Promoted by Steven D
As reported by ISM (International Solidarity Movement) this morning, a 10-Year old shot dead at Nil’in.
July 29th, 2008
A 10 year old boy called Ahmed Ussam Yusef Mousa (above) was shot dead at approximately 6pm near the Palestinian village of Nil’in. He was shot once in the head at close range with live ammunition.
According to eye witnesses a group of youths attempted to remove coils of razor wire from land belonging to the village. Without warning, they were fired upon and Ahmed was killed. Israeli newspaper Maariv reported in March that the Israeli authorities have given a new order to border police operating along the apartheid wall surrounding Jerusalem. They can now open fire directly on Palestinians who try to demonstrate near the barrier. But sniping is forbidden if there are Israeli or foreign citizens amongst demonstrators.
Demonstrations have been held almost every day for the past few weeks as near Nil’in against Israel’s Apartheid Wall, declared illegal by the International Court in the Hague in 2004. The wall will deprive the village of almost 2,500 Dunums of agricultural land, and put the existence of the entirely community in doubt.
The Israeli Army and Border Police have been increasingly ill-disciplined and violent in response to the demonstrations.
Link above for the rest of the article
Six other children below the age of 18 (among 11 total deaths) have been murdered during demonstrations against Israel’s Apartheid Wall.
Israeli soldier’s attitudes toward Palestinian children are becoming more well-known.
This material, quoted by Lawrence of Cyberia is about Israel’s targeting of civilians especially children in the West Bank and Gaza. Here you have an occupying military force colonizing Palestinian lands, and Israeli soldiers given orders to take out civilians who protest it including children.
Palestinian deaths during the first and second Intifadas were not unintentional collateral damage. It was terrorist murdering by an occupying force.
Israel’s claim that its soldiers adhere to a doctrine of “purity of arms” in dealing with the Palestinian civilian population has been going on for a long time. In the first intifada, Ehud Barak was the IDF’s Deputy Chief of Staff, and proclaimed: “We do not want children to be shot under any circumstances … When you see a child you don’t shoot.” That was untrue then, just as Bradley Burston’s insinuation that Palestinian civilian deaths aren’t intentional is a lie now:
The Swedish “Save the Children” organization estimated that “23,600 to 29,900 children required medical treatment for their beating injuries in the first two years of the [first] intifida,” with nearly one‐third sustaining broken bones. Nearly one‐third of the beaten children were aged ten and under. It also states that 6,500 to 8,000 children were wounded by gunfire during the first two years of the Intifada. Researchers investigated 66 of the 106 recorded cases of “child gunshot deaths.” They concluded that: almost all of them “were hit by directed, not random or ricochet gunfire”; nearly twenty percent suffered multiple gunshot wounds; twelve percent were shot from behind; fifteen percent of the children were ten years of age or younger; “most children were not participating in a stone throwing demonstration when shot dead”; and “nearly one fifth of the children were shot dead while at home or within ten meters of their homes.”
-cited in The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy (chapter 2, end note 49); by Mearsheimer and Walt.
That’s how the IDF killed Palestinian civilians – children – during the first intifada. Not through a careless use of missiles or the occasional errant tank shell, but by individual Israeli soldiers pointing their guns at children in the Occupied Territories – even children under ten, even children who had turned their backs and were running away – and shooting them dead.
And the IDF’s record in the second intifada is much worse. Firstly, because the IDF announced in March 2003 that it would no longer routinely investigate the deaths of civilians killed by Israeli soldiers, but would allow individual Israeli officers in the field to decide whether to call in the Military Police whenever their troops killed a civilian, or to simply declare the killing an “unfortunate incident of death”, which required no investigation. A policy that has had the following, entirely predictable, result:
The IDF effectively grants immunity to soldiers who open fire illegally. Since the beginning of the intifada, the IDF has ceased to automatically open an investigation into every case in which a Palestinian is killed by IDF fire. The decision as to whether to open a Military Police investigation into each incident is now made by the Judge Advocate General’s office, based on the results of the field de-briefings, which are also carried out by the army itself. In one case that was exposed by B’Tselem, it was clear that an eleven-year-old child had died as a result of the violation of procedures and illegal shooting. Despite this, the Judge Advocate General’s office decided not to request a Military Police investigation. In addition, the investigations that are opened are generally protracted and based primarily on soldiers’ testimonies, while completely ignoring the Palestinian eyewitnesses.
This policy has unavoidably resulted in a situation in which shooting at innocent Palestinians has practically become a routine. (B’Tselem)
And secondly, because at the very beginning of the second intifada, the IDF issued extremely broad open fire regulations, concerning who might be considered a legitimate target:
Sniper: “They forbid us to shoot at children”.
Journalist: “How do they say this?”
Sniper: “You don’t shoot a child who is 12 or younger”.
Journalist: “That is, a child of 12 or older is allowed?”
Sniper: “Twelve and up is allowed. He’s not a child anymore, he’s already after his bar mitzvah. Something like that”.
Journalist: “Thirteen is bar mitzvah age”.
Sniper: “Twelve and up, you’re allowed to shoot. That’s what they tell us”.
Journalist: “Under international law, a child is defined as someone up to the age of 18.”
Sniper: “Up until 18 is a child?”
Journalist: “So, according to the IDF, it is 12?”
Sniper: “According to what the IDF says to its soldiers. I don’t know if this is what the IDF says to the media.”— Amira Hass’ interview with an IDF sharpshooter, explaining why so many Palestinian children were killed in the first weeks of the intifada, when the IDF was largely confronted by stonethrowers. Published in Ha’aretz, Don’t shoot till you can see they’re over the age of 12, 20 November 2000.
Other evidence of Israeli soldiers targeting children is given in statistics reported by Alison Weir who operates the site: If Americans Knew:
The first suicide bombing in the second intifadah was on Dec. 22 (no Israelis died in it). By that time, 86 Palestinian children (<18 years of age) had been killed by Israelis (LINK). The first Israeli child was killed on Jan. 17, 2001 (LINK). By that time, at least 90 Palestinian children had been killed by Israeli armed forces.
Before a single suicide bomber had entered Israel after the start of the Second Intifada, sometimes called, after Sharon’s provocative visit to the Temple Mount, the al Aqsa Intifada, during its first month, 27 Palestinian children had been killed by Israeli Defense Forces in the West Bank and Gaza, the youngest only four months of age, and the majority due to gunshot wounds to the head. Numerous children were also wounded. In the first three months alone, 159 children lost an eye presumably to rubber bullets shot from IDF rifles. Clearly the IDF were intentionally targeting these children, aiming at their heads with either rubber bullets or real bullets in the case of the child kills. We are talking here about a trained, mechanized army versus civilians, children participating in the Intifada, the nonviolent resistance instituted by child and teenage Palestinian boys and girls. To be fair, we did hear that an Israeli soldier lost his eye from a rock thrown by a Palestinian boy from a pretty IDF spokeswoman, but it was the only such incident reported in three years.
In addition to these children, many more innocent adult civilians were killed in the month before suicide bombings commenced. If terrorism is the intentional killing of civilians, then clearly, Israel’s armed forces were deep into terrorism, the state sponsored type, long before the Palestinians engaged in it to any degree. As a people fighting a military occupation, it would seem that the ultimate cause of all of these horrors on both sides rests with Israel and the purpose for which it continues its long occupation, the colonization of Palestinian lands.
Rami Khouri, the Palestinian editor of the Beirut newspaper, the Daily Star, provided this cynical report to statements by Olmert professing his concern for Palestinian children (Ehud Olmert’s Profound Ethics and Deep Lies):
“For anyone interested in the facts about the impact of Israeli policies on Palestinian children, a good place to start is the carefully checked data disseminated by the Palestinian Nongovernmental Organization Network ( Their data is compiled and verified on the ground by the Ramallah-based Health Development Information and Policy Institute, which has been honored by the World Health Organization for its work in promoting Palestinian health needs. So these people know what they are talking about when it comes to health conditions on the ground in Israeli-occupied Palestine. Some of the facts they provide are as follows.
In just the first two years of the second intifada, from September 2000 to November 2002:
- 383 Palestinian children (under the age of 18) were killed by the Israeli army and Israeli settlers, i.e. almost 19% of the total Palestinians killed; those figures have increased since then.
- Approximately 36% of total Palestinians injured (estimated at more than 41,000) are children; 86 of these children were under the age of ten; 21 infants under the age of 12 months have been killed.
- 245 Palestinian students and school children have been killed; 2,610 pupils have been wounded on their way to or from school.
- The Israeli policy of widespread closure has paralyzed the Palestinian health system, with children particularly vulnerable to this policy of collective punishment. Internal closures have severely disrupted health plans which affect over 500,000 children, including vaccination programs, dental examinations and early diagnosis for children when starting schools.
- During the first two months of the intifada, the rate of upper respiratory infections in children increased from 20% to 40%. Almost 60% of children in Gaza suffer parasitic infections.
- An overwhelming number of Palestinian children show symptoms of trauma such as sleep disorders, nervousness, decrease in appetite and weight, feelings of hopelessness and frustration, and abnormal thoughts of death.
- There have been 36 cases of Palestinian women in labor delayed at checkpoints and refused permission to reach medical facilities or for ambulances to reach them. At least 14 of these women gave birth at the checkpoint with eight of the births resulting in the death of the newborn infants.
The Israeli army killing of Palestinian children continues apace. In its annual report May 16, the respected global human rights organization Amnesty International accused the Israeli army of killing 190 Palestinians, including 50 children, last year (2005).”
Today, we learn that the toll on Palestinian children continues to mount.
Thanks Steven. Americans really need to know what they are supporting in the Middle East.
Thanks, shergald and Steven D, for this front-paged diary.
demoted again??? Have a RECOMMEND!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
At least it was on the frontpage for awhile — a significant improvement over the visibility of I/P on some other sites.
Rusty, the story did remain on the frontpage here, and still is.
That’s funny. I don’t see it on the front page. I only see it on the sidebar.
You’re right. I didn’t notice. It is only on the side-bar. I thank Steven or the powers that be for doing that, because a diary can last a much longer time off the front page and on the side-bar.
I just don’t know what to say. Deliberately targeting children?
What kind of a subhuman can take careful aim at a child’s head and fire? How much of a lowlife does one have to be to do such at thing?
Keep in mind that the Palestinians openly advocate cold-blooded murder of ALL Israeli children. See Hamas’ charter. These people are the last ones in the world with a right to criticize others. But it doesn’t really matter. Claiming victimhood and distorting historical facts has never done the Palestinians any good and it won’t help now. The only thing that will help them is accepting responsibility for their actions, and ending the war they began. The first step is formally recognizing Israel, the first step to demonstrating to the world that they are ready to respect international law. Until they do that they’re going to continue to suffer and die. Nothing the Israelis can do to change it. they didn’t start the war, they don’t want it, and they can’t change it. It’s all up to the Palestinians.
Sorry, Mikep, I don’t agree. Deliberately targeting children is way over the line, especially for a “professional” army unit.
They alway manage to hit them in the head. A peacekeeper hit in the head a couple weeks ago just died.
Terrorist under every bed…freedom fighters of the 1940s – 1980s are today called terrorist. It took a special bill in Congress to remove Nelson Mandela from the terrorists’ list.
“see the Hamas charter.”
Have you ever read the Fatah charter?
reminder: Arafat and Fatah advocated Israel’s destruction, practiced a campaign of terror now they’re partners in peace!
The first step is formally recognizing Israel, the first step to demonstrating to the world that they are ready to respect international law
You’ve got to be kidding
When has Israel ever adhered to international law? They the oppressed, under Nazi Germany, have become the oppressors. Now if you think collective punishment is a just act ….there’s only one word to describe such actions. Straight out of the Nazi manual…and far removed from being labeled human. Who’d thought?
and btw speaking of terrorist what does this make Lieberman?
“Keep in mind that the Palestinians openly advocate cold-blooded murder of ALL Israeli children.“
Riiiiight, Mike! But, tell me, Mike, if their goal is to murder ALL Israeli children, how come they are not doing a better job of it? How is it that, given their goal of killing ALL Israeli children, they are only able to kill a small handful each year? How is it that Israelis, who insist they do NOT TARGET CHILDREN are able to kill ten or fifteen times more Palestinian children than the Israeli children killed by Palestinians who openly DO target children? Are the Palestinians REALLY that bad at killing Israeli children, and are Israelis really that bad at NOT killing Palestinian children?
“See Hamas’ charter.“
I HAVE seen Hamas’ charter. In fact, I have read it in its entirety, and my memory must be very bad because I don’t recall anything advocating cold-blooded murder of any children, let alone ALL Israeli children. Therefore, I need your assistance in refreshing my memory. Would you be kind enough to point me to the part of Hamas’ charter that openly advocates the cold-blooded murder of ALL Israeli children? A direct quote and a reference to the relevant article in the Charter would be most helpful. I thank you for your assistance in this matter.
First it was started by Israel and has gone on for sixty years.
Second its not a war its ethnic cleansing.
Third open your eyes and please do a bit of reading before you regurgitate Israeli propaganda and bullshit.
He could start by actually reading a document – i.e. the Hamas Charter – before making wild claims about what it contains!
Israel started the war, read a little history. Start with David Ben-Gurion works. The read Accidental Empire.
And read the Likud charter. It’s on wiki.
Israel wants land and water, and the only way to get it is through more confiscation of Palestinian land.
LOL! You mention international law in a post about the actions of Israel. LOL!!
What can kind of fools do you think we are?
Hamas has extended enough olive branches to build a mansion.
Hamas accepts a two-state solution. When asked by Newsweek-Washington Post correspondent Lally Weymouth on 26 February 2006 what agreements Hamas was prepared to honor, the new Hamas Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyeh answered, “the ones that will guarantee the establishment of a Palestinian State with Jerusalem as its capital with 1967 borders.” Weymouth went on, “Will you recognize Israel?” to which Haniyeh responded, “If Israel declares that it will give the Palestinian people a state and give them back all their rights then we are ready to recognize them.” (5) This view encapsulates the Hamas demand for reciprocity.
In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer four days after the PLC elections, the new Hamas Foreign Minister, Mahmoud Zahar (considered the party’s hard-liner) remarked, “We can accept to establish our independent state on the area occupied [in] 1967.” Like Haniyeh and other Hamas members, Zahar insists that once such a state is established a long-term truce “lasting as long as 10, 20 or 100 years” will ensue ending the state of armed conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. (6)
Hamas government spokesman Ghazi Hamad commented to reporters on 10 May 2006, “Yes, we accept an independent state in the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel in the 1967 Middle East War. This attitude is not new and it is declared in the government’s platform.” (7)
Gee, I notice that Mike has not yet produced that part of Hamas’ Charter that calls for cold-bloodedly murdering ALL Israeli children.
Quel surprise!
B-b-b-b-b-but, the Israeli army is the most moral army in the world, and we KNOW they don’t target children. How do we know that? Well, because they insist that they do not target children, and of course they ALWAYS tell the truth!
Of course, they also must have the worst aim in the world since they just can’t seem to avoid killing children.
this just off the AP wire:
my suspicion is that it doesn’t bode well.
Olmert is no gift to peace, heaven knows, but if we end up with Netanyahu it will be worse.
they just keep re-cycling the old hawks….bebe would set things back significantly, imo.
there’s an opportunity for some progress developing, albeit slowly, here that could be lost for the foreseeable future if he wins it.
who else is out there that’s better…that has a chance?
I’ve been focused more on Iraq the last several years, and have not kept up closely with Israeli politics, so I really don’t know. But my sense is that there really isn’t anyone who would be a whole lot better than Olmert, which is scary because as I said, Olmert has been no great gift despite giving the appearance of wanting peace while punishing the Palestinians for existing (and for exercising democracy), demolishing what Sharon et al. left of their institutions, and grabbing yet more and more and more land. From what I have heard Netanyahu is dying to get back into power, but I don’t know what his chances are. I have an Iraqi-Israeli friend I could ask, but I am embarrassed because I have not sent him a DVD about Iraqi Jews I promised months ago, so I had better do that first. (It’s a very interesting documentary called Forget Baghdad, if anyone is interested).
And Obama has his lips planted so firmly on Israel’s ass that I don’t think there is any hope we will see real progress with him as President – not that I think the U.S. is the correct party to be involved in this anyway.
At this point the only chance for resolution is that the Palestinians will stop being so “intransigent” in asserting their rights. Cheeky devils, insisting that they are human beings who are entitled to the same rights as other humans! How dare they?
The bottom of this has a bit on Ms. Tzipi Livni.
Ah yes – another lovely peace-minded Israeli leader!
The reason they are going after Olmert is because he is close to a peace agreement. Quickest way to derail peace…destabilize the government…and start targeting Palestinian children. Works every time.
I don’t think he is close to a peace agreement at all. He hasn’t stopped stealing land, he hasn’t stopped building settlements, he hasn’t stopped destroying Palestinian civil infrastructure and institutions, he hasn’t stopped strangling Gaza, attacking the West Bank, killing Palestinian kids, etc., etc., etc.
It’s all been a sham just like all the other “peace processes” have been shams.
Maybe not widespread peace, but this article suggests one angle of peace process that might’ve done Olmert in:
“Israel exchanged a bona-fide murderer for the bodies of the two IDF soldiers kidnapped by Hezbollah…“
Not really, by the way. In fact, the circumstances of the death of the alleged victim are very much in dispute, and there is evidence that there was no murder and that the accused person was not responsible for the death.
As for the Golan Heights, with all due respect for Mr. Rockwell, I don’t think Olmert was at all serious about returning that very valuable piece of stolen land – land that IS part of the sovereign state of Syria.
And by the way, the bit about lobbing missiles ignores the fact of Israel’s constant very well-documented and very deliberate provocations, as described by Moshe Dayan among others.
If they were serious, Shalit would have been exchanged. They want him to remain a prisoner so they can bring it up YEEEEEEEARS down the road to act like they are negotiating in good faith.
They make me sick.
I wonder what Obama said the Bibi on that visit.
Obama was probably too busy kissing Netanyahu’s %#$@! to say very much.
When a new sun kisses the ground at Tel Aviv, will it be “collective punishment”, terrorism or genocide? What criteria will be used to make the label assignment? I’d like to know beforehand how it will be classified. It will make the recriminations traded afterward so much easier to understand.
From what I’m reading just through these posts, it looks like it will another four years of battling: Obama vs Bebe. In the meantime, bit by bit, the West Bank and East Jerusalem will be eaten away if they are not today too far gone to support a peace solution like the one proposed by Bush in January. All I can say for Bush is that at least he put something on the table that was carried by the press.
One can only hope that Edward Said impressed Obama enough about the commonalities of the Palestinian and Black movements (in the US) to keep him from backing down in face of Israel’s continuing military occupation/colonization, its intents to create the Greater Israel miracle. The Palestinian question, how to get rid of them, would be the next hurdle for the right wing Zionists.
Shergald, I think anyone who expects Obama to do anything for the Palestinians is dreaming. He not only has his lips planted firmly on Israel’s ass, he’s got his head halfway up there already.
No question that he has genuflected before AIPAC and did all the right political things on his trip to Israel. We can only hope that he is being duplicitous and will begin on day one to try to move the peace process forward. We will learn more when we see what his state department looks like. If proIsrael goons like Ross have a big profile in his administration, I will eventually agree with you.
So, Shergald, either he is lying, which is very, very bad, or he is not lying, which is worse – American politics as usual.
But it sure does look like he is surrounding himself with all the wrong people when it comes to foreign policy, and the Middle East in particular. Therefore, I am not optimistic, not for Palestine, not for Iraq, certainly not for Afghanistan, and maybe not for Iran and Syria either – unless he is lying, which is very, very bad.
I kind of lost some faith that Obama would really act differently toward the Middle East when Brzezinski was moved into the periphery. I don’t know if that was done for political expediency as a temporary move to assuage the Israelis or if it constituted a real change in direction. I hope it was all about the former. I am otherwise in the dark.
Politics is all about lying, isn’t it. One just hopes that the lying favors your views. Well, that’s a bit cynical. I just hope that Obama does the right thing once in office.
I’m no fan of Zbig — I remember some of his work from the Carter years. I was more disappointed by the resignation of Malley as one of Obama’s advisors (especially as it came after some hardliners complained that Malley, a scholar, had visited some countries in the Middle East other than Israel recently).
He might just surprise…
I’m not going to stop breathing waiting for that.
I’m not sure about this. I noticed that Robert Gates didn’t list Israel as an ally of the US.
This would be a welcomed change.
What they think to the left:
Like our right wing loonies here in the states. You hate your own country if you value human rights. There is no future in ultranationalism. In the end it kills its host.
Sounds like the kind of stupid rhetoric the Israeli’s use to justify the murder of Palestinian children. You are hurting the cause of the Palestinians with that kind of talk. I would rather not see “new suns” touch the ground anywhere. No children in this world should be shot dead or burned alive.
The Israeli and U.S. right wing love that kind of ignorant statement.
I remember reading that Christopher Hedges said that NOWHERE ELSE where he has covered war were children shot for sport. Just Israel.
Perhaps they will over play their hand with their plans for the next war and they’ll learn a nasty but well deserved lesson.
I won’t shed one tear because not enough people in the US or in Israel have spoken up about their crimes.