I certainly found this entry from today’s Mudflats blog intriguing (and it isn’t what I’m hearing on television):

Well, this Alaskan is sitting here in disbelief.  This is a total gift to the Obama – Biden ticket.  As the nation scrambles to figure out who Sarah Palin IS, the thinking people of Alaska are simply mystified.  I’ll be posting about this a lot later in the day after I’m awake, (it’s early a.m. here in Alaska) but first impressions: – McCain obviously is looking for the Hillary vote since obviously women need no other criteria than a set of ovaries to mark their ballot, right?  I mean women don’t actually make policy decisions, do they?

He’s  also looking for the Evangelical vote.  Palin, a creationist, pro-lifer will appeal to this crowd.  Her fondness for creationism in schools, and the recent birth of a Downs Syndrome child can’t hurt here.

The pro-drilling crowd will be pleased too.  Why she’s even suing the Federal Government for daring to suggest that polar bears should be listed as `threatened’.  Can’t have those damned bears interfering with the oil rigs.

And did you know there is currently a state ethics investigation of Palin going on?

Then there was this comment from one of Mudflats’ Alaskan readers:

McVictim picked a bible thumping breeder who has a pro Bush, anti Environment stance that goes beyond the ordinary.
It’s clear they hope to grab some disillusioned Hillary voters and the Christian Right.
That alone spells defeat in THIS election.
It was a bad choice and I couldn’t be more pleased.

Looking through Mudflats’ background pieces on Palin I also found this comment:

Palin’s meteoric rise to governorship, and unbelievable popularity both stem, ironically, from her squeaky-clean image, and pledges for honesty and transparency in government. So how about releasing the Alaska Department of Fish & Game’s analysis of the polar bear situation? Oh….you won’t do that? Hmmm. Could that be because the scientific evidence that was so incontrovertible it even persuaded the Dept. of the Interior, also persuaded Fish & Game? Transparency when convenient. Honesty when advantageous to your own `oil & gas’ agenda? It’s hard to stay squeaky-clean when you’re covered with oil.

So I guess McCain picked her because she only had one house.
Under The LobsterScope