Recent Posts
- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
for a humpless Wednesday.
I feel like it should be Friday already…but hey, at least CBtY is already off to school. He came home yesterday asking about private school for high school next year…
Ooh, pretty picture. The day is young and hope springs eternal for humps.
What are you up to this week?
The b2 boy started school today. Out west, they started in mid-August. Go figure.
I like the post-labor day start. The years we had late August starts to school just felt weird to me.
Does b2b like his teacher?
So-so. I just hope it doesn’t effect his work.
Well, maybe it’ll get better after the first week.
The grandkids started at their new school in PA last Tuesday. Here in MI, school doesn’t start (by law) until after Labor Day in one last effort for tourist dollars.
I didn’t realize your grandkids were in PA. Which end of the state?
(ps, I posted a Knitapalooza diary.)
Near Gettysburg – they just moved last month.. The phone & internet finally got installed today so DED & I talked for close to an hour. {g}
Hey everyone!
A quick reminder that the theme for the foto flogging this Friday will be red … anything that comes to mind.
And if you don’t have any red, no worries – post away. 🙂
Ooh, I love advance warning.
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Oh my god…she is too funny. ANd the expression on her face is priceless.
It’s the weirdest position. I can’t believe it’s comfortable.
CBtY still being enthusiastic about school?
It doesn’t look very comfortable.
He’s still happy to get up and go. He’s not crazy about the mayhem at the bus stop or the overprotective mother who waits with her 6th grader at the bus stop., but he has been doing his homework without any argument.
And Monday is the big day for CBtE to go back; we’re having his school physical today, and then I need to drop off some paperwork at the school. I think he’s more than ready to go back.
I do that position all of the time when it’s hot out and kitchen floor is cool.
You’re clearly much more limber than me. No wonder you can still hope eternally for humps.
Anyhoo, I think Bebo is using that pose to do a great imitation of a ferengi.
That doesn’t look comfy at all when you look at her legs and the back end … not so bad when you only look at the front end. 🙂
Btw, I love her the pink and black on her nose.
Hooray!!! I am back! I have been trying for oh so long to get a password. long story short, got a new computer, marital troubles, damn that real life. I know I promised you guys a pic of the new baby (not so new now sorry!) and you will have it!
oh it’s so good to be back!
baby Cake or Death! woohoo! glad to see you back
And what a cutie.
Ah, if only I could sleep like that.
What a cutie — thank you for remembering … 😀
Great to see you back!
You what’s so bad? I couldn’t help but remember that I promised that pic…about a week after I promised it I got a new computer and lost my password and all that jazz! Everytime I came to visit, it was like a major guilt trip for me. 😉 I really missed you guys sniff I might have to post a really long comment to fill you guys in.
Yay! Glad you’re back. Cute widdle baby and I hear you on the real life issues.
OH that made my day! He’s gorgeous.
So beautiful and peaceful. Thanks for sharing.
New diary is up here.
Stop by and post your own pics or just enjoy the ones that are there.
cause I slept all the way till 5:40 a.m. w00t. 😉
Hope everybody has a lovely, lazy day.
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Good morning Andi! I had a rare couple of hours on the front porch last night with a new book. I remember thinking how it felt as if a hint of fall was in the air. Cooler temps are predicted for this week.
It’s all rainy and blowy here from Hanna. Morning, everyone. 🙂
Good morning Second Nature! We finally got a little rain here after a long dry period. The outdoors beckons this morning with clear skies and cool temps, but I’ve got to work on my taxes pretty soon if I want the stimulus payment, which I need to pay my taxes…
The lord giveth and the lord taketh away…. 🙂
VaderChaney in this case.Why does the weekend go so damn fast?
But, but, but…tomorrow BOTH boys head off to school. First time with the house to ourselves since May!
On another note, am I a bad person for thinking this is funny?
I have a few questions:
Is this “tacky chic”?
Who the heck asks for a tool kit for a wedding present?
Do these people live in the Idaho backwoods?
How in the world do you find this stuff, CG?
Priceless, as they say;-)
My sentiments exactly! Good morning Andi & CabinGirl!
When I spotted this, at first I thought I’d run into Family Man’s life story documented by none other than Michael Moore! Sadly, it was not so:(
Since it has to do with bringing voting slackers to the polls, I guess I’ll watch it anyway.
Oh, cool. I’m looking forward to checking that out.
Having a pleasant Sunday, ID? I’m still lazing around, knitting and watching PBS and blogging before I have o run out and get some last minute back-to-school stuff for CBtE (new school shoes and shirts-woo-hoo).
I’ve been hesitant to mention this but Family Man has a sad post at his blog.
Thank you.
That is very sad. I really cherish the time I have with my own mom, who is over 90 now. We went for a ride to check out some colorful flower gardens earlier today.
Family Man, if you happen to stop by, please accept my sincere condolences. I’m sorry for your loss.
Thanks for letting us know, Andi.
awww my thought to the family man. i honestly don’t know what i would do without my own mother so my sympathies go out to him dearly.
Very inconsiderate of it.
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You can say that again.
CBtE was up all night with a low-grade fever and chills and headache…he finally fell asleep around 6 this morning.
Today was his first day of school, and it’s not happening.
Here is one of the 47 million uninsured trying to remove a fiberglass cast.
First, the Dremel:
Then some dull scissors:
After a trip to Home Depot, some tin snips and a lot of elbow grease courtesy of her brothers:
Finally, success, and a smelly, shrunken, dirty arm:
That actually looks like more fun than the standard cast removal. 🙂
A do-it-yourself guide.
The happiest cast removal I’ve ever seen. Maybe your kids should open a clinic. 🙂
Now let’s hope the bones are healed…
She went to an “urgent care” place to have it removed and told them she didn’t have insurance but could pay with a credit card. They wouldn’t take it off and told her she’d have to see an orthopedist first. We called and they gave us a ballpark figure of $500 for a visit, x-ray and cast removal.
That’s disgusting. It’s hard to believe that they wouldn’t take a credit card. I hope that the bone(s) is/are okay.
Lovely. Say maybe you can ask John McCain what he’d do to fix this? /snark
Pull the cast off with its own bootstraps?
American Health Care System….
There’s an oxymoron or two in that one.
Tell Ryan that when I broke my wrist. I couldn’t skate for a month after the cast was off so another month off of hay wagons for her.
Yeah, I have forbade her from coming within a quarter mile of trucks of any kind. I’m trying to figure out if she’s the unluckiest person alive getting into two accidents with trucks in two years…or the luckiest for surviving both. A fraction of an inch on that C-2 vertebrae and she’d be paralyzed. ;/
Keeping her away from trucks (I suggest she not even be allowed near a Tonka toy) sounds like the wise mommy move.
I whole heartedly agree!!
but I’m not feeling over the hump at all. The weekend feels like it’s a long way off.
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Cool picture. Reminds me of the misty feeling in my brain this morning. 🙂
Are you having a busy work week? My work load had finally picked back up, but after having the slowest August in years, I’m happy to be busy again.
And can someone please tell me, why is the start of the school year always so exhausting? Everybody is old enough to pretty much get themselves off to school (I just have to make sure they remember to get up), and I’m still dead tired by Wednesday.
Pretty busy but not overwhelming so.
And can someone please tell me, why is the start of the school year always so exhausting?
Sorry but one of the few advantages of geezerhood is the inability to remember anything you don’t want to.
Hmm, does this mean I have something to look forward to in geezerhood? Will I be able to forget the 8 years of Bush we’ve suffered through? 🙂
On another note, one of CBtE’s teachers this year has a policy that everybody has to email him their homework by 11 pm the night it was assigned or it doesn’t count. No more quickly doing his homework at school during the morning break…
I love it.
Clever — that way he’ll know who’s in trouble before they even get to school.
Well the dogs insist that I emailed them my intention to for a walk by 11 p.m. last and I need to meet my obligatins.
See ya later.
Have a great day, Andi!
You can always IM them. 😉
Hi everybody! I was unpleasantly surprised to find a message when I got home from work that the central committee PR committee needed to meet tonight. There goes another heretofore free evening. I suppose that’s what comes of being a party hack.
I’ll bet the council’s decision on the fire district must have cheered you up some.
That was the result of a really intense lobbying effort by quite a few people and, yes, I did chuckle a little.
80% tonight, 90% tomorrow, 70% Saturday, 40% Sunday. Never have I been so happy about the prospect of spending hours and hours without the satellite internet connection.
Too funny. Hope you enjoy your time in the wet. 🙂
Everything here turned nice and green again after last weekends hurricane rains.
Well I’m hoping I get wet. But with that forecast, it seems likely.
Everybody solidly back in the school mode?
Everybody back in school mode?
There appears to be some conspiracy designed to ensure that both children never leave home at the same time. CBtY came home from school at lunchtime with the fever that CBtE had earlier this week. I’m watching his bus pull away without him as I type this…
Maybe tomorrow?
CBtE seems to be off to a good start, though. This year, he’s required to participate in at least 1 interscholastic sport, so he’s running cross country this fall. I’m glad because he needs more physical activity and I think it will help with his concentration at school too.
What are you up to today? Squeezing in a walk before the rain starts?
Oh sorry about the sickie. Bummer … that you can’t have the house emptied out of kiddies. 😉
Well Bebo is whining away for me to go RIGHT NOW. Which I guess I will. I walk, though, in the rain as long as it isn’t pouring.
See ya.
Have a good walk, Andi.
It was a lovely walk but what’s even lovelier is that I’ve lost the satellite internet because it’s pouring (now if it’ll just rain and not storm so I don’t lose electricity, everything will be truly grand).
Sorry to hear about the internet service. We recently gave up the dial-up and switched to DSL. It has been mostly reliable, even in rough weather.
I would love to get DSL or cable but neither are available here so satellite (which goes away whenever it rains hard) is our only choice for something faster than dial-up. But I hope you are enjoying your DSL. I am jealous.
But… wasn’t the big telecom deregulation bill that breezed through the Indiana General Assembly a couple of years ago promise ALL of us rural dwellers a broadband connection to our front doors? Gosh, I don’t understand.
Well if it isn’t my favorite (and, judging by your other comment, happiest) political hack. 🙂
And yes, I’m mystified that Ditch Mitch’s profound efforts didn’t seem to yield profound effects.
Can anyone walk me through the procedure of posting a “url” on the BooMan Tribune. I got some great You Tubes re Sarah Palin and I want to post the link for member of the pond. I am old but thorough, aged but wise, adevanced in years but a real trickster in speech and action. Many thanks.
On the youtube site there is a white box that says “embed”….you just copy that and paste it into your BT comment. However, you have to remove the part of the HTML where it says “allow full screen”.
Thank-you thank-you, thank-you, thank-you yet again.
this is the short- short- version btw…
My second pregnancy is not what would most would be expecting…
My first pregnancy was quite the surprise…not unlike the second. I honestly am not sure to this day what made either different. Maybe it was the state of mind, the economy, whatever you want to call it….
The hubby was definitely not thrilled about the second pregnancy. at all. wanted me to either get an abortion or give him up for adoption. neither of which i could do.
i am one of those people who feel…abortion for thee but not for me…
The hubby of course was not happy with my decision…which almost ended in divorce. Longer story shorter… after some counseling…we are still together, with both children. He resents the hell out of me but what could i do? thankfully he doesn’t resent the kiddo which is all i could ask of him. so that’s what where i have been the last year or so…
make sense why i have been gone so long?
i have seriously missed the hell out of you guys.
We’re glad you’re back, too. And I hope that some of the mellow of the cafe will rub off on your hubby.
No wonder you haven’t been around. (((Hugs)))
Glad you’re back.
Welcome back. 🙂 Hope things get easier for you.
Ice Cream 911
This is from the 911 tribute on the coast here in Malibu.
My stepson`s friend set this up, & has worked on the project for a few years, I found out today. He did a very nice job.
There was no speeches, no sponsor`s logos etc.
Just a lot of nice mellow people.
I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed being there, but I`m sure my granddaughters had a little bit (a lot) to do with it.
Please click on the image for a better appreciation of the mood & setting.
Have a nice day.
That is is really great set of photos but this one is just definitely and literally the standout. Beautiful.
Wow. Great photo! I like how the stripes in her shirt echo the flags (or vice versa?) and same with the wind rippling her hair and the flags.
looks like a great photo for a new cafe. 😉
I’ll do that. I wanted to give people a chance to catch this morning’s comments. so I’ll change it over closer to lunchtime.
And wonder of wonders, I have a CB-free house this morning (CBtE’s drug allergy rash went away overnight, so he went back to school). Woo-hoo!
Happiness all round — it rained here overnight and it just started up again (so I even had a break for a walk).
Glad both boys are recovered … and out of your hair.
Thank you Andif & Cabin Girl,
I really have to run out the door, as I`m late, but have a great day.
This week’s Friday Foto Flogging is up. Stop by and show us what ya got.
Oh yeah and when you do, please give us a rec.
Happy almost weekend.
Hi and bye! See y’all in the foto flog.
It’s so nice to have wet dog smell in the house again. And judging by the forecast, that particular air freshener is going to around for the weekend. 🙂