McCain is getting way out of control on Georgia. Of course, Georgia is MADE TO ORDER for a McCain foreign policy crisis.
So, was it made to order? Was the Georgia crisis orchestrated to help McCain?
Is this a WAG THE DOG deal?
McCain is a big fan of Saakashvili:
Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili says he talks to McCain, a personal friend, several times a day. McCain’s top foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, was until recently a paid lobbyist for Georgia’s government
Until recently, South Ossetia was peaceful and a settled area where Russia had influence due to the ethnic loyalties of her residents.
- Why did Saakashvili pick this time to increase tensions and upset the apple cart?
- Did the US encourage this reckless and stupid behavior?
- Why is McCain talking to Saakashvili? What is he saying to Saakashvili?
- What did McCain tell his lap dogs Graham and Lieberman to do?
Is this a “wag the dog”?
I was just on Dianne Rehm this minute to ask this question.
Let’s pump this rumor.
No rumor …
No surprise here with foreign policy adviser Scheunemann, it’s his business!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."