Progress Pond

The U.S. as the Rogue State.

In all the verbiage emanating from the candidates this political cycle, one constantly hears the refrain that either Obama or McCain will make us more secure in this age of terrorism.

What is never mentioned is the ludicrousness of this proposition.Given that this country spends more on “defense” than the rest of the world combined and maintains a string of well equipped bases around the world and has a huge CIA budget devoted to destabilization of foreign governments,propaganda and assassination of foreign leaders, elementary curiosity should provoke questions on who is the greater threat to others.Given the nature of our Press/media as propaganda organs, that is not likely to happen.

What this simple minded analysis shows is that no original thought about important matters would be allowed to cross the mind of the candidates or the Press.We will all be bickering around the edges, as it were, on whether Barack Obama is a celebrity in the mold of Britney or Paris,and,God forbid, they missed Lindsay or Madonna.

Meanwhile in the real planet GM and Ford are collapsing with bankruptcy looming for both in a matter of months.The federal budget deficit is approacing half a trillion dollars with no reprieve in sight.

But the bogeyman,the dark skinned Arab/Muslim is lurking in the smoldering ruins of the WTC Towers,the man with Anthrax is comfortably dead and Barack wants to put the make on your sister using high falutin’ words.The terrorists are indeed here.

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