This is an interesting statement:
Leon Panetta, Bill Clinton’s former White House chief of staff, was tasked by the Obama campaign this summer with soothing ruffled feelings and helping Hillary loyalists to get over their sense of loss. It has been a demanding assignment.
“There is a sense of entitlement that almost seems to be inbred,” Panetta said. “They are convinced Hillary is the one who should be assuming the mantle and it’s tough to crack that.”
Regarding the prime-time speaking slots for the Clintons and the roll-call:
“It’s not something that I would have recommended, but they’re trying to bend over backwards as far as they can to accommodate her,” said Panetta. “I’m a little disturbed that this keeps playing out.”
Now, I want to take a moment to set up this next piece. Lynn Forester, aka Lady de Rothschild, is married to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, the ‘former chairman of the family firm, NM Rothschild.’ They are worth billions of dollars. When they were married, they spent the night of their wedding dinner sleeping as guests of the Clintons in the Lincoln Bedroom in the White House. I really don’t think it is possible to be more of an elite than the Rothschilds. So, the irony of this next comment is almost thermonuclear in its incandescence.
“I think the roll-call will be a cathartic moment,” said [Lady de] Rothschild. “There will be a lot of people who will say, ‘Oh, what might have been’ and will vote for Obama but there will be a lot of tears.”
The roll-call will not be enough to bring Rothschild back into the fold, however. “We’re not going to win by pretending problems with Barack Obama don’t exist. He has a huge problem connecting with ordinary Americans, who think, ‘He doesn’t understand me.’ He is not modest; he is arrogant. He radiates elitism.”
I’m not going to get into internal polling numbers that disprove the Lady’s point. What’s most shocking is that she would accuse a man with Barack Obama’s background of ‘radiating elitism.’ She married into billions, and he fought his way to the top of the meritocracy through hard work and perseverance. I love this next bit:
She also resents a lack of effort to pay off Clinton’s $20m campaign debt. “He has provided her with a pittance compared to what the Clintons have given Obama,” Rothschild said. “Her debt could have been cleared within 10 days. It’s ungracious.”
Lady Rothschild could pay off Hillary’s debt by cutting her weekly allowance in half for a month or two. And who is she calling ungracious?
Rothschild has not yet made up her mind. “I haven’t ruled out voting for McCain,” she said. “I like him a lot.” She is waiting to see who Obama picks as his running mate and has her heart set on Clinton.
Considering how much money the Rothschilds stand to gain from lower marginal personal income taxes, lower capital gains taxes, lower taxes on dividends, lower estate taxes, and less banking oversight, it’s no surprise that they would consider voting for John McCain. I think there are a lot of people in the Rothschilds’ circle of friends that would never vote for a real progressive Democrat. If they don’t feel like they already own you, they do not want to see you take power. So it goes.
I can’t wait to get this stupid convention behind us.
it’s not for nothing that some are voicing trepidation that HRC could pull an upset… that Obama allowed Hillary’s name to be placed in nomination since he doesn’t have a reserve of 500 delegates in his pocket.
But maybe Obama, knowing was ahead, wants Hillary to take it…to clean up the Bush mess.
I have this picture of Mrs. Rothchild slyly snickering as she pulls the curtain around her booth, poking a hole in the McCain box and smiling with her thoughts of personal tax savings.
Lynn Forester de Rothschild the audacity to sink the chance for change and hope in Washington. These people are egocentric, selfish and do not care for those who vote them into power. It used to be called the establishment, today is has many synonyms.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
As a woman I find this whole thing about catharsis and respect and closure to be so…so….I don’t know, girly or something. She didn’t win the nomination and all of this indignation and scorn and, yes, whining, about the unfairness of it all just sort of reduces her whole candidacy to an emotional journey. HRC’s supporters want “respect” but they are acting like the woman who starts to cry during a productive argument…it just serves to tie the hands of the opponent.
I find it insulting to me as a woman that her candidacy has ended with a chorus of “women scorned” (regardless of their gender) carrying on about how it was so unfair that her campaign was so poorly run that she (gasp!) lost, and how she deserves and is somehow owed all this coddling and fawning after her loss. When have we ever seen a male candidate’s supporters carry on like this for months afterward?
And the media attention and donations that some of these people are getting just makes them want more. Blech.
I can’t wait to get this stupid convention behind us.
denver’s getting very edgy: LoDo gets morning bomb practice…[lodo is the area where the pepsi center is located, and the area most impacted by the convention.]…overreaction to anything and every thing.
be careful out there if you’re going to be in denver.
Campaign financing laws say that she can’t – Clinton is stuck to the same level of begging that every politician is stuck doing. Her Senate re-election fund is going to be paying off her Presidential campaign debt for a little while. I think that’s allowed – McCain-Feingold has a bunch of little loopholes in there that let you move money around for different campaigns for Federal office, so she should be able to do it.
The idea of Lady d’Rothschild calling anyone elitist just shows that they’re misusing the word “elitist” as a synonym for “uppity” or “doesn’t know his place”. Intentionally, one would have to assume.
I don’t understand why anyone should be paying off Hillary’s campaign debts. She’s an adult, and made the decision to loan herself that money and continue campaigning. She’s no different than anyone who’s run up credit cards for expensive dinners and fancy clothes and then not wanted to pay the bill, IMO.
Besides, it’s not as if she’s unemployed and destitute. She just wants someone else to pay her way.
We keep being reminded about Hillary’s 18 million supporters..well if they are so gung ho for her why don’t they each chip in a lousy dollar and that should take care of her debt, right?
What I really don’t like is the fact that she stiffed so many people in the last states she insisted on campaigning in and she owes all kinds of money to the ‘little’ people. Small businesses and school districts(I believe I read she owes the state of Oregon’s school district almost 45 thousand dollars)that she gave i.o.u.’s to and they are still waiting for their money.
I think she set a very bad precedent when she continued to campaign when she ran out of money..will all losers from now on expect the winner to basically pay for their campaign?
was spent enforcing, building and hardening the perceptions that, even now, continue to hamper Obama.
let the fucking PUMORONs pay it off.
You really think there’s ANY possibility that she would pay for it out of pocket? Seriously?
Nope. It all comes out of campaign contributions. She’ll keep her presidential campaign coffers open, and shift some money from her Senatorial campaigns and maybe pull in some other funding from elsewhere (I’m sure she has enough campaign finance lawyers on staff to figure out who can give her money from where). This has been going on for a long, long time – I recall John Glenn spent himself into the red on his presidential run back in the 80s and the debt stuck around for years until he paid it off.
Where she’ll lose out is money available to spend on other Congress-critters campaigns. That’s where the power is in Congress – and how you build your base of support. The master of the game in recent history was Tom DeLay, but all of the big boys and girls play the game. This may set back her ability to move to a “Majority Leader” position in the near future, since she should have been keeping money in reserve to spend on freshman Senator re-election campaigns to gain their loyalty. (Gods, it makes the whole thing just sounds like the mafia, doesn’t it).
The very public appeal for Obama to ask his big donors to send her money is kind of new. And kind of tacky, actually. But America is all about the tacky lately so it’s not really very surprising to me.
Lyne de Rothschild is simply a gold-plated …. something or other.
That she should be discussing who is an elitist is beyond belief.
I’m surprised by all the talk about Obama helping to pay off Hillary’s campaign debt. If I were the Clintons and had ambitions of remaining relevant on the political stage in the future, I’d be embarrassed and reluctant to be in the humiliating position of taking a bailout from the guy who raised his money the hard way, through millions of small donations.
Pay-off Hillary’s stupidity..I mean debt. She should have dropped out a long time before she ran-up a 20 million dollar debt. And now she’s complaining about Obama not helping enough…especially after her RFK remark.
Didn’t she vote for the “Bankruptcy Reform Act” making it harder for working class people to start over. Self-Centered..I can’t believe they gave the Clintons 2 prime time spots.
Mark my words. Hillary will find a way to steal the nomination yet. Barack IS too cocky. He should never have allowed a floor fight or the Clinton’s to dominate the speeches.