I am listening to Fox News Sunday. Truly, I have begun to wonder about McCain’s basic mental stability.
He has said some of the most amazing things I have ever heard on this program.
- She was in the PTA, which is part of her qualifications for VP.
- She is a good family woman, which is part of her qualifications for VP.
- She has more experience than Barack Obama, which is part of her qualifications for VP.
- She is a wonderful person, which is part of her qualifications for VP.
- He has also claimed, yet again, that he is a gigolo. He discussed, again, how wonderful Cindy’s father was. Amazing. I have never heard of a person claiming to be a gigolo.
- He’s for a living wage for Americans, but has voted against the increase in the minimum wage “19 or 29 or 49 times, I don’t know”
- He claimed, falsely, that he is against torture. This is clearly a lie, since he voted earlier this year to support Bush’s veto of an anti-torture bill (yeah, I know, triple-negative). It comes down to a vote in favor of torture.
Now I am listening to Cindy McCain on “This morning with George”. Again, amazing stuff:
- CM claims again that Palin has plenty of experience.
- CM clearly understands nothing about Georgia. She has stated 4-5 things, all of which are wrong (Georgia started the conflict).
- CM indicates that she will be the foreign policy specialist in the McCain administration!!
- She is resentful about the Democrats critiquing her wealth. Of course, what is hysterical about this is that Cindy did nothing but ensure that her half-sisters were disinherited. She also did nothing to dispell the fact that John McCain is a gigolo.
WOOO!! George just stunned Lindsay Graham. Graham claimed, falsely, that Palin was against the “bridge to nowhere” when, in point of fact, she was FOR the bridge before she was AGAINST it. Lindsay was visibly shaken by this.
Lindsay has now said that she has more experience than Obama.
what do you mean? He referred to himself as a gigilo?