I see John McCain and Sarah Palin are still going to be campaigning together next week. That kind of cuts down on how much territory they can cover.
Gay groups battle over the meaning of Palin:
“Governor Palin is an inclusive Republican who will help Sen. McCain appeal to gay and lesbian voters,” said Log Cabin President Patrick Sammon. “She’s a mainstream Republican who will unite the party and serve John McCain well as vice president.”
But John Marble, spokesperson for National Stonewall Democrats, called Palin a “champion of anti-LGBT special interests.” Marble noted her 1998 support of a state constitutional amendment approved by voters that bans gay marriage and her 2006 opposition to domestic partner benefits for state employees.
More evidence that John McCain is running a Flintstones campaign in a Jetson’s world.
…McCain aides claim that they are surprised by the turnout. Staff had projected only 1,000 to show up yesterday for a morning rally in a Milwaukee suburb, they said, while an estimated 12,000 ended up flooding Cedarbury’s small-town streets.
But unlike Barack Obama’s campaign, McCain’s doesn’t know who any of them are. From the outset of his candidacy, Obama has required attendees to pre-register for tickets to his events, an innovation in data collection that has given the campaign reams of new information on potential supporters that can be used for later contact and persuasion.
McCain has no immediate plans to require the growing throngs at his events to register, according to adviser Charlie Black, who cited the demands such a program would place on campaign labor and technology.
Best Headline goes to the New York Daily News: Use of ‘Barracuda’ for Sarah Palin nets GOP a Heart attack.
They shoulda used Radiohead’s Creep.
Barbie and John in Lee Summit. I know I sounding sexist, but Sarah was chosen in part to make a 72 year-old man look younger.
And that’s also why they chose the John Knox Pavilion in Lee Summit: a senior retirement community is crammed full of people so much older than McCain that he’ll look spunky and healthy in comparison!
It will be hard to find someone whiter this side of a mortuary table, but an old folk’s home is a good place to search.
Look younger? Don’t think it is working. Worse than that, she is reminding voters just how old McCain is and that Palin is just a heart beat away. She’s certainly not looking presidential in any sense of the term.
Yeah – what weird reasoning that standing next to someone much younger would make McCain look younger. It seems to me the opposite is far more likely.
As for her looking presidential, she doesn’t look it or sound it. She sounds like a midwestern housewife with serious attitude problems.
I’m going to stick with the Regis Philburn theory, he always has a younger female co-host to make him look more vibrant and younger.
Old man..younger woman…viagra…the American Dream.
It’s not working.
but it is true, Regis and Kathy Lee, Regis is 76 years old would u have guessed. His ratings went up when he found a younger co=host named Kathy Lee.
Old man McCain…younger Sarah..its a formulate whether u believe it or not.
Well I suppose it matters just who is looking. McCain made no revisions in his appearance to look younger, like dyeing his hair or getting a face lift. It can make a difference.
What is the evidence his ratings went up because sitting next to a younger woman made him look younger?
why are you so against this idea..it as if your a Republican??
What has using logic and asking for evidence got to do with being Republican?
What is the evidence that his ratings went up because sitting next to a younger woman makes him look younger?
Gee! I guess Frank Rich is a Republican too! He too doesn’t see the logic of claiming that standing next to a younger woman makes an old man look younger:
“SARAH PALIN makes John McCain look even older than he is.“
well she does fit this social rule, no
The “half-your-age-plus-seven” rule
Graph of the “Half-Your-Age-Plus-Seven” Rule
Graph of the “Half-Your-Age-Plus-Seven” Rule
The “half-your-age-plus-seven rule” is one rule of thumb defining a mathematical formula to judge whether the age difference in an intimate relationship is socially acceptable.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] Mathematically speaking, the rule is:
{text{Age of Younger Individual} ge cfrac{text{Age of Older Individual}}{2} + 7}
There’s a FORMULA to determine whether an age difference is socially acceptable?! GAWD!
BUT, this argument is irrelevant to the question of whether standing next to a younger woman makes an old geezer look younger. Maybe this is in the eye and mind of the beholder, but it works the opposite for me and for a lot of other people.
In our society why do men date younger woman. It’s not to make the old man look younger, why does 76 year-old Regis have a young co-host–not to make him look older.
whether you willing to admit it or not, Palin is on the ticket to make the old geezer look younger, more healthy and energetic. She fits the formula above and therefore, the Repugs are tapping into some social norm in our psyche.
I guess does an older VP candidate make McCain look younger. Palin’s youth, fills in the gap, like Biden’s Foreign Policy experience fills in a gap in Obama’s background.
I post, you decide. But your defense of a repug..is questionable.
This is beautifully and wittily laid-out, and explains so much about the choice of somebody so obviously unqualified.
Of course, she’s a maguffin… the newscycles and blogosphere alike have fixated upon her like a slow-motion train wreck where we are all unwitting passengers… and the rest of the world is falling apart unnoticed. Prime ministers dodge bullets, economies falter, nations invade each other… and we’re looking at a narcissistic little redhot momma?
Remember the fixation upon Clinton’s impeachment… what else was transpiring internationally, and totally ignored? Missing white women and trapped toddlers in wells usually hold the newscycle for a few days, however, the Republicans need to distract attention for a couple of months. That requires layers of scandal adding chum to already bloodied waters. She’s got it all: probable insurance fraud, imperialistic firing of staffers deemed not submissive enough, banned books, messy divorces, lies about anything and everything, multi-generational teen pregnancies, creationism, Secession, illegal bounty-hunting, treasonous giving of information to the enemy, massive corruption, selling off government property to cronies, eminent domain, and god-wants-this-war holy crusader zeal (off the top of my head, there’s far more). There are enough scandals to keep readers fixated for years and years… while Rove does what with the voting machines? Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
The air has been sucked out of political discussion. What about the economy? What about torture? What about the illegal wars? What about our Rights under the Constitution? Habaeas corpus, anybody? What about the national debt? What about the environment?
They can hide Ms. Palin away while they program her like a Chatty Cathy doll (8 different talking points!), but they can’t both hide. I suggest demanding answers from McCain… and no cheating like he did at Saddleback!!! We want more than talking points. We want solutions. We want accountability.
This isn’t to say that we need to let up. More scandals will fall out of the closet and help to bring that party down. However, we do need to keep priorities straight.
We can establish our own frame for issues that matter!!! It will be tough, but we can do it.
Yes. We. Can.
Example: Why did she have time for a meeting with AIPAC, but not a single press conference or interview all week… when she ought to have introduced herself to as many viewers as possible? If Israel is getting the US to wage yet another dirty war on its behalf, shouldn’t that be more newsworthy than a babydaddy and his tattoo? Endless neocon wargasms should be the focus, with her as merely the lead-in to the discussion of who is really controlling our foreign policy. How many members of the Administration hold dual citizenship?!?!?
Example: Secessionists, confederates, rednecks… if Volker cursed America and the flag… and her husband and herself have been part of his Alaskan Independence movement (AKIP) for years and years… exactly what does she pledge allegiance to? What does it mean to be American? With the idiotically-labeled Patriot Act and the erosion of our Rights, perhaps the focus ought to be upon restoring the Constitution, not shredding it further. Her little foray into land-grabbing for self-enrichment is the adjunct, but every country has speculators who try to take supreme power by rabble-rousing… what makes America different? Is America a loose Confederation of Convenience (like an Italian or Pakistani Parliament) or a Union of States? The Lincoln-Douglas debates concerned state’s rights… and we saw the bloodshed a decade later. Is that what she wants?
Example: education… why teach religion (creationism) when you have a population that is 67% below the poverty line? Unless there is a job market for TV preachers, perhaps biology and chemistry would be better for college? Is that ice hockey rink fiasco of hers a better use of funds than a high-tech vocational center? The lack of sex ed and how many unwanted teen pregnancies (with Bristol losing 5-8 months of school)? Alaska as the biggest welfare state in terms of handouts? We can use her as the example of what not to do, without losing sight of the bigger issue of innovation, education, and a strong economic underpinning to survive globally.
Let’s reframe the issues. This is a start.
“her husband and herself have been part of his Alaskan Independence movement (AKIP) for years and years“
Apparently not. It seems the Alaskan Independence people have retracted that claim.
Her husband’s membership for at least 6 years is a matter of record.
Her enthusiastic support is a matter of record.
Her videotaped address to their convention is a matter of record.
Their founder’s exhortations to infiltrate other parties where needed to gain political power is ALSO a matter of record.
Covert operations.
ANY researcher can go through the records and balance them against a hasty denial-when-caught.
The fact that records and images and entire websites are being pulled from the Internet only validates the concerns, and exposes their weakness. Information once made public can never be totally expunged from the layers of cached files. In ancient Egypt, people went through with chisels, trying to change the record. It didn’t work then and it won’t work now.