Of all the stories and rumors swirling about Soap Opera Sarah Palin, the one about her selling a jet on eBay is one of the least significant. But it’s important because, along with the story about opposing the Bridges to Nowhere, it formed part of her introduction…her Creation Story for a national audience. And, just like her account of her position on the Bridges to Nowhere, her story about the eBay jet is so misleading as to border on fiction.
The Chicago Tribune: Palin claim on eBay plane sale doesn’t fly
The Washington Post: Governor’s Plane Wasn’t Sold on Ebay
“You know what I enjoyed the most? She took the luxury jet that was acquired by her predecessor, and sold it on eBay — and made a profit!” McCain declared in Wisconsin at a campaign stop Friday.
She listed it on eBay but it didn’t sell. It was sold in the ordinary way, through a broker. And it was sold at a loss.
In fact, the jet did not sell on eBay. It was sold to a businessman from Valdez named Larry Reynolds, who paid $2.1 million for the plane — shy of the $2.7 million purchase price — according to news reports at the time. Reynolds contributed to Palin’s campaign in 2006.
So, one of her campaign contributors bought the jet and received a steep discount. But, you might be asking yourself, isn’t it a good thing that she sold the jet and rid Alaska of this ridiculous extravagance? Well, that’s a mixed story. Alaska is huge…much bigger than Texas. Air travel is not a luxury for a governor of such a large state. But, more to the point, the jet wasn’t just some toy.
Also, while Palin characterized the plane as an extravagance of former Gov. Frank Murkowski, who arranged for its purchase in November 2005, the plane saw heavy use transporting Alaskan convicts.
Alaska does not have adequate prison capacity and contracts for space with a private facility near Phoenix. On Thursday, 24 percent of the 4,546 Alaskans in jail or in prison were serving their time at Arizona’s Red Rock Correctional Center, said a spokesman for the Alaska Department of Corrections.
When the state first began using the plane in November 2005, prisoner transport accounted for 58 percent of the jet’s use, and Murkowski’s office used it 23 percent of the time. Over time, Murkowski’s usage increased.
Today, the U.S. Marshals Service transports 90 percent of Alaska prisoners to Arizona.
The last U.S. Marshal flights to and from Arizona transported 145 prisoners at a cost of $127,000, or about $875 per prisoner. That’s cheaper than the jet, whose per-prisoner cost averaged $1,674.
There’s an argument that by using the U.S. Marshals Service, Alaska has halved the cost of transporting prisoners. That’s a good thing. On the other hand, the state of Alaska took a $600,000 loss on the sale of the jet.
What’s more important than whether the jet saved or cost money, or whether it was justified or an extravagance, is that Sarah Palin’s Creation Story is phony. She has a whole life to extol and the two pillars of that life that the McCain campaign chose to highlight have both turned out to be false. She supported the Bridges to Nowhere before she opposed them. She didn’t sell the jet on eBay and she didn’t sell it at a profit. The sale of the jet was always a gimmick. It was an unfair attack on Frank Murkowski that was turned into a stunt. And the Palins have used this to create a mythology about being crusaders for reform.
The American people have had enough shading of the truth from our public officials. We’ve been lied to habitually over the last eight years. For Sarah Palin to come out of the box telling lies and distortions about her record is a very bad sign. Lying about unimportant stuff that is easily debunked with a simple google seach? We’ve had enough of that. Enough!!
The Barracuda is as phony as a three dollar bill.
In all reality, the Bush administration is hardly the first to lie to the people. Politicians lie to get what they want, or to avoid responsibility for their actions. Show me one that doesn’t.
It does certainly appear that the Bush administration has lied more frequently and more egregiously than others. It is also worth bringing up that the Sarah Palin narrative does appear to be a web made more of lies than of truth.
The woman gave me the creeps the first time I saw her on TV, and the more I learn about her the more creeped out she makes me feel.
This formulation is all over the net and seems to be in the Obama campaign as well. I realize people enjoy throwing Republican taunts back at them, but the formulation is weak. It is much stronger, and more accurate, really to simply say she was for it, as she was until it was a dead letter, which is the only period that matters. Also, calling her a liar is stronger than calling her an equivocator. In addition, we should not be retroactively legitimizing attacks on Kerry: we have to learn to have the backs of our own people, save where they are really out of line.
we’re at the 59 days to go dash and Josh Marshall has a question:
Isn’t Palin supposed to move to Cheney’s undisclosed location after she gets elected, not before?
swift-boating has taken a new form,, the swift-boat of lies, that if you tell enough of them they..the lies..take on a semblance of the truth. Because you cannot dispel so many lies at once.
This is nothing new. The lie and lie and lie until your lies become truth is as old as politics.
Labeling her as a pathological liar, the same as Bush, Cheney and McCain should be a talking point of every Obama surrogate. The Republicans would be running with this silly Ebay and Bridge to Nowhere crap.
Question, do the wars in Iraq/Afhganistan still exist?
the barracuda’s problems at home are going to be a distraction. the ethics investigation has gone into high gear, they were preparing subpoenas, although sarah “barracuda” palin was being given the opportunity to make good on her promise to cooperate. but l think this might change that:
alas that will not come to pass…
classy, eh
couldn’t be because there’s any wrong doing, on her part tho…could it? maybe the fact that they moved the date for the release of the report up?…most assuredly not what the RATs would have preferred.
this lady’s a disaster looking for a place to happen.
More Sarah stories…
Alaskans Speak (In A Frightened Whisper): Palin Is “Racist, Sexist, Vindictive, And Mean”
Definitely worth the read.
She has her own small plane? Fine, that ought to be used for personal business only, not mixed… unless she wants the people of Alaska to pay for all her travel costs!
What does the next Governor of Alaska have?
Will Alaska have to buy a new jet? (Of, course!)
At what cost?
Just like that state-owned dairy that ended up in the private hands of her crony, the state-owned plane ends up in the private hands of her crony… what else is she selling at a loss to benefit the jackals who contributed to her campaigns and hang around the back for handouts?