Some of us have busy schedules and may have missed the catch of the week and these leftovers. “Tis was the week that was.”

The Campaign Trail

Senator John McCain, having goaded Obama to go visit Afghanistan, Iran… that he was too inexperienced to be CIC/POTUS.. was found complaining over all the media and heads of state attention showered on Obama:

 – “Hello, I’m over here…on the golf course with Poppy Bush – why aren’t you covering me?”  “Hello,  it’s the surge, No it’s the withdrawal…” No, I like al-Maliki’s timetable, not Obama’s”

Now Watch this Video: I agree with Obama’s time table…. ..I think It’s A Pretty Good Timetable.

So at week’s end, Josh Marshall notes McCain is left hanging on to a very thin branch, strategically speaking.

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Senator Barack Obama, reveling in overseas acclaim, is expected to send this Thank You Photo Album to McCain as he was greeted in:

Afghanistan by Karzai; in Iraq by al-Maliki who endorsed his withdrawal plan; in Jordan by King Abdullah II who drove him to his campaign plane on the tarmac;

in Israel by Olmert and Ehud Barak who mused.. hmmm he’s OK;

in Germany by Merkel, who said “he’s well-equipped physically, mentally and politically and  – a massage backrub? she replied, “I won’t resist”;

in France by Sarkozy who led him by the hand declaring, “he’s my pal” and finally

in London where he met PM Gordon Brown, Tory Leader Cameron and Tony Blair.

Obama talked real tough but his own foreign policy adviser, Brzezinski is not on board: Surge in Afghanistan is risky.

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Not to be outdone, the media  rushed to paint in the negatives with new code words. How presumptuous of Obama. He’s looking too presidential, “dancing in the end zone.” said McCain.

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The Dem VP stakes

Sen. Jack Reed takes himself off the VP List.  Ditto, John Edwards – we assume – since his photo made the infamous tabloid.

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And not to be outdone, the scary Fox goes over the top with loaded questions in a Poll: Do You Have A Neighbor Who Says Obama “Scares Them”?

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No Kidding Department

The Bushies Cabal: At the first Gitmo war crimes ‘trial’ it was revealed that U.S. let bin Laden’s top bodyguard go.

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ACLU obtains Key Memos Authorizing CIA Torture Methods– -(memos) showing they were free to do virtually anything in their questioning of suspected terrorists, including waterboarding.

Look to future war crimes trial of the biggies. Ya think?

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The Economic Pain continues

As the Congress rush to pass a meaningless bill to stem house foreclosures it is said to be more a rescue package for Fannie and Freddie.

That blank check will cost more billions -trillions – than anticipated as the IMF notes  U.S. house prices overvalued by up to 20 percent

On Friday after the markets closed, two more banks failed.
We’re said to be in the second inning of a 10 inning baseball game. How about some soccer or cricket?

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GM looks to sell the Hummer. Chrysler sheds leases and Ford lost $8.7 billion in Q2. All three are said in need of more than just a trauma unit.

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Head scratchers

Karl Rove, who flipped off his Congressional subpoena, managed to escape “a citizens arrest” as the four citizens who attempted to apprehend him were themselves arrested.

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The FDA announced they’ve found the cause of the salmonella outbreak.  It’s raw jalapenos, but only jalapenos from Mexico not those grown in the U.S. But jalapenos from Mexico are not labeled.

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A 73-year-old Dutch man is said to be an unwitting gardener.  He’s astonished to learn from police that the begonias he had lovingly tended on his doorstep concealed a secret marijuana plantation.

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What’s your catch?