To any Booman wikipedia nerds… I’d love some help.  Please join in the discussion on the Georgia talk page, and/or help improve the Georgia article!

The current foreign relations section reads, in part:

Georgia maintains good relations with its direct neighbours Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey and participates actively in regional organizations, such as the Black Sea Economic Council and the GUAM.[44] Georgia also maintains close political, economic and military relations with Ukraine.

The growing US and European Union influence in Georgia, notably through the Train and Equip military assistance programme and the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, have frequently strained Tbilisi’s relations with Moscow.

Here’s what I wrote on the talk page:

Georgia-Israel Relations

“The growing US and European Union influence in Georgia, notably through the Train and Equip military assistance programme and the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, have frequently strained Tbilisi’s relations with Moscow.”  This leads the reader to believe that it’s mainly the US & Europe interested in the pipeline (Israel has a stake in the pipeline – 1 2 3) and also having influence in Georgia…  when in fact Israel has been an ally of Georgia, and assisted in training troops and providing arms [].

Please rescue me from trying to write this!