The GOP’s Veep candidate is an evangelical Christian. Which makes you wonder why her 17 year old, unmarried daughter is already pregnant:
ST. PAUL, Minnesota: The 17-year-old daughter of the Republican vice-presidential candidate, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, is pregnant, Palin said Monday in an announcement intended to knock down rumors by liberal bloggers that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child.
Bristol Palin, one of Palin’s five children with her husband, Todd, is about five months pregnant and is going to keep the child and marry the father, the Palins said in a statement released by the campaign of Senator John McCain.
Bristol Palin made the decision to keep the baby on her own, McCain aides said. […]
“Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support,” the Palins said.
Gee, and I thought only liberal, secular parents without values had problems with their kids having sex during their teenage years. Meanwhile, what a great vetting job the McCain team has done on their choice for the VP slot, Governor Palin. Gives me great confidence that they can run the country in exactly the same way the current administration has done for the last 8 years. With Christian love, forgiveness and charity for — well, for Conservative American Republican Christians, even when they commit a few sins here and there that the Ten Commandments and your local fire-breathing preacher says are all the fault of secularism and liberals and Hollywood and those liberal Christians who aren’t really Christians at all.
As for that vaunted Christian charity, is there any to go around for anyone else in the US of A? Do I really need to ask? But hey, do respect Governor Palin’s family’s privacy about this matter. And for God sake’s don’t blame her for the sexual sins which another member of her family committed. That’s strictly reserved for Democrat Women, after all.
Update [2008-9-1 13:45:0 by Steven D]: It seems her pregnancy is all the fault of liberal bloggers, anyway. Just as I suspected, I’m to blame. At least I’m not the only one.
This whole area of “family values” and whose baby belongs to whom, and how bad of a mother is she for returning to work so soon, and questioning her parenting skills in ANY MANNER is a loser for democrats.
Her glaring lack of experience and, probably, basic knowledge of world affairs will come out and should be quiet sufficient without progressive blogs attacking her family. Because that’s how it’s going to be seen…attacking her family.
This just gives O’Reilly and company fodder for demonizing all of those evil lefty blogs.
It’s not the sin, it’s the hypocrisy. We forgive our little girl for not practicing what we preached. Your damn liberal hippy slutty kids on the other hand . . .
It’s fine to think that privately, and I certainly do, but pointing it out just makes us look mean.
Why should I worry about appearing mean? I’ve been called a traitor, a liar, a sinner, a moonbat, and a bleeding heart liberal who doesn’t care about real Americans.
Meanwhile Republicans are viscious racists, openly state they hope liberals get killed or die horrible deaths, and no one labels them mean. I’m tired of being worried about how I will be portrayed for expressing my opinion.
As for the young women (and young man) in question, my sympathy is with her. She is likely being forced into a marriage she isn’t ready for because it is politically convenient for her mother and John McCain. And her family and McCain and the republicans are trying to make political hay out of her condition in order to bash liberals. If anyone is being heartless, insensitive and mean it is them, not I.
As a good mother (or a father) would have done, Palin should have said no to McCain when he asked her to be his running mate. She chose instead to make this a matter of national public record, and to use it in the most cynical way possible, to go after her political opponents. If that is cruel and unfeeling behavior by a parent, I don’t know what is.
you’re right about all of that. my point is that I’m angry about what they did to this girl. they made her premarital underage sexlife a subject for the entire world. yes, even little hamlets in southeast asia.
Well, I am too. But I’m angry at what they have done to me as well. I’m tired of the false piety crowd and holier than thou types damning me on one hand and forgiving themselves on the other hand.
I agree with everything you said. I’m stunned that she would drag her pregnant daughter through a national campaign at a time when she would benefit greatly from privacy. I’m bowled over, again, by the hypocrisy of the right. I’m just convinced that we’re setting up a poor little pregnant girl vs. the big bad lefty blogosphere matchup.
The dragging of the daughter through the mud for mom’s political career sickens me. A shining example of Sarah Palin’s poor judgment, and one that will be lauded by the forced birth set as an example of “family values”.
I’m really pissed at Elizabeth Edwards, too. Their story did not hold up.
I’m not. That was a private matter between her and John. How soon we forget the affairs that every President in the 20th century has had (except maybe Calvin Coolidge and Jimmy Carter).
whoa, steven.
It’s not a private matter when you ask me to give you money and invest my trust and hopes in your electability.
i agree. The more I think about it the more pissed I get. I want my fucking $25 campaign contribution back!
Well, then our gotcha society is to blame. No one used to report on the sexual affairs of cnadidates unless they got themselves driven off the road drunk with a stripper in the car. No one talked about FDR, Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, Nixon or Ford. They knew but didn’t talk about it in the press. It’s only our late 20th century early 21st century voyeuristic culture combined with a hypocritical puritanical streak among so many Americans that has even made this a topic for discussion.
It’s hard to explain, but for me it’s not the sexual part of it. It’s that he had the audacity to continue his run for the presidency knowing that it could blow up at any time. It was reckless and stupid. And I think that my $25 went to pay for a hotel room or something for him and that flaky woman.
Anyone who thinks teen pregnancies are the fault of secular media, or liberal bloggers, or any other modern source, quite frankly, needs to be laughed at for not knowing what they’re talking about, or making stuff up, and it doesn’t matter which. Twas ever thus. Exhibit A for the prosecution: One of the earliest folk songs I learned when I took up the banjo. And by “earliest” I mean both that I learned it early on, and that it’s been around longer than many of the others:
It isn’t possible to know what region of the country has the most sex among minors but one thing is known, the abstinence pledge loving, bible thumping states of the former Confederacy lead the country in the rate of teenage pregnancies by a margin wide in numbers and long in years.
If he’s her age, how are they going to support a child?
IF he’s an adult, um, what’s the age for statutory rape in Alaska?
Apparently he’s a classmate.