The Republicans nominated a clearly unsuitable nominee in Sarah Palin.  They continue to say that “she is more experienced than Obama or Biden”.  This test is ludicrous in the extreme, and just demonstrates how desperate they are.

However, how can the obvious fact that she is unsuitable be framed?

Well, that’s actually pretty simple.  The frame is “who won a primary?” or “Who looked legit in the primaries?”

With Barack Obama, we have a man who appeared before thousands of people over a 19 month period and who won more votes than anyone else.  The VOTERS passed on his qualifications.  They decided “Barack is qualified”.

With Joe Biden, same deal.  Of course, he did not win any primaries.  But he was considered a perfectly legit candidate.  Standing up in front of crowds at the debates, he looked perfectly at home, and was considered legit.  Mike Gravel was not considered legit.

McCain passes the same test.

But, what about Palin?  Can anyone IMAGINE Palin standing up there in the first couple debates, with Brownback, McCain, Thompson, etc.  She would have been laughed out of there.

Experience is not a legit argument against Obama.  The voters chose him, and IPSO FACTO, he is legit and has the relevant experience.  However, at this point, the Obama people are still treating the question as a reasonable one, when it is not.