After last night we now know what the major and minor themes of this campaign will be. Not that it was totally unexpected but the Republican trump cards will be the same ones they’ve employed throughout their last 8 years of power: fear and hate.
Hatred of liberals. Hatred of government. Hatred of Black People. Hatred of Latinos. Hatred of gays, lesbians and transsexuals. Hatred of the media. Hatred of “elites” (i.e., people who went to Ivy League schools, university professors, blah, blah, blah). Hatred of unions. Sarah Palin’s speech was simply stuffed to the gills with the theme of hate, as was the speech given by Rudy Guliani. It was one long exegesis of how poor Republicans and hard working (white) Americans are being victimized by Democrats, Liberals and Minorities. The constant sarcastic references to “community organizers” was classic dog whistle politics, and dog whistle really is a poor metaphor for how their message was conveyed…because they displayed little subtlety about what they meant. The speeches and the tone in which they were given were clearly intended to express disdain and hatred for all things liberal, progressive and Democratic.
It was also clearly intended to convey a racist message: Don’t vote for the black guy, fellow white people. He isn’t one of us, he doesn’t share “our “Christian” values. He’s an affirmative action baby, so he isn’t qualified to lead this country. He’s out of touch with your concerns. He won’t keep the country safe because deep down, he doesn’t love it like we do. You can’t trust him to keep the terrorists out. You can’t trust him to keep your family safe from illegal aliens and/or criminals (i.e., scary black and brown people).
Those are the major themes. What are the minor ones? Well, they are all related to issues of personality. Obama is unqualified to be President. McCain is a hero with years of experience who knows what it takes to win the war on terror. Republicans care out life (i.e., they oppose abortion) and Democrats don’t. McCain and Palin are the real reformers. Obama and Biden are the Washington game players. McCain’s an authentic American. Obama is not. McCain’s a regular guy. Obama is an elitist snob and a shyster. As you can see, the minor themes are designed to reinforce the major themes of the Republicans.
What is also clear is the almost total absence of any emphasis on issues. The war? Practically a non-topic. The economy? Ditto. Only in the area of Energy do the Republicans offer anything approaching a substantive policy proposal, and its been one that is hardly unfamiliar or unexpected: the claim that we can solve our energy problems and lower gas prices by drilling for more domestic oil in coastal areas and in (big surprise) ANWR. Other than that, the Republicans don’t really have much to say about the issues. They continue to beat the drum for more tax cuts, less government, a bigger military, more wars, and a go it alone approach to foreign affairs. It’s essentially four more (or eight more years) of the Bush administration. In other words, denial and distraction from the important issues which concern most people.
I don’t know if their divisive political tactics, emphasizing personal attacks and extreme partisanship will win again this year for McCain like they did for Bush in 2000 and 2004. I think their strategy is to try to keep the election close (within a margin of no more than 5% nationally), suppress the hell out of the African American and Latino vote in key states like Florida, Ohio, Michigan, etc. and hope to squeeze out a narrow electoral victory in November. It’s a classic Rove campaign. Fire up the base. Demonize your opponent with smears and lies. Get out your vote and keep your opponents from voting. It worked in 2000 because Gore ran a terrible campaign and the media played into Bush’s hands, repeating GOP talking points with little or no fact checking. It worked in 2004 because Kerry ran a poor campaign and fear was still enough of a motivation to make people reluctant to pull the lever for a Democrat, even if he was a war hero.
It didn’t work in 2006, however, in the Congressional elections. People were fed up with the direction of the country, with the economy, with the war, and they blamed Republcans for that. I think they will continue to blame Republicans for the current economic mess we find ourselves in. I expect the Democrats to hold onto their majorities in the House and Senate regardless of how the Presidential election goes.
So it will all come down to this in the end: will enough white people vote for the black man running for President? Will enough of them overcome the implied message of bigotry, negative stereotypes, and fear of the other which the Republicans will push to vote for a biracial man who offers as his major campaign themes hope and change? We’ll find out in about eight weeks.
yes they will. The GOP is selling dogshit and people are noticing the smell.
I called arlen specter’s office and asked if our local republican organizer, J Matt Wolfe, does more or less than a small town mayor or PTA president for the local republican party.
I’m going to call back and ask about Paul revere.
Paul Revere was a pansy that ran from the terrorists.
oh yes, i forgot about that.
I believe that Thomas Jefferson ws just a flowery orater, and in these tough times words don’t mean anything.
or something like that.
Yet isn’t it amazing how many people still eat the stuff?
my capacity for wonderment was broken by the last eight years.
hate and fear distract. Hate and fear won’t fill empty bellies or put a roof over our heads.
Yesterday I heard a disgusting news item on NPR’s All Things Considered
Betcha, the GOP won’t talk about this at their convention.
In Ohio, there are special routing for school buses to pick up HOMELESS kids to bring them to school.
Homeless kids. Yet in one Ohio town there are 40,000 empty houses. You got to be kidding. —while we bail out Wall Street by the trillions and they’re crying for more.
This is America, the result of eight years of Bush’s economy.
Last night we saw Tonya Harding with a speechwriter. She offered almost nothing of substance. She’s positive we should be paranoid. She mocked constitutional rights. Well screw you, Nananook of the Nazis. The stuff about putting the governor’s jet on E-Bay was cute but other than that she did what reactionaries always accused hippies of doing — she tore down but she didn’t build up. She did something that no hippie was ever accused of doing, she fortified the luxury bunker where the rich and powerful hide. The creepy thing is that she did it in the guise of an American every woman. She sold herself as a great administrator, even though she couldn’t manage to keep a carwash open in the the muddiest state in the union. . “
One week before the election Rove will covertly sprinkle about the news cycles some extremely nasty (as perceived by the idiots comprising our electorate) tidbits concerning Obama. Orgies with white women while in college. Membership with subversive organizations. Secret trips to murky nations assisting in our downfall. Bribes, graft, payments to blackmailers to keep vague scandals at bay. The press will dutifully report it all, careful to add the provision they’re of course unproven hearsay that nevertheless needs brought out in the open. After all, if such rumors swirled about Palin and McCain they’d report them too, right? Ignoring the fact Democratic operatives generally don’t stoop to such vile absurdities. It’s coming, bet on it.
So what’s everyone’s takes on the speech? I didn’t watch it, but the consensus seems to be that it would solidify the GOP base and nothing else, although my sense is that the netroots fears it may have done more than that.
As BooMan said, Sarah Palin is a very convincing liar.
But let’s face it, up until last night the GOP had nothing to cheer about or rally behind. They were going to sit out.
Now they’re raring to go. It was a pure red meat fest, and the GOP is going to rally to the banner of hate and fear behind her.
I honestly think she’s turned off a lot of independent women…but gained a lot of conservative ones. It was close before Palin, and it will remain close after.
All the GOP has to do is steal Colorado and Virginia I think, and it’s over.
add the silent majority of moderate Republicans who’ll be voting for steady, thoughtful leadership.
Obama’s people have gamed this ploy out, as they have gamed the other possible rethug moves. Obama has for a long time been playing the ‘I’m a uniter, not a divider’ theme. The thug assault on Democrats plays into his hands. He has also acquired a degree of confidence from the non-reactionary American public in his leadership and personal qualities. The obvious play for him at this point is Reagan’s ‘There you go again.’ That phrase gives people in the middle a place to lodge and think critically about the Rethug message. Obama’s surrogates can then go out and do the dirty, to the degree it isn’t carried out by an MSM which is now truly scared at the prospect of a McCain-Palin presidency.
Yes, absolutely we can. I’m a believer that natural selection will take care of the mutants and we will continue with our evolution.
After The Gold Rush – Neil Young
We knew Rove had joined the McCain campaign. The Palin speech – read it, didn’t listen – is straight from his playbook: appeal to the Conservative and Christian Right with emotive appeals, fire-up the base. Even the attack on Community Organizers is Rove’s standard tactic of attacking an opponents strength. And lie, lie, lie.
This barely worked in ’00 and ’04, didn’t work in ’06.
We’ll know next week were how well it worked and where we stand.
Side stepping speculation we can note:
Of this list Rove’s Tactics can directly affect #3 and #4 in a ‘good’ way; it will directly affect #1, #2, and #5 negatively. #6 is the one to watch.
I like community organizers, but I wouldn’t want my daughter to marry one.