Who would make a good vee-pee that no one is discussing?
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Hillary Clinton. At least she fights!
i agree, but then Obama would have to watch his back and have a food taster…she want to be Prez..really really bad.
Yea, maybe Obama should want it as badly as she does, but I don’t think Mr. Slick wants to get his image dirty. I feel a democratic travesty in the making.
Disgusted to the core!
travesty would be to add Hillary to the ticket. Its odd she gets so much attention considering she lost. If Hillary can’t beat Obama, then she is not capable of beating McCain.
A good winning strategy is only slick to the opponent who lost.
At the rate he is going, Obama won’t beat McCain either.
his dislike of a possible Clinton VP nomination. All signs of the last week, to me, point to her being the one.
shirley, you jest…not. going. to happen.
Hillary’s never ever gonna get it. Care to put a friendly wager on that?
Have you read Billmon’s August 18th post: Anatomy of A(nother) Fiasco at The Orange Palace? quite the anatomy of demopublicans. Disheartening. And he’s not alone..that we need to get U.S. foreign policy right.
Who is to be VP…does it matter?
Some money people are suggesting former Sec. of Treasury Robert Rubin…send a message “It’s the Depression ahead…and I can work magic”
He’ll need magic.
Should I remind you that Robert Rubin bears a huge responsibility in the deregulation of the financial system that led to the current crisis? In 1999, he engineered the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act, shortly before leaving the Clinton administration to become the head of the newly created (thanks to the new law) Citigroup…
notice I wrote, “does it matter”
wet is dry.
McCain came out for the draft today. As I said over at the Orange Place, if this story goes big, this election is over.
As I also pointed out there, McCain has put the gun to his head. Obama’s got to pull the trigger, and pull it now.
There’s your national narrative: Warmonger. Nutcase.
Put the video in an ad, and run it in every suburb in the country.
He is waiting for Biden. Then its going to get nasty. I am so ready to go on the attack against the Republican party. Sometimes I bite my tongue just to taste blood.
Hardcore, I like it.
Come sit by me. LOL!
We need an attack dog. Biden will fill that void. Obama barely made it out of the primaries with his above the fray campaign. I personally think its going to be Tim Kaine. But I truly hope Biden is the choice he will fight. The Dems can’t afford another Edwards type as a running mate, all smiles and wondering if his girlfriend is right about him being Ghandi’s wandering soul.
I want to win we have to win. This is no joke.
McCain like war too much. What is he going to do with the draftees? Rebuild a decimated military (cause it is ya know) Then what? War with whom? Or whomever!
I’m not against some for of universal national service for young people,but a) you have to pay for it (TAXES) and b) the focus should be on national service (not international military incursions)
Obama’s reaction to McCain attack ads seems eerily similar to Kerry’s. He has got to take the gloves off and begin pointing out the obvious. (like the real cause of economic catastrophe.)
McWar, but then he’ll forget and deny he endorses the Draft.
Loud and proud liberal, from Florida, Jewish, and a GREAT debater to boot. Not sure how many actual accomplishments he has, but I like him.
I’d second Wexler – he did exceedingly well at the DNC rules meeting and I’d love to see him fillet Lieberman in the VP debate…
Senator Carl Levin of Michigan – he’s on the following committees and well liked in this state which will probably be a swing state.
Armed Services
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
Small Business
I like him, too. Looks like one of the founding fathers. But, dude is old, older than McCain.
But sharp.. One of my best friends will be 95 this year and she’s more intelligent and in the know than most politicians.
No, it won’t be Levin.
BTW, before anyone mentions Russ Feingold, I’m watching CNN’s (John King) show on McCain right now, and Feingold’s singing his praises. “He’s got the temperment to be president, I think he’d make a good president.” “When he sees a problem, his attitude is how are we going to fix it…” Ugh, thanks Russ.
…Well dammit, Russ.
What the hell is it with the inability of Democrats to go on the attack?
Feingold said this recently?
Did you see the shadow and the shape of the gun someone was holding on him? LOL!
Feingold started doing that shit the day Obama went on vacation. Another Senator did it too…can’t remember. Someone needs to tell them that Obama’s back from vacation so they can get back on message.
Bill Bradley.
Also intriguing would be Max Cleland. A lot of McCain’s appeal is the respect that he continues to get for what he sacrificed for serving the country. Fair enough. But Cleland would underscore the point that McCain is hardly unique in that category.
Bradley fine. Cleland ugh.
For either campaign.
Certainly no one is discussing her seriously here.
You want to win the election?
HRC fills the bill.
Obama’s support is…was…relatively broad but shallow as hell. He initially had lot of starfuckers hopping on the bandwagon, but they have been disappearing like cotton candy after a short pinkish period of glory. Look at what has happened to Obama’s supposed grand lead during a period of less than a month. Not that he personally is weak or trivial, but through no fault of his own the Paris Hilton analogy was not all that far off . It accurately described many of his so-called supporters. America is Starfucker Central, and any good looking celebrity can ride the swell of fame for as long as the media thinks that it can make money off of the scam.
When the novelty wears off…HOTTEST THINBG EVER!!! GOOD LOOKING YOUNG BLACKISH STUD WINS THE NOMINATION!!!…then comes the interesting part.
Which is where we are at now.
Hillary Clinton represents “the good old days” to a whole generation of voters. People in the 35 to 65 year old segment. Solid voters who will show up at the polls. People who prospered during Bill Clinton’s presidency. People who are now feeling all KINDS of crunches.
Besides the justice of it all. I mean…she did damned near win a majority during the primaries, and if she hadn’t been screwed by yet another man who can’t keep his dick in his pants (John Boy, of course, some large percentage of whose votes would have assuredly traveled her way if he had been depantsed as just another cheap hustler on the make before the primaries rather than afterward.) she would likely be the nominee and (I hope) she would have had the sense to pick Obama as her VP.
If it is true that, as the media rags’ soap opera has it…MICHELLE VETOES HILLARY!!!…then Obama is too weak to be president anyway.
He is parsing the polls and the winds of politics here in America, trying to get a read on his next move. His weaknesses? His inexperience, his youth, his race and his lack of international experience. Besides HRC, only Biden among the frontrunners addresses any those weaknesses, and how many states did he carry again? The other colorless drones under public consideration? Have they ever even left their native states? Plus they can each add only one state to the electoral total, and even that’s not a lock. Remember John Boy in ’04. Couldn’t even carry his home state. Of course…familiarity does breed contempt. Or at least a clear-eyed view of one’s hustle.
HRC is the clear choice on any number of levels.
Because she is an evil witch!!!
How do I know?
The leftiness shmoon told me so. YOU know…the ones that never win?
If Obama fucks up in his VP choice…kiss it goodbye, folks and get ready for the worst Fitzmas of all. Preznit Admiral-in-Waiting John McCain. And quite possibly Vice President Can’t-Wait-For-The-Old-Man-To-Get-Sick Joe Lieberman.
Good work, folks!!!
Whadda buncha maroons.
I hear the weather is very nice in Cuba this time of year.
Tennis, anyone?
Whadda buncha maroons.
There is no way that anybody is entitled to govern this country based upon their name alone, whether by marriage or by birth.
Get over it.
America is not an imperialistic third world country… yet… and the only way to keep us from falling into the dark is by continuing to elect people based upon experience and merit. We might be wrong in our judgment, but we can survive wrongness. We can NOT survive dynastic ambition and generations of inbred and insane plutocrats. We can NOT survive any more Bushes or Clintons. EVER.
Clinton helped Mrs Bhutto get around term limits and supports the idea of inherited rulership.
Hillary and Bill have thoroughly destroyed any legacy they might have forged between Bill’s greed (he can not be vetted after accepting all those bribes) and her mismanagement (I just love the way her royal friends think that Obama owes her money to pay Penn, and the string of small businesses she has stiffed, and the staffers like Kathy Callahan she has robbed). They can suck at another country’s teat.
Name alone!!!???
Look at her fucking resume, fool.
is she perfect?
She’s a successful pol. Those two concepts do not co-exist well.
But she’s there only on her name?
Resume? What resume? If you were hiring her, you’d consider her “resume” to be seriously padded. Which would be enough for me to deny the person an interview.
What’s your resume like?
40 years in government?
One of the most important political brains behind Bill Clinton’s career?
Two terms in the Senate?
The guts to go out and try to do it?
In some respects, more substantial than hers. Beginning in the early 1960’s, I was hired into my positions without any assistance from a spouse. Her 40 years in government were as the spouse of an elected official. Ditto for her limited experience in the private sector.
I also have a higher degree than she does and am well respected in my field. Of course I don’t have her celebrity, but that hardly counts on a resume unless you’re hiring a celebrity.
It is not “celebrity” to stand up to the heat of battle. And far from being spousally enabled, SHE was the enabler and Bill was the sexy showoff.
Get real. Without Hillary, Bill would have ended up a glad-handing Little Rock political hustler and executive barfly with a cocaine problem and a string of unattractive girlfriends.
Baloney. Neither you nor I has special insight into their marriage arrangements.
We started out talking about resumes and CV’s. The bottom line is that she hasn’t much of a resume in the real sense of a resume. Most women of the 50’s and 60’s know how hard it is to get HIRED. For PAY. You don’t seem to understand this. Hillary had few jobs where she was hired for pay. And the ones she had in Arkansas cannot be separated from her husband’s position of influence and power. There are a lot of talented women out there who have made it on there own. She isn’t one of them.
Your schtick has been sliding downhill fast. Now the the mucky puddle is even trying to heave it out. This is so incredibly stupid that I thought it was someone trying to imitate and/or mock you.
So, now because Kerry picked Edwards, there’s precedent to pick the loser as VP? There was a lot of whining in that paragraph and I tend to filter out whining.
‘Cause clearly she’s running for president.
What a maroon.
Of course that precedent exists.
JFK/LBJ just for starters.
51% + 49% =100%
One constiuency plus another constituency equals a larger constituency.
A VP who knows the DC ropes plus a Prez who doesn’t equals an advantage, both in the election and in gearing up a new Presidency.
What is wrong with you people!!!
I forgot.
You’re leftiness shmoon. With names like “fabooj”.
Your friend…
For me the problem with Democrats is that they pick people that look good on paper but don’t fit their roles.
Does Kerry strike anyone here as a Catholic? As a Boston southie Catholic in the mold of Tip O’Neill?
But they played it like he was a northern urban Catholic and all they needed was a southerner to balance him out. But does John Edwards strike anyone like a southerner? Like Lyndon Johnson? Even like Jimmy Carter? No. Neither of these guys could fill their roles.
Same thing with Wesley Clark? Meet him in Central Park walking his dog…would anyone peg him as a general? I wouldn’t. Maybe a CPA. He has no bearing of command. He can’t fill the role. Jack Murtha acts like he’s military. So does Jack Reed. Clark not so much.
So, we’ve got the cross-over urban black candidate. He can pull it off. But if he’s going to go Catholic, he should go with a guy, or gal, that bleeds South Philly, South Boston, Brooklyn, Catholic. Son of a longshoreman. And so forth. That’s why I keep coming back to Jack Reed. He’s 82nd Airborne, he’s the son of a WWII vet who sent his son to West Point on a janitor’s salary. He fills the role. Whenever the blacks and the Catholics work together, they win elections. When they are divided, we get Rudy Guiliani.
Joe Biden has the role down, too, but he’s also been in DC a very long time.
Can Tim Kaine fill the role? Maybe his piousness can compensate for his midwestern demeanor. As for Sebelius, that’s a gender and brand-reinforcement move that we haven’t seen before but could very well work.
But Evan Bayh? Please.
Hillary Clinton could help win this thing, but then we’d have to live with the result. Obama is about bringing people together (or trying to) and there would be all kinds of damage to his brand, and all kinds of trouble within his administration.
Unless he’s convinced he’s doomed otherwise, Clinton makes no sense.
But he is most clearly at risk.
MOST clearly.
Better safe than…incinerated…I always say.
And even if HRC is the ogre that you make her out to be…and I do not believe that she is, not for a minute…hell, Booman. She’d be the VICE-PRESIDENT!!!
Perhaps the most powerless position in the whole government if the Prez wants it that way.
Where is the beef?
Where is the downside?
Please explain it to me.
A sure win or the serious risk of a loss, balanced on the other side by (possibly) a political enemy who has been essentially kicked upstairs into a powerless office for the next four years.
Afraid of President Clinton in 2016?
Please. By 2016 the U.S. will be even younger than it is now and less white as well. A 70-ish white ex-middle class female Prez? I think not.
Afraid of Hillary in 2012? If he messes up that badly she will go down with him.
Wheres the beef?
Afraid of Bill?
He is now not much more than the choleric, red-faced butt of a thousand sad sex jokes and not much more. John-Boy Edwards with some chops.
I simply do not see it.
HRC for VP.
Where’s the beef?
And Mario Cuomo and all the others who declined to fight.
Can’t blame ’em. It’s a nasty job. That’s why so many Presidents are nasty, careerist sons-of-bitches at heart.
But Bill Bradley?
Why not Howard Dean?
At least he got out there and mixed it up. And when he was “AAAARGH”-ed, he stayed in it in any capacity that he could.
THAT’S a man!!!
We alrerady have an outside shooter.
We need a rebounder.
An enforcer.
Someone with a nickname like “Tree”.
Or “The Oak Man”.
I’ve got it!!!
Charles Oakley for Vice-Prez!!!
I forgot.
He’s black too.
Your friend…
Obama/Oakley would win best-dressed ticket ever.
Best two-on-two team ever in the White House as well.
Bet on it.
If that ticket won and some spooky spook spook CIA fool came into the office and said something like “It’s a slam dunk” Oakley would stuff him right into the circular file cabinet and march him on out to the White House trash heap/shredding bin.
Bet on it.
“AIN’T no slam dunks in this game. Not in my office there aren’t. Bet on it!!!”
If only…
All true.
Although Bradley and Obama would be one tough two-on-two team. Watch out for that backdoor cut…
Bradley can’t run anymore.
He proved that conclusively in 2000 and then moved on into upper management.
The only backdoor cut he’s running now is the one that leads to his golden parachute.
Bet on it.
He has been out there doing some attack dog stuff on the MSM… I guess just at odd hours, so his profile is too low. I still think he is the best man for the job.
Problem is most American’s can’t tell the difference between (lower-case) the competent and the careerist dissembler.
Hi everybody. Long time, no post. I just can’t seem to sustain my passion through my keyboard anymore. It’s like the act of typing sucks my energy and anger and deflates my brain cells. So sorry if this comes out all muddled.
Could the mortgage crisis be linked to Bush’s “ownership society” he spoke about a few years ago? How do you create an ownership society when most people can’t afford homes? Make bad loans. What did the mortgage industry do? Made bad loans. Seems like a good link to me. Has anyone been saying this?
Now, how do we link it to McCain? Is it enough to simply say McCain subscribes to BushCo’s economic policies? Is it enough to say all conservatives subscribe to Reaganomics, which clearly doesn’t work? Can we then say the “ownership society” was an attempt to create the illusion that the middle class was doing well, when the reality is that Reaganomics destroys the middle class? Too nuanced? Probably.