Document the atrocities and don’t go caking on the makeup like a trollop.
Update [2008-9-3 23:22:42 by BooMan]: She delivers a good speech and she lies without a trace of self-consciousness. That’s 80% of what it takes to be a great politician. She’s good-looking. That’s another 10%. All she needs is experience and the ability to do retail politics and she’ll be great. I do wonder if she knew how many lies she was telling or if she realized that the Bridge to Nowhere thing had already been rendered inoperative.
Of course you’d put up an open threed right after I submit two comments on this:
Boos at the RNC
Color People Night at the RNC
and all their hacks induce the most awful potty mouth in me…I don’t think I can watch this crap anymore or I’ll need treatment for politically induced Tourette’s syndrome.
Because my 4-year-old is still up, I just keep yelling “Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!” at the Tee-Vee. Under different circumstances, I’d be yelling something much more vulgar and effective.
My kids are old enough that they yell and curse at the Republicans on teevee too.
It’s been a long election season at our house…
Yeah, I wasn’t going to mention this b/c I want to be a good parent like Sarah Palin, but my kid was yelling, “I will run over you!” at Palin…hee hee hee…
with a great big truck. 🙂
Four year olds have it down, don’t they?
Our white people dance way better than their
partywhite people. Sly and the Family Stone (Everyday People) and the Stray Cats (Rock this Town) couldn’t keep beat on either song.Megan whatever (former eBay prez) and now Fiorina, this hour’s focus must be on the ovaries.
yeah, it ain’t obvious at all, is it?
Fiorina: “I am truly honored to say I know John McCain. I am proud to support him. As a woman I support him because I know he values the contribution of women to our families and our communities. He values the contribution of women to our economy and to the governing and protection of our nation.”
Yeah, he values your contributions, he just doesn’t think you deserve to get equal pay for them.
I remember when Larry Johnson said he wanted Carly to head the CIA.
I popped in on NQ last night. They are thrilled with Palin.
Palin Chokes
Hates those candy-ass libruls.
I just wondered if anyone else noticed last night that whenever Laura bush said good things about McCain or Bush she was at the same time shaking her head no. She also did this when she said McCain will be next president if I recall correctly.
Cindy mcCain looks uneasy with sitting next to Bristol.
Roody is really making me queasy. Gawd.
nada..doesn’t sound like English to me. No time for on the Job Training, Palin. Republicans are sinking their own ship.
Rudy is really nasty. Not only is he full of shit, but his self-satisfied cackle is exceedingly hard to deal with. But what about mocking the concept of a “community organizer”– I don’t even get it– it’s so offensive. Listen to the cackle!!! “Drill baby drill”!!! They have totally lost it.
yeah, I like being personally insulted. Maybe Palin can mock the profession of educator.
community = ghetto in GOP codewords.
that’s actually pretty accurate. Obama didn’t fit that mold exactly though because he was was working with steelworkers who came in all shapes, sizes, and races. But inner-city poor is where ‘community organizers’ like Obama focus. And we’re proud of it.
but it surely has different, derogatory evocations for Republicans.
after listening to Roody’s ridiculous ass-reaming of Obama as never having “led anything”. Has McCain ever led anything? Had any “executive experience”? To my knowledge he has not…
AH– here he goes. 9/11. It was only a matter of time. I had started to wonder what was wrong…
Yeah, that was so weird…I just tuned in to listen, and practically the first words I heard were “September 11”.
I flipped to baseball, I couldn’t take the cackling any more.
nope she’s not ready for Prime Time. Reminds me that really rich children don’t serve, jenna and barbara bush, P.
is an effective, well-trained, convincing speaker. We must not underestimate her, and I am confident that Biden will not. She will not be a patsy in the VP debate, that is clear.
is all they got. Old, young, fat (mostly), thin, but very very very white.
your right she should be able to stand-toe-to-toe with Joe Biden. No low expectations for her.
Well, you seem to assume that mastery of facts and actual experience and knowledge plays no role in being successful in a debate.
no, i’m saying there should be no Low Expectations for her. I think Joe will make Sara wish she was back in Wasila.
That’s the way you lose. She is a good speaker. She was a sports person on TV for a period.
Sarah Palin. Joe Biden does not, nor hopefully will he.
Having debated Zionists for decades, I can tell you that mastery of facts, actual experience, and knowledge are not any more important that lying comfortably and using a lot of dirty tactics. I have always felt that having the facts on one’s side will eventually lead to victory, but damn, it takes a long time to defeat the liars and the dirty players.
An effective, intelligent speech, well-delivered, with a good sense of pacing.
I agree. Liberals hated it. But it was good. Dishonest. But good.
by the toxic mood in the hall.
I don’t know how you call that intelligent. Effective (to the base), yes. Well-delivered, yes.
Intelligent, no.
And honestly, I wasn’t very impressed with her delivery. I found her sense of timing quite lacking – which is to be expected with so little practice. Just about anyone could have delivered those prepared remarks as well as she did.
After 8 years of George Mangle-the-language, why would Americans care if she’s just as mediocre? After all, she’s your neighbor!
She is not to be despised. She is not the best, but I have heard much much worse.
The thing is…she has no idea that she is lying.
Are you sure she doesn’t?
I’m not sure what’s worse, though – to have no idea you’re lying, or to know it and do it anyway?
The GOP is shot through with liars that believe their own bull crap. I know, I’ve had to work with a ratpub majority for several years. Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt, as they say.
I think this is a lost opportunity. As a female, she needed to come out and just be professional. As someone posted to twitter:
I’m not going to touch the lies, because that’s what the GOP does, but this speech didn’t need to be catty. 9iu11iani already covered catty. She’s not saying why she should be VP.
This is bizarre.
I guess she figured out what the veepee does all day…looks pretty while she reads the teleprompter in a cheery little voice.
I can’t watch anymore. 3 hours of this crap and I’m ready to throw a brick through my teevee screen.
If they win, I’m moving to Italy.
Ugh. Just…ugh.
That was horrible.
I don’t mean to be overly dramatic here, but… I look at her and I see the concentration camps.
for real?
As I said, I’m being overly dramatic somewhat, but:
Religious Fanaticism + Absolute Conviction that you are right + No appreciation of your own ignorance or shortcomings + Demonization of Political Opponents + Militant Patriotism
What’s that spell?
🙂 🙂
Yeah, true. But there’s one thing…all the talk about Bush being religions is just crap…ultimately he isn’t. But she’s a true believer.
I guess that clip of her speaking in her church kinda freaked me out.
I’m not discounting your visceral reaction but I didn’t share it.
She didn’t creep me out at all. She mildly annoyed me.
One of the most depressing comments of the night. (Yours, that is.)
We felt sick listening to her. She represents close to the worst this country has to offer. She blatantly lied. She was nasty. She used her family as props. She got big cheers for suggesting that supposed terrorists shouldn’t have rights. Which I took as code for torture is ok and only weak-kneed traitors would stand up for their rights. I agree that the ridicule of Obama’s being a community worker was code for helping welfare recipients. Black welfare recipients.
I’m used to it. The kids as props did make me ill. The rest of it? It’s been that way all day everyday for at least six and a half years. It doesn’t phase me and a lot of it is very effective.
Effective? Could you expand on what you mean by that?
Expand on it?
Well, the politics of hate and fear and American pride and nationalism is all very effective in winning elections. And I look at these performances somewhat dispassionately in an effort to assess how well they may be working. Tonight was pretty good. Not great. But better than average.
Gotcha. I thought that was what you meant, but I wasn’t certain.
Your comment sums up my feelings very well. She is perfect for the Repubican ticket.
Come ON folks, don’t use odd acronyms without defining them for us dummies.
I was actually cringing at that myself, and wondering hat my dad would think of that if he were still around.
I guess the thing that scares me the most about her is that she seems to have no idea that she is lying. In contrast, I always kind of thought that (say) George Bush kind of knew. That made him seem obnoxious, but it at least showed some self-awareness.
Oh, she knows. She’s just good at making it seem as though she doesn’t. How’s that for triple entendre?
Yes, George Bush knows when he is lying – at least he knows part of the time. He totally telegraphs it with that obnoxious, smirky, nervous little heh heh heh when he knows he is lying.
As for her, it is quite possible that she really is convinced of what she is saying no matter how inconsistent it might be with reality, or even with what she said last week.
It’s an intuition. Right brain working. Not logical, but still, it comes from our humanity.
Yes, listening but really watching this woman, I got the feeling she thinks A Handmaid’s Tale was a primer.
Keith Olbermann said it right just now: “People who like this sort of thing… will find this the sort of thing they like.” He attributes it to Abraham Lincoln. Great quote, and great delivery.
Look at this “entertainment”! Is it a joke?
Low Blow, after Low Blow. Who is this woman? It is like they got some local TV anchor, hooked her up with some talking points and had her read a teleprompter. Is anyone believing this crap?
Get the local anchor that is.
This is the sickest thing I’ve seen in a long, long time. I must turn it off. I am definitely going to have nightmares. Seriously.
In case you’ve been wondering what it would be like to live on another planet, check out the email I just received from the wingnuts at
“Sarah Palin took to the podium tonight and gave the speech of a lifetime, perhaps the best nationally broadcast political introduction in the convention history, and a knock out blow to the Obama-Biden campaign and their pals in the media.
Governor Palin’s performance was phenomenal. It was amazing to be inside the XCEL Center listening, seeing the crowd’s reaction, and seeing Governor Palin take the fight to opposition.
The media has pushed the Obama campaign’s narrative for days that Governor Palin does not have enough experience to be Vice President. Tonight, she proved the media wrong. She proved the media frauds. She proved she’s tough, she’s a fighter, and yes, she can lead.
Governor Sarah Palin could lead on day one. She is ready to be President.
But Governor Palin is not running for President. She is running for Vice President with more experience than Senator Obama has and better experience than Joe Biden has.
John McCain chose wisely.
After tonight, it is clear the media’s reaction to Sarah Palin was hyperbolic, false, and filled with the anger of a Democratic opposition just now recognizing what a threat Governor Palin is to their established order.”
Sarah Palin is the real deal. Don’t doubt it.
I’m noticing how much fun politics has been lately. To some extent it’s a consequence of monumental buffoonery by the Republicans, but credit is due to cheerful Democrats who have learned that if politics is a dreary slog, nobody will participate. I’m actually wondering if a new “fun” politics (with a serious underlying agenda) might be the best way to win campaigns. Talk show host Ed Schultz has come up with a dandy idea, and I’m betting that it will produce hilarious and potentially devastating results. See below….
“Ed Schulz is hosting a town hall meeting at the University of Alaska in Anchorage. A thousand Alaskans will cough up between $25 and $100 to stand before the microphone and tell the world exactly what they think of Sarah Palin. The show will be played back on September 15th.”
They were an actual political party in Canada whose aim was to introduce some much-needed dada into Canadian politics. We haven’t had any really good satirical candidates since Pat Paulsen died.
Max Headroom‘s guest appearance as mitt romney was insane. like, totally fucking over the top insane. i loved the remark about the liberal Roberts SCOTUS. delightfully evil, staunchly in coherent.
sarah palin is a saturday night live character. Tina Fey meets the church lady meets Sally O’Malley.
rudy 9iu11iani should get a role in a remake of Nosferatu or as the Penguin in a future Batman flick.
Somebody else described Palin as the Church Lady with nukular capability.
So she stood up tonight in front of the whole country and wowed the Republican base while lying her ass off and grossly misrepresented almost every subject on which she touched.
And now all that has to happen is for the corporate media to sit down tonight and tomorrow, examine in detail all her misrepresentations and lies and report them in a clear and straightforward manner to that vast segment of the country who will only hear the soundbites and a few seconds of comment here and there by the beltway punditry before deciding whether she is fit to receive their vote.
I’ll wait with bated breath.
Palin was mocking, condescening, sarcastic, and classless. She has ZERO credibility on any national political issue. She will not even do ONE interview so voters can find out information about her.
Using one of the GOP talking points, I am pissed as an American. Who thinks this woman can run anything? Do people even know anything about Alaska? How many citizens in the lower 48 have actually visited? How many times has she been here?
So she plays victim, lies about her record and then brings out low blows on Obama, when she is clearly ignorant on issues that we are facing in the Lower 48. Remember, Alaska First, Always!
It is time to kneecap this pol.
Mark Trapp kicked ass on this thread.