I’m back in Pennsylvania and badly need to get back into the swing of things. I see many of my fellow bloggers are struggling to keep it going in the current silly season. I’m sorry to see Chris Bowers and Al Giordano in somewhat of a pissing match. They’re two good people that should be embracing each other, not fighting. But, hey, we all have differences over strategy. On a similar note, I don’t think Kos really needed to weigh in on the whole Blogher vs. Netroots Nation controversy. In a somewhat recurring pattern, Kos says a lot that I agree with but says it in a way that will needlessly anger a lot of good-intentioned people.
I didn’t have a lot of time to write this past week and the headlines didn’t do me any favors. It seems like most reporters are either on vacation or just mailing in their analysis pieces, which seem to be worse than at any time I can remember. My response to almost everything I read last week was just disgust at sloppy, lazy, and intellectually bankrupt journalism. The most interesting story, the anthrax suicide, was too big for me to tackle. Even Tom Daschle is demanding some analysis and he isn’t getting much. One good sign is that the press seems skeptical. I just wish the story had more legs. It will not be able to compete with a presidential election and the coming announcement of running mates. Speaking of which, I’ll be pretty depressed if Evan Bayh is selected as Obama’s running mate. I’ll get over it. But I’ll be pretty disgusted.
Purely as a matter of strategery, Bayh is not a bad pick. He’d probably deliver his state to Obama which is something that no other pick can credibly promise to do. He’d also make the DLC wing of the party feel good. And while that is about the last thing I want to see, it does have its upsides for party unity and keeping the corporate press pacified. I just hope Bayh isn’t the pick. In the end, it won’t matter much until the time comes to select Obama’s successor. Then it will be a big problem.
Booman maybe you can write something about this depressing bit of news. I’m in shock.
Negative attack sells and the source is AP…
they’re still eating the donuts with sprinkles and downing it with McCain kool aid.
don’t trust the polls or any surveys at this point. there’s a lack of truthiness.
Obama returned home to a negative press stunned that his tour was without the mishaps that they were in wait of:
Look at his achievements end of July for an “inexperienced senator not fit to lead” al-Maliki embraced Obama’s timetable leaving McCain and Bush to adjust their playbook. A mere junior senator of the U.S.A had over 200,000 people come to hear him in Berlin – received worldwide. Obama showed himself as competent and ready.
So Britney and Paris are the weapons? That’s desperate. Sadly the uninformed eats the appetizer and leaves the main course.
Imho, the serious economic pain ahead will maintain Obama’s advantage. McCain has zip.
Oh, I’d say there’s quite an abundance of truthiness: the press wants people to FEEL that it’s a close race, and the McCain is an excellent candidate. The problem is, it’s just not true.
so lets see. you are away and the dem candidate now might just pick a dlc piece of garbage in order to possibly win indiana. and the dem candidate sppears to be willing to accept offshore drilling. and the dem candidate appears to be allowing the goopers to dictate the framinig of his positions on just about everything relating to our candidates positions on everything.
so, i guess that another 8 years of gooper control of the wh looks better and better every day.
Obama and the “DLC wing of the party”.
I’ve been trying to figure out how to know when Obama is going to appear in MI, but I’m having a real hard time of it. Does anyone know of a site that is publishing his appearances at least two days in advance? His main website isn’t, and I’m having difficulty finding this info anywhere on the web.
Did you try the MI page on his website?
Yes, it lists house partys and local events, which is cool, but not actual events he is attending.
Alright, I see this on there, but was unablet to navigate to it from the home page, I must be looking in the wrong place. I’ll take another look, though I’ve looked a number of times.
It appears it may be more timing than anything – I see the news now on the link, but they have very little content displayed on the state page at any given moment. I guess I’ll have to try to keep an even closer eye on it day to day.
I think he is in Lansing today.
Exactly, which I had heard nothing about, and isn’t even listed in the paper here, print or online. I can’t get there with my oldest boy in tow if I don’t know where he’s going to be.
Booman, I have heard directly from some inside Obama campaign folk that the VP pick is Bayh and Wednesday is the day according to his schedule. I hope my contacts are dead wrong.
Going to the left for a veep would have been assassination insurance. Bayh? Ugh.
As for the polls, I can walk for days and not find anyone who would vote for McCain. I suspect that the polling can’t be trusted anymore. One less thing to believe.