“I know his grandmother lives in Hawaii and I know Hawaii is a state, but it has the look of him going off to some sort of foreign, exotic place. He should be at Myrtle Beach and if he’s going to take a vacation at this time. I just think this is not the time to do that.”- Cokie Roberts
Funny, because certain white suburban teenagers that I know, took one look at the following picture of Barack Obama bodysurfing in Hawaii and admiringly proclaimed him a ‘Badass’.
A ‘Badass’ is distinct from a ‘Jackass’, which is all I can say for the people the people that put together The Note:
Did Republicans get the pictures they were waiting for when Obama finally took his shirt off to go bodysurfing in Hawaii Thursday?
Let’s face it. If John McCain attempted to bodysurf Hawaii’s waves he’d sink like a stone and drown. I think golfing-blogger William Wolfrum put it best:
Yes, Obama can’t help but look like a high-flying elitist by spending his vacation in Hawaii, regardless of the fact that he was born there and that his grandmother lives there. And the fact that, you know, Hawaii is one of the 50 states.
When real Americans take vacations, they go to Myrtle Beach. That’s why we’d like to let the Obama Campaign know about MyrtleBeachGolf.com. There they can find amazing deals throughout the Grand Strand that combine luxurious (but not elite) lodging, as well as opportunities to play golf on some of the most impressive golf courses in the non-elite Continental U.S.
And while they are making arrangements to send Sen. Obama to Myrtle Beach, they need to get him to switch sports. Basketball is for elites, after all. Real Americans, and real American Presidents play golf. In Myrtle Beach.
Joel Connelly of the Seatlle Post-Intelligencer also had a few choice words for Cokie Roberts and her ilk:
ABC/NPR pundit Cokie Roberts went on TV to raise her nose at Obama’s decision to hang loose in “Some sort of foreign exotic place,” and then talked about his “odd” choice during her Monday gig on National Public Radio.
Roberts is a D.C. creature. Her father was House Majority Leader. Her mother served in Congress. A brother, Tommy Boggs, is one of the capital’s most prominent lobbyist-fixers. And her husband, Stephen Roberts, was the New York Times’ man at the White House during the Reagan administration.
A few facts need to be brought out:
Hawaii is one of the 50 states, albeit the most recent to be admitted to the Union.
A sneak attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor prompted America’s entry into World War II.
Lots of Americans vacation in Hawaii. President Reagan and wife Nancy were photographed swimming in the waves during the Gipper’s administration.
Longtime (1952-83) Washington Sen. Henry Jackson went to Hawaii on his honeymoon, but took time off to visit fleet headquarters for a briefing on Soviet naval strength in the Pacific.
Barack Obama grew up, much of the time, in Hawaii and was raised largely by his grandfather and grandmother. The candidate’s grandmother is still alive. Americans like to visit their grandmothers during the summer.
A suggestion about this episode:
Cokie Roberts used to be an original voice Monday mornings on NPR. She is now an orthodox theologian of the capital’s conventional wisdom.
As an insurgent, Barack Obama hasn’t been treated all that kindly on NPR, particularly by correspondents who opine on other networks or serve as designated “liberal” wimps on Fox News roundtables.
During the fall, our local public radio stations will hold beg-a-thons emphasizing how this is “our” radio.
When contacted, whether you give or withhold, let ’em know what you think of “some sort of foreign exotic place.”
And don’t miss Edwin Tanji in the Maui News:
It’s almost amusing that an East Coast media ego fails to sense a disconnect when a presidential candidate goes off on vacation to a Cape Cod gated estate as if for most Americans that isn’t a foreign and exotic place – a place they can only sightsee, never expect to live.
What reporters like Roberts appear to be missing, and probably what the McCain campaign most fears, is the enthusiasm activating a segment of the citizen population inspired by a candidate, who like they, was born about the time Roberts was graduating from Wellesley. Many were not inclined to be involved in their country’s leadership choices before, but are now.
The campaign organization around Obama is appealing to American youth, evolving out of the pool of under-30s who are disturbed at the decisions made by the over-50s and see a face with which they can identify and possibly even trust.
Their level of participation can’t be easily gauged, which may be the reason reporters experienced in political dogma rely on well-worn ideology to assess what succeeds in the timing and planning of an election campaign – while the audience relies on blogging and word-of-mouth texting.
It may all mirror what is happening to media in the United States, as newspapers and even television news broadcasters slide below the consciousness of the diverse and diversifying society. It could be that the reporters – and the editors – are out of touch.
And need I remind you that John McCain spent yesterday in Aspen? But he’d need to break out a snowboard if he wanted any suburban white teenagers to call him a ‘Badass’.
Pictorial definition of Badass:
doin’ a pretty good imitation of neo, eh.
More powerful than a locomotive.
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
Look! Up in the sky!
It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s…
clik to biggerize
that you’d best believe Cokie Roberts is flat out of her effing mind.
Earlier, I passed the Star-Bulletin photo and story link to my black women’s listserve and to some other friends.
Lotta oohing and ahhing from the women. Outright admiration from the guys. Online dapping going on comparing him to the crypt keeper. Respect from both sides about his memorializing his mama.
Can you imagine McSame stripping and cavorting in the surf for the cameras? With Cindy? Even with the grandkids?
Da Man:
(courtesy Bag News Notes & their sources)
Dear Cokie Roberts,
You might be interested to know that when I served as an infantry sergeant E-5 in Vietnam (11th Brigade of the Americal Division, 1969-70), I met my parents in Hawaii for my one-week allotment of rest and recreation.
Go Fuck Yourself,
and let’s rub Cokie Roberts’ nose into this graph at the link in your post a few hours ago – not only does Obama’s grandmother and half sister live in Hawaii but also his mother’s ashes were scattered there:
Cokie Roberts, (NPR’s resident dishonest critic – oh yes, she still has a gig every Monday morning) owes the man an apology:
The local features on our Public Radio Stations in this area are truly gems. The musical variety is tremendous. Locally produced programs are wonderful. I just wish there was some way I could separate the dickheads who have control over the nationally based programs such as Morning Edition from the local stations. Morning Edition has stunk horribly, by the way, since Bob Edwards had his ass so graciously kicked out by the Bush administration lackeys. But, nevertheless, there is really no other way than to withhold my longstanding contributions and to make the local fundraisers aware of the reasons for my withdrawal of support. It is truly sad that it has come to this. But I am afraid that there is really no other choice.
Real Americans vacation at Myrtle friggin Beach? Maybe when NASCAR still raced on Labor Day down the road at Darlington.
Today, maybe golf playing country club Republicans staying in luxury hotels
Cokie’s beltway roots betray her.
Real Americans go to Ocean City or Seaside Park, NJ
Or they head to “cottages” in Upper Michigan or cabins in the mountains of PA, NY or NE
Or they head to Disney World
Mostly, they get with family.
And if your family is in Hawaii, well…
…needs to be mocked and ridiculed at every opportunity.
It’s as stupid as the McCain campaign salivating over Barack Obama on vacation. Jealous because no one wants to see that ugly little troll McCain? (BTW, what’s up with the Popeye-eyes lately? I keep waiting for him to say “Aaarrr.”)
There was a time when Cokie Roberts wanted to be a liberal. I believe that. She failed miserably.
…to comment on his stellar body surfing form?? Look at him. Damn, is there anything he can’t do (beside bowl, LOL)?
Shhh! He’s looking too, too…healthy! Can’t have that. Can’t have intelligence, either. If his major flaw is bowling, then cool. I’ll take it!
(Of course, I can’t resist–I bowl better than Obama. And if you knew how deep my bowling game is, you’d know that’s really saying something. But I still love it. And I actually like that he tried something he’d never done before. I just don’t know why it merited more than a passing ha-ha.)
Too smart.
Too healthy.
Too good-looking.
Too successful.
Too perfect.
He’d make a terrible president. That is, if you think the current one is a GOOD one. ;-D
He may be lanky and athletic, but I’m not sure about “too healthy” — after all he is a smoker. A couple of weeks ago, the stupid meme was going around that average Americans wouldn’t be able to relate to Obama because most Americans are overweight. Frankly, I think his secret cigarettes might appeal to a few demographics. Far too many young women start smoking as a way to curb their appetite and lose weight. A lot of “hard-working” (white) Americans that Hillary claimed as her base are smokers (and many of them don’t have adequate health insurance). Many smokers have tried to quit and some of them feel guilty about smoking.
Considering all the vices that have been connected with various candidates, Obama’s smoking is probably one that humanizes him without causing concern about his presidency (if he’s a light smoker, he probably won’t die of lung cancer in the next eight years).
I thought he was a former smoker.
His secret cigs were mentioned a few months ago. Has he quit since then?
Well, all that arugula and Honest T would cancel out bonding over the cancer sticks.
From THIS DAY FORWARD by Steve and Cokie Roberts:
Steve Roberts: I had actually heard of Cokie all that summer. I had been recruited by one of my Harvard professors, Paul Sigmund, who was looking for student journalists to put out a newspaper at the World Youth Festival in Helsinki, Finland. I didn’t know that our trip was financed by the CIA, or that Paul would later marry Cokie’s sister, making us brothers-in law as well as co-conspirators.
From The New York Times, February 21, 1967
C.I.A. Subsidized Festival Trips
Hundreds of Students Were
Sent to World Gatherings
A New York freelance writer disclosed yesterday that the Central Intelligence Agency had supported a foundation that sent hundreds of Americans to World Youth Festivals in Vienna in 1959 and Helsinki, Finland, in 1962.
Gloria Steinem, a 30-year-old graduate of Smith College, said the C.I.A. has been a major source of funds for the foundation, the Independence [sic — Independent] Research Service, since its formation in 1958. Almost all of the young persons who received aid from the foundation did not know about the relationship with the intelligence agency, Miss Steinem said. Ironically, she said, many of the students who attended the festivals have been criticized as leftists…
Miss Steinem said she had talked to some former officers of the National Student Association, who told her C.I.A. money might be available to finance American participation in the seventh postwar festival scheduled for Vienna in the summer of 1959.
The former association officers had had ties with the C.I.A. while serving the association, which last week conceded it had taken money from the intelligence agency since 1952.
“Far from being shocked by this involvement, I was happy to find some liberals in government in those days, who were far-sighted and cared enough to get Americans of all political views to the festival,” Miss Steinem said. She noted that most Americans who had attended various festivals were sympathetic to Communist policies.
The Independence [sic] Research Service, originally called the Independent Service for Information on the Vienna Festival, was organized with headquarters in Cambridge, Mass. It concentrated, Miss Steinem said, on disseminating information about the festival and urging young persons who espoused flexible, but non-Communist, foreign policy views to attend.
Miss Steinem was a full-time employe of the service till following the Helsinki festival in 1962.
About 130 youths who had made contact with the foundation did attend, although few of them received significant financial help, Miss Steinem said…
Miss Steinem insisted that the C.I.A. had never tried to alter the policy of the foundation.
“I was never asked to report on other Americans or assess foreign nationals I had met,” she said.
Miss Steinem noted that since the foundation was started in “the post-McCarthy era” the Federal Government could not openly finance the foundation. Overt government support would also have “alienated” youths from other countries who were suspicious of the United States, she said.
“The C.I.A.’s big mistake was not supplanting itself with private funds fast enough,” she observed.
From THE CHAIRMAN by Kai Bird:
C.D. Jackson recognized the Vienna Youth Festival as “an extremely important event in the Great Game.” He explained, “This is the first time commies have held one of these shindigs on our side of the iron curtain; and what goes on, how it goes on, and what the follow-up will be is, I think, extremely important.”140
By the time Jackson first approached McCloy, in the autumn of 1958, he and Cord Meyer, head of the CIA’s International Organizations division (IO), had a plan. The Agency would provide discreet funding to an “informal group of activists” who would constitute themselves as an alternative American delegation to the festival. The CIA would not only pay their way but also assist them to distribute books and publish a newspaper in Vienna. Among other individuals, Jackson and Meyer hired Gloria Steinem to work with them. Steinem had recently returned from a two-year stint in India, where she had been a Chester Bowles Asian Fellow.
“I came home in 1958,” Steinem later explained, “full of idealism and activism, to discover that very little was being done…. Private money receded at the mention of a Communist youth festival.”141 Convinced that a contingent of liberal but anticommunist American students should go to Vienna, she heard through her contacts at the National Student Association that there might be funding available to finance American participation in the festival. Working through C.D. Jackson and Cord Meyer, Steinem then set up an organization in Cambridge, Massachusetts called the Independent Service for Information on the Vienna Youth Festival. She obtained tax-exempt status, and Jackson helped her raise contributions from various American corporations, including the American Express Company. But most of the money came from the CIA, to be managed by Jackson in a “special account.” The entire operation cost in the range of $85,000, a not inconsiderable sum in those years.142 (Steinem’s organization, later renamed the Independent Research Service, continued to receive support from the CIA through 1962, when it financed an American delegation to the Helsinki Youth Festival.143)
Steinem ended up working closely with Samuel S. Walker, Jr., vice-president of the CIA-funded Free Europe Committee. Because the Austrians did not want to be associated with the Free Europe Committee, the Agency set up a commercial front called the Publications Development Corporation (PDC). Walker was made president of this dummy corporation, funded in part by “a confidential one-year contract” worth $273,000 from the Free Europe Committee.144 His job was to supervise the book-and-newspaper operation at the Youth Festival.145