McCain is getting way out of control on Georgia.  Of course, Georgia is MADE TO ORDER for a McCain foreign policy crisis.

So, was it made to order?  Was the Georgia crisis orchestrated to help McCain?

Is this a WAG THE DOG deal?
McCain is a big fan of Saakashvili:

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili says he talks to McCain, a personal friend, several times a day. McCain’s top foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, was until recently a paid lobbyist for Georgia’s government

Until recently, South Ossetia was peaceful and a settled area where Russia had influence due to the ethnic loyalties of her residents.

  1. Why did Saakashvili pick this time to increase tensions and upset the apple cart?
  2. Did the US encourage this reckless and stupid behavior?
  3. Why is McCain talking to Saakashvili?  What is he saying to Saakashvili?
  4. What did McCain tell his lap dogs Graham and Lieberman to do?

Is this a “wag the dog”?

I was just on Dianne Rehm this minute to ask this question.

Let’s pump this rumor.