Progress Pond

Top Priorities: Urban Policy and Poverty

I took a look at your wish list for Obama’s first session as president and it mainly came down to a few themes:

1. A universal health care system (preferably single payer).
2. Green economy/Energy Bill
3. Jobs program, emphasizing infrastructure.
4. Regulation of the banking/financial sector.
5. Getting out of Iraq/repairing our international relations.
6. Accountability for the Bush administration.

To this I would add addressing poverty/urban issues as a top priority. You can read about Obama’s poverty program here and his Urban Policies here. Many of Obama’s ideas can be rolled into his Jobs program, and others could be rolling into an Energy Bill, a Banking Bill, and a Transportation Bill. Some examples:

Jobs Program:

Green Economy/Energy Bill:

Transportation Bill

It’s important that Barack Obama tackles Urban Policy in his first session. He has already signaled his intention to take Urban Policy seriously:

Obama will create a White House Office of Urban Policy to develop a strategy for metropolitan America and to ensure that all federal dollars targeted to urban areas are effectively spent on the highest-impact programs. The Director of Urban Policy will report directly to the president and coordinate all federal urban programs.

Many of his ideas can be implemented in his Energy and Jobs bills, and also in a Transportation bill and Banking/Financial Services Bill. If Obama has the numbers in Congress to implement even half of the agenda his has laid out on his website, the first session could be as revolutionary as the New Deal. Some examples, in addition to those spelled out above:

Urban progressives have been waiting an eon for an opportunity like this where we have a president that viscerally understands our issues and has the political will and capital to go to bat for us. It should not be wasted.

By spreading out his Urban/poverty agenda through a Jobs Program, an Energy Bill, a Banking/Financial Services Bill, and a Transportation Bill, Obama can bring about a revolution in progressive Urban Policy in his first session.

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