About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Wow. Now that’s what I call a POW! Grand slam.
Wow. Just wow. She couldn’t have done better. Also has mastered the timing of a speech climax.
Yeah, Claire Huxtable stomps on the terra. The “Isn’t She Lovely” bit was the inevitable conection. 🙂
It’s always been my believe that Teresa Heinz Kerry lost the election for her husband in 2004. Every other speech at the 2004 convention was about how great John Kerry was. Except hers….which was about how great she was. I think she emasculated him.
I thought Michelle’s speech was great, especially at the end. Maybe she won the election for Barack tonight.
Will someone please tell Ms. Matlin to put the leather ball back in her husband’s mouth, please?
Sheesh, assuming Carville was serious, it’s as though he’s paid no attention to attacks on Michelle Obama earlier this campaign season.
Here’s what:Gergen said
Gergen doesn’t acknowledge why Michelle had to connect, but at least he gives her credit for accomplishing something.
Gergen came around by her speech, but just 2 hours into the convention he was saying how directionless the whole thing was, 2 HOURS IN.
I’ve seen other commentary like Carville’s tonight. They don’t get it. Michelle just neutralized all of the character attacks on her and her husband with much of the (persuadable) population. She neutralized all of it. Permanently. That probably couldn’t be done in attack mode.
I have a feeling that tomorrow and Wednesday will be VERY rough on McCain. I can’t wait to see him get his ass kicked – by a girl… Hillary. And then on Wednesday from Biden. He’s got it coming. Thursday is a mystery though. That’s when Barack needs to close the sale.
I am loving this convention.
Great speech by a super intelligent woman.. Six stars!
She did an amazing job – and the conversation between Barack and their daughters at the end of the speech was priceless.
I posted to my blog about exactly what Michele’s speech meant. I could have gone into a lot more depth, but I was trying to dry some tears while writing it.
I love her. I simply love her. Can’t help it. SHe’s the best thing about Barack Obama and he must be given credit for being smart enough to not let her get away.
First of all, today’s my birthday, and I am NOT shy about collecting birthday wishes! 🙂
Second, I had a class last night, but luckily it’s in a hotel with bar and TV tuned into the convention. I made it to the bar just in time to hear Michelle Obama give her AMAZING speech.
And to echo Faboo and Rikyrah–OhMyGod how I love that woman. I just love her. I sat at rapt attention. She was just amazing…simply amazing. There weren’t many folks at the bar–maybe about 15–but we were all watching and listening, and all applauding. And yes, the tears started to flow. Right there at the bar.
And when the weeMichelles came on stage? Oh, my heart is still leaping! There are only 2 young ladies on this earth that are cuter than Malia and Sasha, and they are our nieces. 🙂
At moments like this, what’s a grown woman to do? Call her Mom, of course!
The pride in my Mom’s voice was so evident. You know, I think Michelle has been adopted as a daughter by so many women of my Mom’s generation. She is the symbol of their hopes and dreams. This is what they worked so hard for: the hoses and horrible jobs and horrendous stereotypes, and still we rise.
I give my time and money because I want to see us progress as a nation. But the Obamas are such a breath of fresh air, and the fact that they have an opportunity to represent what’s best about our nation–well, I do that as much for my parents and parents-in-law and my nieces and nephew as I do it for me.
Happy birthday! Any special plans?
I loved watching her speech last night. I loved her brother’s introduction too. I love what the Obamas are doing and what this means for black people in this country.
And it’s cool that my friend AP is finally going to have a president and first lady who look like her. 🙂
Thanks! 🙂
No plans tonight, since I actually took work home. Can you believe that? But we have a huge event next week and my deadline is Thursday, so there it is. It’s also a huge reason I’m not in Denver. But at least I left early.
Anyway, we’re going to have birthday/watch party on Thursday, and I’m gonna celebrate some more on Friday…I may forget how to return back to the office.
I tried to imagine Laura Bush making a compelling, passionate speech like Michelle did. Couldn’t even imagine it.
So many were captivated by and in love with Michelle Obama last night. I had the same feeling as when Barack gave that groundbreaking speech on racism that history was quite simply being made and you either got it or not. Michelle and Barack both are grounded in something very deep, wonderful and, in a sense, very everyday. What i feel with Barack was underscored by Michelle last night in that she reached into people’s real patriotism, real possibility as citizens, as activists, and said, we’re right here with you. She was so real, so beautiful, so grounded in possibilities for this aching country that it was at once moving and grounding. The torch has passed on – hallellulia !