The 800-pound plaid hedgehog in the room that nobody’s talking about is “What will Hillary’s supporters do about O-biden”? Will they accept the ticket and work to help it win, or will they go to the dark side and put McSame in the White House in order to give Hillary a shot in 2012?
It seems like an unusually cynical and downright cruel thing to ask. After all, Hillary’s a Democrat. But the fact remains only about half of her supporters are behind Obama right now. And there’s increasing evidence that the Clinton camp and their supporters are going to make O-biden pay.
Evan as Hillary Clinton praised the newly-minted Democratic presidential ticket Saturday, some in her circle are furious Barack Obama did not appear to give the New York Democrat serious consideration for the No. 2 spot, or even ask for her consultation on the matter.
“Set aside that Obama said she’d be on anybody’s short list, set aside anybody’s feelings on whether she was deliberately snubbed and the pros and cons of whether it should be her,” a former Clinton strategist told CNN’s Candy Crowley. “Focus on the politics of it and you have about a quarter of Clinton loyalists still not joining the caravan…for God’s sake, not to even make a show of taking her seriously is flatly stupid.”
A top Clinton advisor also told CNN they were “outraged,” over how the process was conducted.
“You can’t put [Obama VP vetters] Eric Holder and Caroline Kennedy on an hour plane ride to Chappaqua just to check the box? They should have done it just for the optics,” this person said. “Barack never even said to her, ‘Here’s how I envision the job’- not one discussion with her about [the position].”
“They thought her supporters were mad before? They are really mad now,” this person also said. We knew it was never going to happen but you would have thought they might at least make a show of it.”
What the hell is going on here? Do the Clinton surrogates have no sense of shame or even political propriety? And while Hillary herself is solidly behind Joe Biden and Barack Obama, some voters are most certainly not.
“This is a voter’s revolt,” said Darragh Murphy, who founded Puma PAC, a pro-Clinton political action committee whose acronym stands for People United Means Action.
Polls suggest Obama’s narrow national lead is all but disappearing amid attacks from a newly aggressive and disciplined McCain campaign. One reason for this appears to be that barely half of Clinton’s supporters plan to vote for Obama, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released last week. With the last two presidential elections decided by a small number of voters in swing states, Obama needs a unified party to win in November.
Puma PAC is among a multitude of pro-Clinton groups that formed online to protest a variety of issues, including perceived media bias and flaws in the primary process. In Denver, Murphy’s group plans to show the premiere of an unfinished movie, “The Audacity of Democracy,” and is cosponsoring a protest and candlelight salute to Clinton tomorrow. Another group, PUMA 08, will coordinate communication between its members and the press, and provide a home base for bloggers who support Clinton.
A separate organization, 18 Million Voices Rise Hillary Rise, is calling on Clinton supporters to join a march and gathering celebrating Clinton’s achievements and the 88th anniversary of women’s suffrage on Tuesday.
Democratic analysts downplay the significance of the demonstrators because Clinton’s top aides and prominent supporters have shunned them. But analysts are aware they could be a distraction.
“I think the vast majority of the Hillary folks did fall in love with Hillary – and now are certainly falling in line with Obama,” said Democratic strategist Chris Lehane. “Having said that, there’s going to be the largest gathering of press outside of Beijing in Denver this week, with all of them on a hair-trigger for the slightest sign of dissonance and conflict. . . . It has all the elements of a tinderbox environment.”
The goal for O-Biden at the Denver convention tomorrow is to bury the hatchet with these voters, but it’s going to be a tightrope walk. The Village will be looking for any excuse to make the Democrats seem inept, broken, and weak. They always do. And the GOP is already making the pitch to disaffected Hillary voters.
In a blistering new ad, John McCain’s campaign accused Barack Obama of passing over Hillary Clinton as his running mate because she pointed out his flaws during the Democratic primaries.
Obama announced Delaware Sen. Joe Biden as his vice presidential pick Saturday, following reports that Clinton was not even vetted for the job.
McCain’s ad capitalizes on the lingering tension between Obama and Clinton’s supporters, with just one day remaining until the Democratic National Convention in Denver.
“She won millions of votes. But isn’t on his ticket. Why? For speaking the truth,” the narrator in the ad says.
The ad then quotes Clinton criticizing Obama for being vague and “increasingly negative.”
“The truth hurt. And Obama didn’t like it,” the narrator says.
The subtext, as subtle as a 20-pound sledgehammer to the privates, is “Screw O-biden! Vote McSame!”
Let’s get one thing perfectly straight, folks. This is an organized effort from the beginning to sink Obama. The Clinton camp allowing this kind of stuff to air publicly on the weekend before the convention is proof enough for me that Hillary Plan 2012 is on…and the speed at which these pro-Hillary groups have organized for Denver all but locks it down as the plan all along. As the Clinton people say, they knew it wasn’t going to be her from the start. They made no effort to disabuse the Village or their voters of the hope that she was going to be Obama’s pick. Hillary could have put an end to it, but chose not to.
So instead of Hillary Clinton being the bridge to unite the party behind O-biden, now Hillary Clinton will become the wedge the GOP hopes to drive into the heart of the Democrats in 2008 and split off enough voters to give McSame a fighting chance in November. The Villiage may be aiding and abetting the GOP’s tactics…but so is Hillary.
She’s working for the other side now. She has been since became clear she wasn’t going to win back in early May. The Clintons will make no real effort to help O-Biden. Surrogates will continue to attack Obama in front of the Village while Hillary professes her undying support. The GOP will continue to feature her in attack ads. It’s the same tactics we’d expect the GOP to pull. Any attempt to denounce Hillary will only draw further attacks from not the Clintons, but the Village talking heads and the GOP coming to her defense.
Hillary knows she has a shot in 2016. But she knows she has a better shot in 2012. All she has to do is screw over America to get it. Strap in, kids. It’s gonna be an ugly week. You need a scorecard to keep track of the good guys and bad guys, and Hillary falls directly into the latter.
Cross-posted at ZVTS.
I’m sick to death of Clinton stories about her supporters “anger” at Obama. She lost, fair and square. End of story.
I agree.
But she’s sure acting like she hasn’t lost yet. Or more importantly, the Clinton surrogates surely aren’t acting like it’s over.
Clinton’s protestations that she can’t control the PUMAs are the EXACT same thing we hear from McSame on his camp’s disgusting below-the-belt shots on Obama’s race.
And the worst thing is when Clinton’s boys do it, McSame’s thugs chime right in and the Village Idiots follow.
She’s hurting the Dems. She’s not putting a leash on her attack dogs. Steven, I wholeheartedly agree that somebody needs to make it painfully clear to her that it’s over and that she needs to call off the PUMAs or she’s done.
Who is going to step up and tell her that with Bill in her corner?
Obama? Biden? Gore? Kerry? Who?
Until this is taken care of, we’ve got no chance in November.
Never mind Hillary supporters!! I am really pissed off with the convention arrangements. I just cannot rationalize why in the hell Obama gave tuesday over to the Clintons and ALLOWED HER NAME TO BE PLACED IN NOMINATION??? WTF??? That’s like striking a match inside a dynamite storage shed. I don’t understand this UNITY crap!! Hillary lost the primary and that should be that!! What the hell is all this other stuff! If you want to schedule the Clintons for speeches OK, but don’t turn the convention over to them.
Barack wake up!! Nice guys finish last!! Just ask Hubert Humphery, George McGovern, or Michael Dukakis.
There is a serious lack of transparency into the Obama campaign, as there should be. But IMHO the DLC must have been behind the movement to pressure Barack into allowing Hillary’s name to be placed in nominated at the convention. It’s insane…
The network coverage promises to rival that of the Olympics. with the key focal point on the drama expected from the MISBEHAVIOR of the PUMAs and their contingent INSIDE THE PEPSI CENTER. One of my former bosses at work had a saying, “NEVER GIVE SOMEONE A STICK TO BEAT YOU OVER THE HEAD!” That’s exactly what the Obama campaign has done to themselves coming out of this convention.
The public will not remember Barack accepting the nomination to the unabashed public adoration of 75,000 fans. What they will remember is the 15 or 20 middle aged white female Hillary fanatics spewing pernicious verbal attacks, filled with disgust and hatred, on Barack Obama as captured live by the sea of network cameras inside the Pepsi Center. Methinks the PUMA scripts are most likely already written and distributed to the various network anchors scheduled to cover the convention. It’s insane…
All this for the sake of unity??? It’s like Julius Caesar asking Marcus Junius Brutus to scratch his back as he paused just outside the Roman Senate chamber on March the 15th.
The Clintons have never stopped being divisive. It’s still all about them.
They need to hog half of the Convention time…because they came in second. As for their supporters who felt HRC got stiffed by not being vetted..Bill would not allow their post WH finances to be scrutinized..all those foreign donors to his presidential library could not be made public.
Many people are going to Denver expecting trouble.
I was under the impression she did not want vetting. She would not release her income tax records in the primaries. How can you vet someone who will not even tell you how much they made much less where they got the money. Obama did not want to waste time playing a stupid game. Her supporters are being hypocritical. This sucks.
The VP vetting was very intensive and extensive.
If the typical experience is anything like Clinton’s Minnesota delegates are having as the convention opens, disaster is brewing.
Considering any modern convention is scripted down to each commercial break, Hillary’s plan for benign neglect is bound to cause the kind of problems both the Village and the GOP are looking for.
I just ran into this – and maybe it’s already been posted, if so I apologize for repeating – Obama is being sued over whether or not he was born in Hawaii or Kenya.
On the surface this looks like a waste of time as this issue was raised earlier and resolved with a verified birth certificate from Hawaii. However, this new suit essentially is a desperate shot in the dark as it claims that all verification facts/documentation are lies and/or forgeries.
The reason why these so-called Hillary supporters are doing the work of the Republican party is that they (Hillary supporters & McCain campaign) have one thing in common, and that is dedicated opposition to ANY BLACK MAN becoming President. Call it racism or whatever, but the fact remains that they are united in this respect and as far as the Hillary supporters are concerned, they would just as soon be Republicans in this respect.
The real intent of this “lawsuit” is for it to hopefully work it’s way up to be heard by the Supreme Court. The plaintiff is obviously expecting a favorable outcome with a majority of Republican appointees sitting on the Court. This “Hillary Supporter” doesn’t care if Obama has been sworn into the Presidency, as long as his American birth legitimacy is finally resolved by the Supreme Court. Thus the real intent has nothing to do with Hillary winning the White House, it is simply a plan to deny Obama the Presidency. If this suit is decided in favor of the plaintiff on the last month of Obama’s first term, technically he could be removed from office at that time.
My hope is that if it ever reaches the Supreme Court that it will be thrown out without comment. Then we can get on with the business of rebuilding America for the 21st century.