As the ringing oratory of Barack Obama at Mile High Stadium came to an end and the celebrations began with fireworks and festivities, it became apparent to even the most rabid Republican from McCain’s crowd that one of the fundamental pillars of American society was under assault and the ground was moving under their feet.

Forty one years before Barack Obama’s speech,Martin Luther King, a speech at the Riverside Church challenged the notion that the United States had the moral authority to invade Vietnam and kill millions of its people.That challenge cost him his life because MLK too had tread upon the implicit authority of the White Power structure to wage war against the black,brown,yellow and red skins at home and carry that war over to foreign shores using the same oppressed minorities in the US as mercenaries in wars they had no say in initiating.It was his identification of American blacks with the Vietnamese that triggered the wrath of the powerful.

Although times have changed,Barack Obama’s oratory has created panic in the halls of the Republican Party which has responded with the anointing of Sara Palin, a Christian fundamentalist,gun lover and abortion opponent to stem the tide of Democratic resurgence.

The message from McCain-Palin is that America is a White Male Christian dominated nation and you are playing with fire if you challenge that fact.