Well…Steven seems totally unenthusiastic about the conventions, but I’m just happy to finally reach the point in the campaign where everything matters. The Silly Season was a real challenge for me in terms of coming up with things to write about and maintaining my joy in this craft. I do, after all, love nothing quite so much as election season. I love to get that scorecard and find out how we’ve done.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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I’ll give you the dominant media narrative in advance for the next two weeks:
Dem Convention: Dems are horribly divided and Obama is yet to win the Clinton supporters over, and isn’t McCain just a wondeful straight talking kinda guy compared to that slickster (coug – negro -cough) Obama.
Repub Convention: Isn’t it amazing how unified the Repubs are around McCain, whose campaign is just now hitting its stride reaching the masses of America with his Maverick straight talk compared to that slickster (cough – negro -cough) Obama.
Oh, and Obama’s bounce wasn’t big enough.
yeah, they’re be a lot of that. Also, that Barack Obama is too popular.
Al Hunt in NYT/IHT
People like Obama–Obama is a celebrity. People like McCain–McCain is a war hero. ?
McCain has replaced Rudy: Noun Verb POW.
via TPM these:
Gawd. McCain pretends there is no Keating Five or any other scandals in his life.
Obama wrote books and earned money writing. McCain divorced his first wife and married a heiress before his divorce was final. Btw, his first wife has shit and he lives in super luxury.
If Kerry was a called Gigolo for marrying Heinz, how about McCain?
McCain and his mother also sued the ex for some stinky posessions.
In the 1980 lawsuit, filed shortly after John and Carol McCain divorced, Roberta sued Carol to reclaim some personal property, including paintings, a needlepoint screen and a pair of earrings. A settlement was reached in 1981.
But in a brief telephone interview, Roberta denied filing the lawsuit.
“I have never heard of what you’re talking about. … I will put my hand on a Bible,” she said, to attest that she had never sued Carol.
Roberta’s denial prompted laughter from the ex-daughter-in-law.
“Yes, she sued me,” Carol said in a brief phone interview.
Roberta’s lawsuit sought personal property she claimed Carol was refusing to return. The disputed items included an “18th century Burmise Buddist Preist (Burmese Buddhist priest)” valued by Roberta at $2,000, and a “Butlers Tray for Liquor” she valued at $225.
You love to get that scorecard and find out “how we’ve done”, eh?
Or course…that begs the question:
Who “we”, Booman?
I mean…y’can’t tell yer players without a scorecard.
And the CIA has redacted the names on the roster.
UH oh!!!
Have a fun election.
P.S. And about those umpires…
I have no idea what any of that means — as usual, your little outbursts are incoherent — but I’ll simply point out that you left out the “Bet on it”.
That post is by no means incoherent. ..if of course you are capable of some form of coherent thought.
If not? Well then, I’ll try to help.
Shall I parse it for you?
Let me count the ways:
1- I wrote:
This refers to Booman’s statement. Preceded by the word “So”, it means that I am going to have something to say about what Booman says that he so loves to do. “So” is an idiomatic thing. YOU know. Like “So…you think your reading comprehension is at a fairly high level?”
The final “eh?” is another hint that I might have some disagreements with this statement, and the fact that the words “how we’ve done” are in quotation marks points to the probability that this is the part of the statement that is going to be questioned.
Are you with me so far? If not, continue to read the preceding paragraphs until you catch up.
2-I also wrote:
I realize that this is a big chunk for you to digest all at once, but give it a try.
Are you familar with The Lone Ranger and Tonto? He was a white guy in a white hat on a white stallion who wore a black mask and fought all the bad guys in the old west of ’50s TV Land accompanied by a grunting, monosyllabic Native American sidekick named Tonto. “Tonto” is the Spanish word for “fool” or “idiot”. This little joke was popular among black people just before and during the civil rights era, and had to do with the general attitude of many black people regarding the fact that although for many generations they had been in the position of having to play the fool for the white man, when push came to shove they knew EXACTLY where their alliances really lay. When the joke was told…or just the punchline repeated, because it seems that almost everybody from that world knew the joke…it usually evinced what I call “the laugh that does not mean ‘ha-ha’ “. This is the laugh a highly stylized version of which you can hear quite clearly at about 1:11 of the following video.
The Message, by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five
Right after the words “Don’t push me ’cause I’m close to the edge. I’m trying not to lose my head.”
Which WAS the message, both of this early rap piece and the Lone Ranger joke as well.
Which begs the question…which raises the question in this context…”Who we, Booman?” The “Booman” part was a joke on the “white man” part of the joke, y’see. Or…since you probably do NOT see judging from your snippy liittle post…
Y’see…the “we” in Booman’s post is also in question, because Obama and Biden (ever the practical pols) have fairly well abandoned the very constituency that could reasonably be considered a “we” on the leftiness blogosphere of which Booman Tribune is an upstanding member.
3-And then I wrote:
The “y’can’t tell yer players without a scorecard” part is a reference to Booman’s preoccupation with baseball. It’s what old-time stadium hawkers would yell when trying to sell scorecards and such at baseball games, and its use here has to do with the BIG game being played out now in the election. You do need a scorecard to tell who’s for real and who’s merely posing as real.
But the scorecard lies.
Transparent fakes, in my opinion. Sold as the real deal in 2004 by the media after trashing the REAL real deal, Howard Dean.
Labelled as a fake by the establishment-controlled media. Maybe yes, maybe no.
Labelled as the real deal by the same media, even though his positions and hers are almost identical on every issue.
Again…maybe yes, maybe no.
If you consider the mainstream media as the functional scorecard of this game and understand the immense influence that the American Secret Police…also laughingly known as the “intelligence community”…has upon its positions (Please look up “Operation Mockingbird” for the 1/7th of that information that juts up above the surface of this almost wholly redacted culture.), then the phrase “And the CIA has redacted the names on the roster” is perfectly comprehensible. If you do not know what “redacted” means…it is an intel word meaning the censoring of certain information when the spooks are forced to share some of their papers with the hoi polloi. They try make accurate interpretation of what the papers might mean totally impossible by hiding the real info. They black it out. Much as the real positions and alliances of the various candidates are hidden and otherwise confused by the so-called “news” that I am sure you suck up in massive dollops every day of your sleeple life.
But then…that “news” is easily comprehended whereas what I wrote is not.
So it goes.
If you have any other questions about the meaning of things that I write, y’all be sure to ask, now.
I live to serve.
Wasn’t Hillary supposed to be the VP candidate by now?
Bet on it.
Booman, I certainly don’t want you to miss out on your fun, but the silly season is way too long. IF “we” take the White House and Congress (at this point, three very big IFs) can we get some limits on the length of the campaign season, as well as meaningful campaign finance reform? Pretty please, can we?
Unless “we” can do that, the “victory” will be hollow and of short duration. That is the first change we need. Then perhaps we can accomplish some of the other changes in a sufficiently meaningful way that we can believe in them.
Lookout world, seems like we’ve got a bona-fide energy break-through on our hands. Turns out that algae can convert seawater to ‘fresh’ water, slurp up our excess CO2, be grown on the worst land and power the world. What a stroke of luck!
Algenol’s web site
article about several algal energy approaches
Sounds like algal ethanol is the way to go. Now if we can just get Iowans to shut up about ‘yellow’ and get this done.
This is too good of an across the board solution to pass up.