As the entire world watched with awe the opening ceremonies at the Olympic Games in Beijing, NBC which ahd the “rights” to televise the Olympics in the US was up to its old tricks as a propaganda organ of the US Establishment.Throughout the ceremonies,the NBC commentariat kept on yakking about the shortcomings of the Chinese and their system,bringing in politics into a purely sports event.

What was worse was that this idiot group of commentators missed the historic significance of the games entirely as only the certified ignorati of TV are capable of doing.

For those who need a reminder, China, in a matter of 60 years has risen from the ashes of defeat,turmoil, ostracism by the US influenced boycott and many other indignities inflicted on a proud and ancient people.For forty of those sixty years, the US kept up the pretense that China did not exist and was forced to cave in when the force ofa billion people could not be ignored any longer.

I have a sinking feeling that the same thing that happened in China is about to be repeated on a similar scale with India which has announced its emergence from abject poverty with a serious assault on many industries that the Western world considered its unique turf.With nearly a quarter million graduates in the sciences and engineering emerging from its well respected institutes of higher learning,it is only a matter of time before another spectacle staged in New Delhi catches us by surprise.

In world seeing such massive upheavals in the expectations of the world’s people, our idiot media prefer their mythologies intact.That mythology would have us believe that USA is number one at all times and anything that challenges that assumption must be put down by the paid and unthinking talking heads.

Don’t forget that there are countries like Brazil,Russia,many Southeast Asian nations and African nations that will step into the shoes that India and China have worn.

The Beijing ceremonies should be seen as the beginning of the end of insupportable hubris the American Empire has displayed for a long time.

That is,if we are willing to observe and learn.