If it is possible for you to avoid, you should never, ever shop at Wal*Mart:
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is mobilizing its store managers and department supervisors around the country to warn that if Democrats win power in November, they’ll likely change federal law to make it easier for workers to unionize companies — including Wal-Mart.
In recent weeks, thousands of Wal-Mart store managers and department heads have been summoned to mandatory meetings at which the retailer stresses the downside for workers if stores were to be unionized.
According to about a dozen Wal-Mart employees who attended such meetings in seven states, Wal-Mart executives claim that employees at unionized stores would have to pay hefty union dues while getting nothing in return, and may have to go on strike without compensation. Also, unionization could mean fewer jobs as labor costs rise.
The actions by Wal-Mart — the nation’s largest private employer — reflect a growing concern among big business that a reinvigorated labor movement could reverse years of declining union membership.
It’s strange how labor costs would rise at the same time that employees ‘get nothing in return’ at the same time that there are fewer jobs. Simple arithmetic shows that higher labor costs with the same or fewer number of employees means that the employees will get more pay and/or benefits.
The Wal-Mart human-resources managers who run the meetings don’t specifically tell attendees how to vote in November’s election, but make it clear that voting for Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama would be tantamount to inviting unions in, according to Wal-Mart employees who attended gatherings in Maryland, Missouri and other states.
“The meeting leader said, ‘I am not telling you how to vote, but if the Democrats win, this bill will pass and you won’t have a vote on whether you want a union,'” said a Wal-Mart customer-service supervisor from Missouri. “I am not a stupid person. They were telling me how to vote,” she said.
Of course they were…that’s the whole point of these meetings. You don’t waste human resources holding political meetings if you don’t care how your management votes.
“If anyone representing Wal-Mart gave the impression we were telling associates how to vote, they were wrong and acting without approval,” said David Tovar, Wal-Mart spokesman. Mr. Tovar acknowledged that the meetings were taking place for store managers and supervisors nationwide.
That is total bullshit. Here’s the reality:
Wal-Mart’s worries center on a piece of legislation known as the Employee Free Choice Act, which companies say would enable unions to quickly add millions of new members. “We believe EFCA is a bad bill and we have been on record as opposing it for some time,” Mr. Tovar said. “We feel educating our associates about the bill is the right thing to do.”
Lying to your employees about the benefits of unionization is a little different from ‘educating’ them, but I get the idea. The enemies of Labor are organizing against Barack Obama. Here’s why:
First introduced in 2003, the bill came to a vote last year and sailed through the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives, but was blocked by a filibuster in the Senate and faced a veto threat by the White House. The bill was taken off the floor, and its backers pledged to reintroduce it when they could get more support.
The November election could bring that extra support in Congress, as well as the White House if Sen. Obama is elected and Democrats extend their control in the Senate. Sen. Obama co-sponsored the legislation, which also is known as “card check,” and has said several times he would sign it into law if elected president. Sen. John McCain, the likely Republican presidential nominee, opposes the Employee Free Choice Act and voted against it last year.
For those of you that like your politics black and white with no shades of grey, there you go. Distinctions don’t get much starker than that. Buy Union.
We do pay a price for everyday low prices
Wal*Mart has always been Socking it to us
killing industries and towns…everywhere they set up shop.
Got taken to a Wal Mart a couple months ago, for the first time.
Always hated ’em on principle. But the low prices, oh the low prices! Staggeringly low, stunningly low: so much so that like a zombie, I’m ashamed to admit that I bought two T-shirts.
Which have both since shrunk two sizes, so I was paid back.
There’s no such thing as a free lunch, unless you’re a Wal Mart CEO.
Exactly. Target has comparable prices and way better quality.
Walmart: Always low tactics. Always.
My family and I have skipped Wal-Mart for many years because of their anti-union stances, but this latest bit is a really nice bookend for reasons not to shop there.
-proud to be the son and grandson of Teamsters-
Once again, McCain is on the opposite side of the working man. Oh, he’s a republican. Why do I expect anything different?
I never go to Wal Mart. Even before I understood what they are about, it always felt icky to be in there.
I can tell you with absolute certainty that these meetings, and every word they say in them are scripted by the high-priced employment law firm they retain. This law firm is well-known for helping its clients to thwart unionization of workers, and to do so absolutely legally by persuading the workers that it is not in their best interest. The law firm has also advised them what they can and cannot say about the upcoming election in order to stay within the law.