsing or being courted by McCain! That’s some message to her supporters. Wink, wink, on November 4th please stay home or support McCain.  

The Clintons are once again revealing true colors. Deceitful. Divisive. Always calculating.

Forget the talk of “unity.”  It’ll be a quarter of a half-hearted effort. Words have meaning. Just recall these words from Hillary –

“Today, as I suspend my campaign,……”  

I suspend, not end

Bill Clinton is on record with his views that Obama will lose this November ’08. Never mind Bill’s mouthing he’ll do what he can to help Obama.

Hillary has not given up –  as she continues to hold on to the Donkey’s n^^s

Setting up for the next round, transferring donor funds while asking for the help of Obama’s supporters to retire the 2008 campaign’s debt.

What other read is there?

A nightmare that never ends.

Memo to HRC:

Hey believe it. Your Time Chart has expired.

Memo to Obama:

Beware of the Trojan horse. You’ve loaded up on hires from the Clinton camp. One too many, that’s all it takes to sabotage.

Forget any thought of offering the VP slot to the Clintons.

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