I see John McCain and Sarah Palin are still going to be campaigning together next week. That kind of cuts down on how much territory they can cover.

Gay groups battle over the meaning of Palin:

“Governor Palin is an inclusive Republican who will help Sen. McCain appeal to gay and lesbian voters,” said Log Cabin President Patrick Sammon. “She’s a mainstream Republican who will unite the party and serve John McCain well as vice president.”

But John Marble, spokesperson for National Stonewall Democrats, called Palin a “champion of anti-LGBT special interests.” Marble noted her 1998 support of a state constitutional amendment approved by voters that bans gay marriage and her 2006 opposition to domestic partner benefits for state employees.

More evidence that John McCain is running a Flintstones campaign in a Jetson’s world.

…McCain aides claim that they are surprised by the turnout. Staff had projected only 1,000 to show up yesterday for a morning rally in a Milwaukee suburb, they said, while an estimated 12,000 ended up flooding Cedarbury’s small-town streets.

But unlike Barack Obama’s campaign, McCain’s doesn’t know who any of them are. From the outset of his candidacy, Obama has required attendees to pre-register for tickets to his events, an innovation in data collection that has given the campaign reams of new information on potential supporters that can be used for later contact and persuasion.

McCain has no immediate plans to require the growing throngs at his events to register, according to adviser Charlie Black, who cited the demands such a program would place on campaign labor and technology.

Best Headline goes to the New York Daily News: Use of ‘Barracuda’ for Sarah Palin nets GOP a Heart attack.